72 research outputs found

    Perancangan Studio Film sebagai Wadah Kreasi Perfilman dengan Pendekatan Tema Cahaya

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    Film merupakan salah satu artifak yang dibentuk oleh budaya yang spesifik, film merepresentasikan budaya dan pada gilirannya ikut mempengaruhi budaya. Pada saat ini masih sedikit film produksi anak bangsa yang mampu berkibar di tanah air maupun di kancah internasional. Walau saat ini pemerintah sudah memberi perhatian lebih kepada produksi film tanah air ,masih rendahnya mutu perfilman Indonesia disebabkan kurangnya kemampuan produksi yang berstandar internasional dari para pekerja film Indonesia. Untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan para pembuat film, dan meningkatkan kuantitas film yang berkualitas, dan perlu adanya suatu tempat yang mampu mewadahi kegiatan produksi film. Sebuah proyek dengan pemrograman ruang yang tepat dan ketersediaan fasilitas yang memadai merupakan salah satu langkah nyata dalam mengembangkan industri perfilman Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik

    Perbandingan Pendapatan antara Usahatani Kopi dan Usahatani Jeruk di Desa Serai Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli

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    Revenue Comparisons between Coffee Farming and Orange Farming in of Serai Village Kintamani District Bangli . For the last few years the District of KintamaniBangli Regency has undergone an increase in the yield of orange, as well as the number of farmers who switched from growing coffee plants toorange plants. Because farmers assume thatcultivating orange trees is felt to be more profitable than the cultivation of Arabica coffee plants and can increase their income. The area is good for orange and coffee farming activities because it is appropriate to the climate and soil conditions for the plants, so farming is widely practiced in the area and it becomes one of the major farmingactivities done in every household. This study aimed to determine the factors that encourage the switch of coffee farming toorangefarming and compare the income of farmers from orange plants with coffee plants. Results of this study showed that, with an area of 31.3 ha,the average revenue of coffee plants was Rp232,750,000.00 and orange trees showed the average value of Rp. 263,200,000.00

    Efektivitas Kemitraan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong terhadap Pendapatan Petani-Peternak di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    The Ministry of Agriculture targeted the farmers per capita income of IDR 7.93 million/year in 2014. This target has not been achieved because farm productivity still low. A beef cattle business was developed by Yayasan Mitra Tani Mandiri (YMTM) through a partnership with livestock farmers, however it hasnt been known effectiveness level of the partnership. The study was to determine the effectiveness level of beef cattle business partnerships; the influence of the characteristics of livestock farmers, the mentoring from YMTM and the seven techniques of beef cattle business on the effectiveness of the partnership; and the influence of the effectiveness of the partnerships on the livestock farmers income. Population of the study were farmers who received cattle from YMTM. Sampling was conducted through proportional stratified, covering 156 livestock farmers. The data were analyzed by method quantitative descriptive and relationship analysis with SmartPLS. The beef cattle business partnership between YMTM and the livestock farmers in TTU can be classified into the sufficient category of effective. All the exogenous factors, namely the characteristics of livestock farmers, mentoring YMTM and the seven techniques of beef cattle business have a significant effect on the effectiveness of the partnership. The average of the weight gain of cattle is 262 gram/catlle/day, which is tended in 2.1 years period. Likewise, the income of livestock farmers is influenced significantly by the effectiveness of the partnership. Revenue from the beef cattle business partnerships contribute on average 29.91 % (IDR 3,574,002) to the livestock farmers total income (IDR 11,949,342). Suggestions which can be made to improve the partnership including increasing the weight gain of cattle per day, select calves from good stock lines, increasing the frequency of trainings which deal with the techniques and management of the cattle business, processing livestock manure, and processing the remains of crops into nutritious fodder

    Fakor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Buah Salak Bali (Salacca Zalacca Var. Ambonensi) oleh Rumah Tanggadi Kota Denpasar, Provinsi Bali

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    Factors that Affect to Demand of Salak Bali Fruit (Salacca Zalacca var. ambonensi)by Householdin Denpasar City,Bali Province This study aims to know factors that affectdemand quantity ofSalak Bali fruit and magnitude the elasticity of Salak Bali fruit\u27s demand in Denpasar City. Location of study was atBadung Market, Kreneng Market, Sanglah Market, and Satrya Market thathas been determinated purposively. Populationswas houshold which bought Salak Bali fruit attraditional markets. This study used accidental samplingtechnique.There were 40 samples which has been determined purposively. This study used thetransformed multiple regressionfunctionmodel. Independent variables are X1 (price of Salak Bali fruit), X2(price of orange), X3(price of apple), X4 (price of mango), X5 (quantity of household members), X6 (income of household), and dummy (there are religious celebrations/there aren\u27t any religious celebrations). The function model is LNY = 2,65 - 1,126 LNX1** - 1,360 LNX2** - 0,643 LNX3** + 0,892LNX4*+ 0,363LNX5**+ 0,590LNX6** + 0.129D**. Factors that affectdemand quantity of Salak Bali fruit are price of Salak Bali fruit, price of orange, price of apple, price of mango, quantity of household members, income household, and situasion.The price elasitcity is elastis, based on cross elasticity both orange and apple are complementary product, while mango is substitution product of Salak Bali fruit. The income elasticity shows that Salak Bali fruits is normal product

    Pengembangan Agrowisata Pesuteraan Alam Sutera Sari Segara di Desa Sibangkaja, Kecamatan Abiansemal

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    One alternative destination agrotourism in Bali is Agrowisata Pesuteraan alam Sutera Sari Segara located in the village Sibangkaja, District Abiansemal. The agrotourism is a potential to be developed in the world of tourismin Bali. Market segmentation is still dominated by 99 percent students are very massive factor in the development of the market in Bali. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of the work done by agrotourism, internal and external factors that influence the development of agrotourism, and alternative development strategies and priorities in agrotourism. Respondents in this study were dividedin to two, namely the respondents internal and external respondents. Internal respondents were employees of agrotourism taken by census and external respondents that visitors and government who have a relationship with agrotourism. The results of research to get 5 alternative strategies witheach priorityi san alternative way of running the promotion of agrotourism by way of advertising and media selection through brochures, synergy between agrotourism and stakeholders by way of synergy between agrotourism with the private sector, the expansion of market segments using market segmentation way, improving the quality of HR by way of provision of qualified work force, and the quality of agrotourism attractions and silk fabric by settin gquality standards. Suggestions that cangive authors in this study is the use of alternative strategies and priorities that are used to further develop agrotourism. Alternative promotion of agrotourism means of advertising that holds the highest value can be used to developth is agrobusiness. Selection of media for advertising such as brochures media is the most efficient and effective way to convey information to tourists or potential tourists
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