404 research outputs found
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Evaluasi peranan perkebunan kelapa sawit dalm perekonomian Indonesia=The evaluation of oil palm plantation contribution to the Indonesian economy
The objectives of the research were to find out backward and foreward linkagesoutput, income and added value multiplier of oil palm plantation in Indonesia by input-output analysis. The research used domestic input-output data that was calculated by using producer\u27s price index of 66 sectors for 1985,1990 and 1995.
The results show that the linkages and output multiplier of oil palm plantations were higher than in other plantations and agricultural sectors, but they were lower than in other sectors qf the economy. Income -and added value multiplier of oil palm plantations were lower than in other plantations and agricultural sectors. Income multiplier of oil palm plantation was also lower than in other sectors of the economywhile their added value multiplier was higher than in other sectors of the economy.
The linkages index decreased from 0,99267 in 1985 to 0,88699 in 1990 and 0,88588 in 1995, while output multiplier decreased from 1,92569 to 1,8387 and 1,78974. It means that the effect of increasing 1 rupiah of final demand of oil palm plantation output decreased from 1,92569 rupiahs to 1,8387 rupiahs (1985-1990) and 1,78974 rupiahs. Income multiplier increased from 0,26026 rupiah to 0,28765 rupiah and 0,31307 rupiah in the same periods. Added value multiplier of oil palm plantation fluctuated from 0,86922 rupiah to 0,70156 rupiah and 1,02263 rupiah in the same periods too. The role of oil palm plantation to the Indonesian economy still had the opportunity to increase by developing further crude palm oil secondary industries.
Keywords: linkages â multiplier â index and oil palm plantatio
ANALISA RISIKO PILIHAN POLA TANAM =risk analysis of cropping system choice
The research aimed to find out the risk of cropping system choice, farmers preference and affecting factors of it. Research has been done by survey in Sabrang Wetan Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, Cangkringan Sub-district, Sleman Regency to 46 farmers who implemented cropping system during October 1999 to August 2000.
The risk of cropping system choice level measured by coefficient of variation stochastic dominance analysis, and efficient frontier of cropping system choice by motad programming.
The result showed that the risk level order of cropping system from highest was: paddy-chilly-string beanpaddy-chilly-green beanpaddy-string bean-green beanpaddy-string bean-string beanand paddy-paddy-paddy. Stochastic dominance analysis showed paddy-chilly-string bean as the most dominance cropping system, this result in accordance with the reality which most respondent implemented this cropping. Motad programming model showed that paddy-chilly-string bean cropping system beside contribute maximum income also has highest level of risk.
Keywords: risk, cropping system, preference and dominanc
Pengawasan Mutu Produk Susu Pasteurisasi Kemasan Cup Di Milk Treatment Koperasi(Quality Control of Pasteurized Milk Product on CupPackaging in Milk Treatment of Koperasi PeternakanBandung Selatan (MT-KPBS) Pangalengan Ba
The study was conducted to identify the implementation of supervision on the pasteurized milk product quality and to explore the result of supervision on the cup packaged chocolate and strawberry flavor milk quality. The method utilized in this research was descriptive method. Data analyzed was time series, one obtained from MT-KPBS Pangalengan Bandung. Analysis method exploited were p-chart and multiple linear regression method. Result indicated that fresh milk collected at MT-KPBS Pangalengan Bandung contained higher fat content compared with standard quality condition that MT-KPBS stated. Quality supervision that MT-KPB implemented involved supervisions on raw material quality and product quality. Pasteurization milk was bad and defects with both chocolate and strawberry flavor were located between upper controlled limit (UCL) and lower controlled limit (LCL). This indicated that the defect occurred is still at under control limit. Laboratory and packaging personnel are not significantly affected to the defect of chocolate and strawberry flavor pasteurized
Keywords: pasteurized milk, defect, upper controlled limit, lower controlled limi
Monumen perjuangan Jawa Tengah
Proyek lnventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Sejarah Nasional (IDSN) yang berada pada Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional.Direktorat Jenderal Kebudayaan, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, telah berhasil menerbitkan seri buku biografi dan kesejarahan. Usaha penulisan buku-buku kesejarahan wcijib ditingkatkan mengingat perlunya kita senantiasa memupuk, memperkaya dan memberi corak pada kebudayaan nasional dengan tetap memelihara dan membina tradisi dan peninggalan sejarah yang mempunyai nilai petjuangan bangsa, kebanggaan serta kemanfaatan nasional
Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Pengembangan Agribisnis Nenas di Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar
The study was conducted in Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province in pineapple agribusinessdevelopment in 2001 and aimed at observing performance of field extension workers and the affecting factors .Primary data were collected using questionnaires from the respondents consisting of 60 farmers, 10 filed extensionworkers, and one Head of Agricultural Extension Service (BPP). The data were processed using both parametric andnon parametric statistics. Performance of the field extension workers in pineapple agribusiness development was notoptimal due to lack of motivation, limited capabilities of the extension workers, and lack of farmers' participation.Key words: agricultural extension workers, agribusiness, pineapplePenelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Tambang, Kabupaten Kampar, Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2001, dengantujuan untuk melihat kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam pengembangan agribisnis nenas dan faktor-faktor apa sajayang mempengaruhinya. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Pengumpulan data-data primer menggunakan kuesionerdengan mewawancarai responden yang terdiri dari 60 orang petani, 10 orang penyuluh pertanian, dan seorang KepalaBPP. Untuk memperoleh kesepadanan penilaian antara kelompok responden dilakukan uji Konkordasi Kendall.Metode analisis dilakukan dengan uji statistik parametrik dan nonparametrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwakinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam pengembangan agribisnis nenas belum optimal. Belum optimalnya kinerja penyuluhpertanian ini disebabkan oleh : motivasi penyuluh dalam melaksanakan tugas hanya sekedar untuk memenuhikewajibannya, kemampuan penyuluh masih terbatas, dan tingkat partisipasi petani dalam pelaksanaan kegiatanusahatani nenas juga sedang
Adopsi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) pada Usahatani Padi sawah di Kabupaten Sleman = Adoption of Integrated Pest Management at Rice Farm in Sleman Regency
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was comprehensive method. IPM combined biological, cultural, and Chemical Pest control techniques were designed to reduce pest infestation to economically and ecologically acceptable levels. IPM had socialized through field school of integrated pest management or sekolah lapangan pengendalian hama terpadu (SLPHT). IPM socialized at farm groups by SLPHT farmers respectively. The variation of adoption between SLPHT and non SLPHT and among farmer groups had been done. Some factors influenced on adoption of IPM. A fundamental of this research was to examine how the farmer adopt IPM. What were the social economy factors that influenced on IPM adoption in farm rice production.
The research was carried out on Sleman Regency in location of rice production and field school of IPM. A sample random sampling technique was used to draw the sample. Ninety farmers were interviewed, 45 field school of IPM and 45 non field school farmers. Adoption parameters were estimated using regression logit model and production function estimate using.
This study showed that the pest was significant affect to yield loss of farmers production. Integrated Pest Management was not adopted fully by farmers. Group activities was dominant factor of adoption IPM compared of SLPHT. IPM adoption would be increased if group activities was increased. IPM adoption would be effective to production if technical facilities was at the ready.
Keywords : IPM â adoption âproductio
Competitiveness of Tea Exports in Asean: A Constant Market Share Analysis
This study was aimed to find out the competitiveness of tea exports in ASEAN during 2011-2014. Competitiveness indicates a country ability to compete with other countries in international trade activities. Constant Market Share (CMS) employed to understand the weaknesses and strengths of a country viewed from the effect of exports growth. CMS results showed that the major weakness of tea exports in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam is the effect of market distribution. Market distribution effect indicated that their exports to countries with a high demand for tea in the world. On the other hand, the strengths of tea exports in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are the effect of world exports growth, commodity composition effect, and the competitiveness effect. Conversely, the major weakness of tea exports in Indonesia is competitiveness effect, while the strengths are the effect of world exports growth and the effect of market distribution
Factors Affecting Online Purchasing Of Local Food
The purpose of this research are to analyze which factors can influence Indonesia’s consumer intention to buy local food by online and whether the intention can affect to purchasing decision or not. This research used Partial Least Square (PLS) as data analysis with significance level 5%. There are several requirements to fulfil the criteria of data anlaysis, they are convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. The result is all of three requirement is achieved. Bootstrapping analysis was used to examine the significance and verify the hypotheses. There were five independent variables and two dependent variables. The independent variables were perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived trust, perceived risk, and perceived price. The dependent variables were intention to buy and purchasing decision. There are two variables which are significance towards intention to buy, they are perceived risk and perceived price. Perceived risk is significance and consistent with the theory which has negative effect towards intention to buy, while perceived price is significance and has positive effect towards intention to buy. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived trust are not significant toward intention to buy. Variables intention to buy is intervention variable which affect significantly towards purchasing decision. R-square score for intention to buy is 30.5% while r-square score for purchasing decision is 25.9%
Technical Efficency Of Soybean In Pandeglang Regency
Pandeglang district is the largest soybean producer region in Banten province. Since the last four years, Pandeglang Regency has decreased land area and production. However, the amount of soybean productivity has increased. The ability of farmers to manage and allocate various inputs used in soybean farming affects the production and productivity of soybean and can give an idea of the level of efficiency achieved by farmers. So it is necessary to research whether the application or use of inputs in the process of soybean production has been at technically efficient level or not. Based on these conditions, in this study aims to: know the level of technical efficiency in soybean farming in Pandeglang regency. The basic method used in this research is descriptive method and the location of research is determined intentionally or purposive sampling. Sample selection for soybean farmer respondents was done by simple random sampling method of 77 soybean farmers. The result of the research shows that production factors that significantly affecting soybean production in Pandeglang are wide, fertilizer and insecticide. The average value of farmers' technical efficiency is 0.864. This figure indicates that the average farmers of respondents have reached technical efficiency in soybean production in the research area. the technical efficiency value of the stochastic function with the lowest value 0.6314 and the highest value 0.9599. Factors affecting technical inefficiency are age and training. However, these factors have a positive effect, meaning that both increase the level of technical inefficiency of soybean farming
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