7,710 research outputs found
Excited state spectra at the superfluid-insulator transition out of paired condensates
We describe gapped single-particle and collective excitations across a
superfluid to insulator quantum phase transition of particles (bosons or
fermions) in a periodic potential, with an even number of particles per unit
cell. We demonstrate that the dynamics is controlled by a quantum impurity
problem of a localized particle interacting with the bulk critical modes.
Critical exponents are determined by a renormalization group analysis. We
discuss applications to spin oscillations of ultracold atoms in optical
lattices, and to the electronic phases in the cuprate and related compounds.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; fixed referenc
Insulator-metal transition on the triangular lattice
Mott insulators with a half-filled band of electrons on the triangular
lattice have been recently studied in a variety of organic compounds. All of
these compounds undergo transitions to metallic/superconducting states under
moderate hydrostatic pressure. We describe the Mott insulator using its
hypothetical proximity to a Z_2 spin liquid of bosonic spinons. This spin
liquid has quantum phase transitions to descendant confining states with Neel
or valence bond solid order, and the insulator can be on either side of one of
these transitions. We present a theory of fermionic charged excitations in
these states, and describe the route to metallic states with Fermi surfaces. We
argue that an excitonic condensate can form near this insulator-metal
transition, due to the formation of charge neutral pairs of charge +e and
charge -e fermions. This condensate breaks the lattice space group symmetry,
and we propose its onset as an explanation of a low temperature anomaly in
kappa-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3. We also describe the separate BCS instability of the
metallic states to the pairing of like-charge fermions and the onset of
superconductivity.Comment: 26+15 page
Quantum Hall to Insulator Transition in the Bilayer Quantum Hall Ferromagnet
We describe a new phase transition of the bilayer quantum Hall ferromagnet at
filling fraction . In the presence of static disorder (modeled by a
periodic potential), bosonic spinons can undergo a superfluid-insulator
transition while preserving the ferromagnetic order. The Mott insulating phase
has an emergent U(1) photon, and the transition is between Higgs and Coulomb
phases of this photon. Physical consequences for charge and counterflow
conductivity, and for interlayer tunneling conductance in the presence of
quenched disorder are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figure
Percolation quantum phase transitions in diluted magnets
We show that the interplay of geometric criticality and quantum fluctuations
leads to a novel universality class for the percolation quantum phase
transition in diluted magnets. All critical exponents involving dynamical
correlations are different from the classical percolation values, but in two
dimensions they can nonetheless be determined exactly. We develop a complete
scaling theory of this transition, and we relate it to recent experiments in
LaCu(Zn,Mg)O. Our results are also relevant for
disordered interacting boson systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, final version, as publishe
Effective theory of Fermi pockets in fluctuating antiferromagnets
We describe fluctuating two-dimensional metallic antiferromagnets by
transforming to a rotating reference frame in which the electron spin
polarization is measured by its projections along the local antiferromagnetic
order. This leads to a gauge-theoretic description of an `algebraic charge
liquid' involving spinless fermions and a spin S=1/2 complex scalar. We propose
a phenomenological effective lattice Hamiltonian which describes the binding of
these particles into gauge-neutral, electron-like excitations, and describe its
implications for the electron spectral function across the entire Brillouin
zone. We discuss connections of our results to photoemission experiments in the
pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure
Low temperature broken symmetry phases of spiral antiferromagnets
We study Heisenberg antiferromagnets with nearest- (J1) and third- (J3)
neighbor exchange on the square lattice. In the limit of large spin S, there is
a zero temperature (T) Lifshitz point at J3 = (1/4) J1, with long-range spiral
spin order at T=0 for J3 > (1/4) J1. We present classical Monte Carlo
simulations and a theory for T>0 crossovers near the Lifshitz point: spin
rotation symmetry is restored at any T>0, but there is a broken lattice
reflection symmetry for 0 <= T < Tc ~ (J3-(1/4) J1) S^2. The transition at T=Tc
is consistent with Ising universality. We also discuss the quantum phase
diagram for finite S.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Fermi surfaces and Luttinger's theorem in paired fermion systems
We discuss ground state properties of a mixture of two fermion species which
can bind to form a molecular boson. When the densities of the fermions are
unbalanced, one or more Fermi surfaces can appear: we describe the constraints
placed by Luttinger's theorem on the volumes enclosed by these surfaces in such
Bose-Fermi mixtures. We also discuss the nature of the quantum phase
transitions involving changes in the number of Fermi surfaces.Comment: 7 pages with one figure embedded. V2: Minor modifications. Final
version as appeared in prin
Exotic vs. conventional scaling and universality in a disordered bilayer quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet
We present large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations of a two-dimensional (2d)
bilayer quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet with random dimer dilution. In
contrast to the exotic scaling scenarios found in many other random quantum
systems, the quantum phase transition in this system is characterized by a
finite-disorder fixed point with power-law scaling. After accounting for strong
corrections to scaling, characterized by a leading irrelevant exponent of
\omega = 0.48, we find universal, i.e., disorder-independent, critical
exponents z=1.310(6) and \nu=1.16(3). We discuss the consequences of these
findings and suggest new experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5eps figures included, final version as publishe
Quantum phase transitions of the diluted O(3) rotor model
We study the phase diagram and the quantum phase transitions of a
site-diluted two-dimensional O(3) quantum rotor model by means of large-scale
Monte-Carlo simulations. This system has two quantum phase transitions, a
generic one for small dilutions, and a percolation transition across the
lattice percolation threshold. We determine the critical behavior for both
transitions and for the multicritical point that separates them. In contrast to
the exotic scaling scenarios found in other random quantum systems, all these
transitions are characterized by finite-disorder fixed points with power-law
scaling. We relate our findings to a recent classification of phase transitions
with quenched disorder according to the rare region dimensionality, and we
discuss experiments in disordered quantum magnets.Comment: 11 pages, 14 eps figures, final version as publishe
Liquid ground state, gap and excited states of a strongly correlated spin chain
We present an exact solution of an experimentally realizable and strongly
interacting one-dimensional spin system which is a limiting case of a quantum
Ising model with long range interaction in a transverse and longitudinal field.
Pronounced quantum fluctuations lead to a strongly correlated liquid ground
state. For open boundary conditions the ground state manifold consists of four
degenerate sectors whose quantum numbers are determined by the orientation of
the edge spins. Explicit expressions for the entanglement properties, the
excitation gap as well as the exact wave functions for a couple of excited
states are analytically derived and discussed
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