3,200 research outputs found
Turnitin (Probiotic Bacillus plus vitamins and minerals enhanced haemoglobin values and relative weight of ileum and improved feed conversion ratio of broilers during brooding period)
Turnitin (Effect of feeding duration of Spirulina platensis on growth performance, haematological parameters, intestinal microbial population and carcass traits of broiler chicks
Gambaran Biokimia dan Leukosit Darah Ayam Kampung Umur 25 Hari yang Diberi Probitik Fungi Rhizopus oryzae
Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis: Their Nutrient Contents and Bioactive Compounds for Improving Poultry Productivity
Poultry industry are facing many challenges and osbtacles especially on the supply of feed ingredients, medicines, feed supplements and additives. The high price of protein source-feed ingredients has encouraged nutritionists to explore and utilize alternative protein source-feed ingredients for poultry. This review provides an overview of their nutritional and bioactive contents and the use of microalgae, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis in poultry feed based on recent literature studies and their potential development and utilization in Indonesia. The microalgae Chlorella vulgaris dan Spirulina platensis have very high protein content that are potential as a protein source in poultry rations. In addition, Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis also contain several bioactive compounds that can be used as alternatives to antibiotics growth promoter and synthetic antioxidants for poultry. Indonesia has a great potential for the production of Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis, however massive cultivation and economies of scale have not yet been carried out. Such conditions make Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis less profitable as protein sources, but more likely as growth-promoting additives or antioxidants for poultry in Indonesia
Turnitin (Effect of decocted turmeric on performance, hematological parameters and carcass traits of broiler chickens)
Turnitin (Prevention of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infections in pigs by dairy-based nutrition)
The Potentials of Two Underutilized Acidic Fruits (Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Phyllanthus acidus L.) as Phytobiotics for Broiler Chickens
           Phytobiotics have attracted considerable interest as the substitutes for subtherapeutic antibiotics in broiler production. Among the phytobiotics, Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Phyllanthus acidus L. fruits seem to have potential to be developed. Both underutilized acidic fruits contain several bioactive components that may serve as antimicrobial agents, antioxidants, immunomodulators and acidifier, which are beneficial for broiler performance and health. The bioactive components responsible for as well as the mechanisms through which the components exert the phytobiotic activities are highlighted in the present review. The current application of A. bilimbi and P. acidus fruits in broiler production is also presented. Overall, although A. bilimbi and P. acidus fruits show phytobiotic properties, they are still less utilized by the farmers to improve the growth and health performance of broiler chicken
Turnitin (Dietary Chlorella supplementation effect on immune responses and growth performances of broiler chickens exposed to post hatch holding time)
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