60 research outputs found
Aplikasi Jamur Antagonis Trichoderma Viride terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Serangan Penyakit Hawar Daun Serta Hasil Tanaman Kentang
The objective of this research was to studi ability of Trichoderma sp. fungal antagonist on reduction leaf blight intensity disease and potato yield. The in vivo experiment was carried out at potato land area located at BALITSA in Cikole Sub District, Lembang District and Bandung Regency. Completely Randomized Design was used with six treatment and five replicates. The treatment tested consist of control (without pathogen fungal and antagonists fungus application too), control (with pathogen fungal application and without antagonist fungal application), chemical fungicide application, antagonist fungal application 2 weeks before planting, application 1 week after planting and both application 2 weeks before and 1 week after planting. Result of the research showed that application of antagonists fungal could decrease disease intensity and tended to improve crop potato yield. Research repeatment with more quantity pouring the antagonist was needed. These antagonist could be used as biological agents initials to control leaf blight disease
Hubungan Tingkat Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Dan Lingkar Pinggang Mahasiswa
At the moment, chronic disease have become the highest cause for morbidity and mortality in the world. One of the risk factors for chronic disease to develop is low physical activity. Obesity, which is determined by body mass index (BMI) and excessive waist circumference may be risk to cardiovasculear disease, one of chronic disease. The aim of this study was to know the association between physical activity level with BMI and waist circumference in third year medical students at University of Indonesia. The research subjects were between 19–25 years of age and filled out a physical activity questionnarre (RISKESDAS 2007) to define the level of their physical activity. From 36 subjects, 12 in the low physical activity level group, 12 in the moderate physical activity level group, and 12 in the high physical activity level group were randomly selected for measurement of BMI and waist circumference. Physical activity levels were not associated with BMI (p=0,889). Physical activity levels were not associated with waist circumference (p=1,000).
Pengaruh Harga, Merek, Kemasan dan Promosi terhadap Sikap Konsumen Membeli Produk Kopi Kapal Api di Kecamatan Berbah Yogyakart
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada konsumen pria dan wanita terhadap kopi Kapal Api. Dalam penelitian ini yang merupakan variable dependent adalah sikap konsumen, sedangkan yang merupakan variable independent adalah atribut produk yang terdiri dari harga, merek, kemasan dan promosi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Berbah dengan menggunakan kuesioner, sebanyak 100 responden yang diambil sebagai sampel.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis rata-rata hitung diketahui bahwa sikap konsumen pria dan wanita dari atribut produk kopi Kapal Api berupa harga, merek, kemasan dan promosi menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Dari hasil analisis uji beda dua mean diperoleh kesimpulan yaitu : z-hitung < z tabel sehingga tidak ada perbedaan yang
signifikan antara sikap konsumen pria dan sikap konsumen wanita terhadap kopi Kapal Api di Kecamatan Berbah Sleman Yogyakarta. Dari keempat variable atribut harga terdapat satu variable yang dominan terhadap sikap konsumen dalam membeli produk kopi Kapal Api yaitu variable merek yang dianalisis dengan metode Aritmatik Mean
(rata-rata hitung) dengan nilai rata-rata hitung 4,02 yang menunjukkan persepsi yang sangat positif (yaitu pada interval 4,01 – 5,00).
Kata kunci : harga, merek, kemasan, promosi dan sikap konsume
Jumlah Eosinofil Darah Tepi Dan Mukosa Hidung Pada Penderita Rhinitis Alergika Di RS Dr. Muwardi Solo
Eosinophile is an alergic indicator especially in rhinitis alergic disease found increase an eosinophile on either capillary blood or nasal mucosa dominantly. The aim of this research was to know the correlation of the capillary blood and nasal mucosa eosinophil amount. The reseach conducted in Muwardi hospital, Surakarta with 70 samples that consist of 40 rhinitis allergica and 30 controls. The data analyzed by chi square test and correlation by Pearson product moment. The result of this research showed there was an eosinophil amount difference between samples and controls significantly (p < 0,05). The amount of eosinophile on capillary blood positive correlated with nasal mucosa significantly (p< 0,05). The conclusion of this research was the increasing amount of eosinophile on capillary blood followed by increasing on nasal mucosa
Pembelajaran Jigsaw Konsep Tata Surya melalui Pendekatan Real Learning Guna Meningkatkan HOTS Siswa
This study aims to determine the improvement of students' High Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) abilities after Jigsaw cooperative learning is applied through the Realistic Learning science approach. This research is a classroom action research with 3 cycles including planning, action implementation, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques in this study were tests, student activity observation sheets, and teacher activity observation sheets. The planning stage in the form of activities (1) making learning tools, (2) making observation sheets and ways of observation, and (3) compiling learning evaluation tools in the form of essay test questions based on cognitive domains C4, C5, and C6. Based on the data obtained by the results of the study are (1) the activity of the first cycle teacher category enough with a score of 47, the second cycle category is good with a score of 54, and the third cycle enough category with a score of 64, (2) the activity of the first cycle category students is enough with a score of 16, the second cycle category is good with a score of 18, and the third cycle is very good category with a score of 21, and (3) the average score of the students' essay tests in the first cycle is 64.78, the second cycle is 72.8, and the third cycle is 82 , 4. It was concluded based on the results of the research that showed that the application of Jigsaw cooperative learning through the Realistic Learning approach could improve the learning activities and learning outcomes of students which illustrated an increase in the High Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) of students in class IX.C of SMP Negeri 3 Kepahiang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan High Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) siswa setelah diterapkan pembelajaran kooperatif Jigsaw melalui pendekatan IPA Realistic Learning. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan 3 siklus meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu tes, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, dan lembar observasi aktivitas guru. Tahap perencanaan berupa kegiatan (1) membuat perangkat pembelajaran, (2) membuat lembar observasi dan cara observasi, dan (3) menyusun alat evaluasi pembelajaran berupa soal test essay berdasarkan ranah kognitif C4, C5, dan C6. Berdasarkan data diperoleh hasil penelitian yaitu (1) aktivitas guru siklus I kategori cukup dengan skor 47, siklus II kategori baik dengan skor 54, dan siklus III kategori cukup dengan skor 64, (2) aktivitas peserta didik siklus I kategori cukup dengan skor 16, siklus II kategori baik dengan skor 18, dan suklus III kategori sangat baik dengan skor 21, dan (3) Rata – rata nilai tes essay peserta didik pada siklus I adalah 64,78, siklus II adalah 72,8, dan siklus III adalah 82,4. Disimpulkan berdasarkan data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw melalui pendekatan IPA Realistic Learning dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik yang menggambarkan adanya peningkatan High Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) siswa di kelas IX.C SMP Negeri 3 Kepahiang.
The Effect of F:S Ratio, Temperature, Particle Diameter, and Mixing Speed in The Dispersive Contact Batch Extraction of Phaleria macrocarpa Fruit Using 70%-v Ethanol Solvent
Phaleria macrocarpa is a native Indonesian plant from Papua, which has a high content of antioxidant and antimicrobial bioactive compounds. Therefore, it offers a very high potential to be utilized as the raw material for food preservative and supplement, as well as herbal medicine. This study was conducted for the development of the extraction and separation technology to obtain the useful bioactive compounds within a high quality extract from Phaleria macrocarpa fruit. Solid-liquid extraction was performed by dispersive contact using 70%-v ethanol in a 2 L batch extractor. The extraction process involved some variations of the process variables, namely F:S ratio (0.025 – 0.05 g/mL), temperature (28 - 52°C), particle effective diameter (0.22 – 0.90 cm), and mixing speed (140 – 400 rpm). The experimental series were carried out by using a Box-Behnken design with 3 center points, in order to comprehend both responses of yield oleoresin time profile and antioxidant activity (as DPPH equivalent). The experiments by varying those process variables could be used to estimate the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kLa) using macroscopic balance based on a lumped model. The extraction optimum conditions were found at F:S ratio of 0.03 g/mL; temperature at 28°C; mixing speed 400 rpm; and particle diameter of 0.76 cm under which the highest yield of 94.56% , DPPH equivalent of 3.7364 μmol DPPH/mg crude extract, and mass transfer coefficient of 0.0192 s-1 were obtained
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