648 research outputs found
Tensor networks-a new tool for old problems
A new renormalization group approach that maps lattice problems to tensor
networks may hold the key to solving seemingly intractable models of strongly
correlated systems in any dimension. A Physics Viewpoint on arXiv:0903.1069Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Quantum impurity in a magnetic environment
A unified perspective is given on a number of different problems involving
the coupling of a localized quantum spin degree of freedom to the low energy
excitations of an antiferromagnet, a spin glass, or a Kondo insulator. The
problems are related to those in the class often referred to as "Bose Kondo".Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, conference on Field Theory and Statistical
Mechanics, Rome, June 2002 in honor of G. Jona-Lasini
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