45 research outputs found


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    Crimes are increasingly rampant among the community, crimes that often occur and are familiar to society, namely fraud. Rules regarding fraud already exist, which are regulated in the provisions of article 378 of the Criminal Code, but fraud still occurs which disturbs the community. The purpose of this research is first to find out and analyze the factors behind fraud and how to overcome them. Second to know and analyze the application of material criminal law and whether there is a deterrent effect., third to know and analyze the judge's consideration in sentencing perpetrators of Fraud Crimes in decision Number 1041/Pid.B.2022/PN.Tng. In research using normative legal research methods. The approach used is a normative juridical approach, namely legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary data as basic material for research by conducting searches on regulations and literature related to the problem under study. The results of the study found factors behind the criminal act of fraud, economic factors intended to meet lifestyle, and economic factors to meet the cost of living, as well as the opportunity for fraud. The way to overcome it is done with Pre-emptive Efforts, Preventive Efforts, Repressive Efforts. The application of the Material Criminal Law given to perpetrators of fraud is regulated in Article 378, the sentencing of the accused is not retribution for his actions, but is intended to provide a deterrent effect so that he improves himself and will not repeat again. The judge's legal consideration in sentencing the perpetrators of fraud crimes in decision number 1041/Pid.B.2022/PN.Tng is based on valid evidence, and based on the concept of justice applied to the Defendant Asianih imprisonment for 8 (eight) months, this decision the panel of judges finds it difficult to fulfill justice for fraud victims.   Keywords :  Fraud, Crime,  Justice &nbsp

    Implementation of Accounts Receivable Control Against the Risk of Doubtful Accounts at PT. Radhar Delta Bersaudara Sidoarjo Branch

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of internal control of accounts receivable against the risk of bad debts. The author finds that this research is important to become new knowledge about internal control of accounts receivable in a company. This research uses a qualitative approach. This research was conducted at the PT. Radhar Delta Bersaudara, Sidoarjo branch. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the internal control of accounts receivable for the risk of bad debts at PT. Radhar Delta Bersaudara has done very well as evidenced by a decrease in the number of uncollectible accounts from 2015-2019

    Pengaruh Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Volume Penjualan PT. Surabaya Makmur Jaya Tahun 2020

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    The impact of Covid 19 has a significant impact on various aspects of the world, including Indonesia, especially the industrial sector. This can be seen from the lethargy of the industry that many of us encounter in the form of stalled activities of some industrial sectors. Affected industries led to workforce cuts and a decrease in sales volume. This study aims to describe the volume of sales at PT Surabaya Makmur Jaya during the Covid 19 pandemic. The method used in this study is qualitative, the approach used in the form of case studies. The data source in this study is the primary data source obtained from internal data of PT Surabaya Makmur Jaya compan


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    The objective of this study is to find out whether or not there is a significant difference on students’ reading comprehension achievement between the students who were taught by using DR-TA strategy and those who were taught by using teachers’ strategy at the second year students of SMP Negeri 3 Palembang. This research was conducted through quasi-experimental method and used nonequivalent control group design. The population was 458 students of the second year of SMP Negeri 3 Palembang in the academic year 2013/2014. Seventy four students were chosen as the sample by using convenience sampling technique. The sample was assigned into two groups; the experimental group and the control group. Each group consisted of thirty seven students. The data were obtained by multiple choice tests. A test was given both to the experimental and control groups but only one group given treatment. The result of the test was analyzed by means of SPSS 16. Based on the result of the data analysis that is the result of hypothesis testing using independent sample t-test, the significant difference was found the p-output (0.000) lower than 0.05. It means that, there was a significant difference between students’ pretest and posttest scores in experimental group taught using DR-TA strategy. Therefore, it can be concluded that DR-TA strategy was significantly improved. The writer also found that most of the students of both groups made a good reading improvement. However, there were still some students who were poor in reading comprehension achievement.


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    This research entitled "Implementation of Class XII Entrepreneurship Learning In SLB Negeri A Bandung city. The problem discussed in this research is how the plan, implementation, obstacles, efforts and evaluation of entrepreneurial learning for students with visual impairment in SLBN A Bandung city. The objective to be achieved from this research process is to know the description of the entrepreneurship applied to blind students in SLBN A Bandung city. The approach used is qualitative and described narratively, to reveal the implementation of class XII entrepreneurship learning in SLBN A Bandung city. Data collection techniques in this research are interview, observation and documentation study. The results of research on the implementation of entrepreneurial learning in students with visual impairment is the learning plan for students there is no special requirement to follow the learning and RRP used following the curriculum 2013. Implementation of entrepreneurial learning with the given material is cultivating catfish, sate maranggi and compost processing. The obstacles in the implementation of learning is the lack of learning resources and learning media that can be used as a support in teaching and learning activities. Efforts to overcome these obstacles by varying media and learning resources that can support the learning and teaching process. Entrepreneurship learning is one of the capital for students in running life in society. The implications of teachers should be more attention to the uniqueness of students, and they can also be used as a reference in determining the needs so that it can create a special learning program in order to develop all the potential that is still owned by students. ----- Penelitian ini berjudul “Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Kelas XII Di SLB Negeri A Kota Bandung. Masalah yang di bahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana rencana, pelaksanaan, hambatan, upaya dan evaluasi pembelajaran kewirausahaan bagi siswa tunanetra di SLBN A Kota Bandung. Tujuan yang ingi dicapai dari proses penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran tentang kewirausahan yang diterapkan pada siswa tunanetra di SLBN A Kota Bandung. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan dideskripsikan secara naratif, untuk mengungkap pelaksanaan pembelajaran kewirausahaan kelas XII di SLBN A Kota Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian tentang pelaksanaan pembelajaran kewirausahaan pada siswa tunanetra yaitu rencana pembelajaran bagi siswa tidak ada persyaratan khusus untuk mengikuti pembelajaran tersebut dan RRP yang digunakan mengikuti kurikulum 2013. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran kewirausahaan dengan materi yang diberikan yaitu membudidayakan ikan lele, sate maranggi dan pengolahan pupuk kompos. Adapun hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran adalah kurangnya sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan sebagai penunjang dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Upaya mengatasi hambatan tersebut dengan cara memvariasikan media dan sumber belajar yang bisa menunjang proses belajar dan mengajar. Pembelajaran kewirausahaan merupakan salah satu modal bagi siswa dalam menjalankan kehidupan di masyarakat. Implikasi sebaiknya guru lebih perhatian terhadap keunikan siswa, dan mereka juga bisa dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan kebutuhan sehingga bisa membuat sebuah program pembelajaran secara khusus guna mengembangkan segala potensi yang masih dimiliki oleh siswa

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Pelayanan Online Shop Kara Project

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    Customer satisfaction is the level of buyer sentiment after thinking between what is obtained and assumptions.  This inspection is intended to find out how big the level of customer satisfaction is given by Kara Project to its buyers. This study uses 5 components of service quality to determine the level of customer satisfaction depending on tangible evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The motivation behind using these five measures or the servqual measure in estimating gaps.The procedure for collecting information uses a poll given to 80 respondents, after which validation and reliability tests are carried out using SPSS. This investigation obtained the average gap in each measurement: Tangible (- 4.78), Reliability (- 7.78), Responsive (- 12.78), Assurance (- 16.22), and Empathy (- 4.89). Therefore, it is stated that respondents really view the service quality of the Kara Project Business as something very negative


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    The objective of this study was to increasing vocabulary and learning activeness of fifth grade students at Insan Mandiri Cendekia Palembang. The method which used in this study is classroom action research where it took place in 2 cycles. The result of this study found that there was improvement of students’ vocabulary and learning activeness. The score of minimum completeness criteria of English lesson was 70. In vocabulary test cycle 1, there were 16students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 49% of students. And in vocabulary test cycle 2, there were 29 students who passed the minimum completeness criteria or 89% of students. There was improvement of student’s vocabulary as 40%where from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The students’ learning activeness increased during the teaching learning process whereas it indicated the students’ learning activeness had increased

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penjualan Kredit Pada Dealer Motor Honda PT Pratama Metropolis Sejahtera

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    Accounting plays an important role for every company in monitoring the course of financial flows and sales and can be a reference in lowering the level of risk that will occur in the future. Accounting itself must also be applied into information systems to get effective results and good reports. With the accounting information system owned by PT Pratama Metropolis Sejahtera, the company gets an effective report in knowing the flow of cash and credit sales that are structured. In the journal that will be discussed by this author there are several conclusions that can later be a reference about the importance of accounting information systems in the company

    Pengaruh Keterbukaan Komunikasi Pimpinan Perusahaan Dalam Membentuk Peningkatan Dan Kenyamanan Kinerja Karyawan Di PT .Global Sinergi Kartu

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    Open communication is a part of the science of business ethics, a business science that is believed to provide benefits not only to companies or to people who run business, but also to employees, the general public, and the natural environment. Open communication becomes a principle thing in running a company in which there are many deserving people. Open communication becomes a principal thing in running a company in which there are many diverse people. Open communication will make people trust each other. Then, open communication will become effective communication. In fact, effective delivery of information will smoothen the workflow of a company so that the company can get maximum results. PT. Global Sinergi Kartu is one of the companies that implement this rule. Employees of the company stated that they tend to like the openness in communication applied by their leaders. The employees feel to be given the freedom to express their opinion and to get clear information. By conducting in-depth interviews to obtain data, this qualitative research shows the result that the application of the principle of information disclosure has a real positive impact on the performance of employees

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Counter Farah Cell

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    A company is required to be able to maintain a good name in the eyes of its customers. Whether in terms of service or price. Good and friendly service will increase the number of buyers, making it easier for the company to achieve its goal of getting maximum profit. Not only that, but price also has a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Low prices can attract customers to buy what the company sells. This journal will discuss the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction using a descriptive type of research, using a qualitative approach. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between product quality and price on customer satisfaction