38 research outputs found

    Lifestyle of obese and/or heavy smokers by sex, multinomial logistic regression: reference group normal-weight never smokers (adjusted for sociodemographic factors, age, and survey), weighted according to the general population of Switzerland.

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    <p>Lifestyle of obese and/or heavy smokers by sex, multinomial logistic regression: reference group normal-weight never smokers (adjusted for sociodemographic factors, age, and survey), weighted according to the general population of Switzerland.</p

    Prevalence of smokers by status additionally stratified by BMI for heavy and never smokers SHS 2012.

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    <p>Men n = 35,880 (missing n = 2,949) and women n = 44,142 (missing n = 2,604). BMI (Body Mass Index, kg/m<sup>2</sup>): underweight <18.5, normal-weight ≥18.5–<25, overweight ≥25–<30, obesity ≥30; Smoking status: never, former, light (1–9 cigarettes per day), moderate (10–19), heavy smoker (>19); SHS: Swiss Health Survey; Results are weighted according to the general population of Switzerland.</p

    Logistic regression analysis of the allostatic load index and 25(OH)D concentrations stratified by biological covariates.

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    <p>Results are stratified by sex, age, and ethnic background and are presented as ORs for high AL with 95% confidence intervals. Q, 25(OH)D concentrations in quartiles with Q1 lowest and Q4 highest quartile (reference).</p

    Adjusted dose-response association between daily calcium supplement intake and risk for cardiovascular death.

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    <p>Calcium supplement intake was coded using an RCS function with four knots arbitrarily located at the 0.05, 0.35, 0.65, and 0.95 percentile. Y-axis represents the adjusted hazard ratio for cardiovascular death for any value of calcium supplement/dietary intake compared to individuals with 0 mg per day intake. Dashed lines are 95% confidence intervals. Knots are represented by dots.</p

    Estimated absolute numbers (N) and proportions (%<sup>*</sup>) for smoking status, BMI, and selected smoking-BMI-combinations in Switzerland 2012.

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    <p>Estimated absolute numbers (N) and proportions (%<sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0148563#t002fn002" target="_blank">*</a></sup>) for smoking status, BMI, and selected smoking-BMI-combinations in Switzerland 2012.</p

    Adjusted dose-response association between daily dietary calcium intake and risk for cardiovascular death.

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    <p>Calcium intake was coded using an RCS function with four knots arbitrarily located at the 0.05, 0.35, 0.65, and 0.95 percentile. Y-axis represents the adjusted hazard ratio for cardiovascular death for any value of calcium supplement/dietary intake compared to individuals with 1000 mg per day intake. Dashed lines are 95% confidence intervals. Knots are represented by dots.</p

    Baseline characteristics by AL1 cut point and 25(OH)D concentration quartiles.

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    <p>AL, allostatic load; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in quartiles.</p><p>Baseline characteristics by AL1 cut point and 25(OH)D concentration quartiles.</p