23 research outputs found

    Codice del pubblico impiego

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    Le normative sul pubblico impiego attraversa una fase di forte innovazione, segnata da soluzioni legislative che si muovono in una logica di discontinuità rispetto al recente passato. Il decreto Brunetta (D.Lgs. n. 150/2009), la decretazione d’urgenza anticrisi (D.L. n. 78/2010) e, da ultimo, il Collegato lavoro (L. n. 183/2010) hanno operato con l’intento, da un lato, di correggere ciò che dell’impianto della privatizzazione del pubblico impiego è apparso ormai non funzionale; dall’altro, di prospettare nuovi strumenti volti a recuperare alcuni dei principali deficit del sistema del lavoro pubblico. Il codice si prefigge l’obiettivo di dotare operatori, amministratori e studiosi di una guida completa ed organica che illumini il variopinto mondo del lavoro alle dipendenze delle pubbliche amministrazioni, tracciando un esaustivo panorama delle norme fondamentali relative al pubblico impiego, privatizzato e non, ed all’universo previdenziale. Ogni disposizione è così scandagliata con commenti dal taglio teorico-pratico, attenti alle indicazioni dottrinali, agli arresti giurisprudenziali ed alle indicazioni provenienti dalla prassi amministrativa. Il reticolo delle disposizioni normative è poi impreziosito dai necessari richiami alla disciplina contrattuale massicciamente intervenuta a seguito dell’ondata privatizzatrice iniziata nei primi anni 90. L’opera, inedita per ricchezza del materiale normativo e profondità dell’indagine, offre così agli operatori un quadro a 360 gradi del patrimonio di contributi ed esperienze svolti negli ultimi anni sull’accidentato campo della riforma del lavoro alle dipendenze delle p.a.

    Development of an Assimilation Scheme for the Estimation of Drought-Induced Yield Losses Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing and the AcquaCrop Model

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    Dragon 3 Mid-Term Results Symposium, Chengdu, China, 26-29 May 2014In the context of the Dragon-3 Farmland Drought project, our research deals with the development of methods for the assimilation of biophysical variables, estimated from multi-source remote sensing, into the AquaCrop model, in order to estimate the yield losses due to drought both at the farm and at the regional scale. The first part of this project was employed to refine a methodology to obtain maps of leaf area index (LAI), canopy cover (CC), fraction of adsorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) and chlorophyll (Cab) from satellite optical data, using algorithms based on the training of artificial neural networks (ANN) on PROSAIL model simulations. In the second part, retrieved values of CC were assimilated into the AquaCrop model using the assimilation method of the Ensemble Kalman Filter to estimate grain wheat yield at the field scale.European Space AgencyCentre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES

    Estimating Wheat Yield in China at the Field and District Scale from the Assimilation of Satellite Data into the Aquacrop and Simple Algorithm for Yield (SAFY) Models

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    Accurate yield estimation at the field scale is essential for the development of precision agriculture management, whereas at the district level it can provide valuable information for supply chain management. In this paper, Huan Jing (HJ) satellite HJ1A/B and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images were employed to retrieve leaf area index (LAI) and canopy cover (CC) in the Yangling area (Central China). These variables were then assimilated into two crop models, Aquacrop and simple algorithm for yield (SAFY), in order to compare their performances and practicalities. Due to the models’ specificities and computational constraints, different assimilation methods were used. For SAFY, the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) was applied using LAI as the observed variable, while for Aquacrop, particle swarm optimization (PSO) was used, using canopy cover (CC). These techniques were applied and validated both at the field and at the district scale. In the field application, the lowest relative root-mean-square error (RRMSE) value of 18% was obtained using EnKF with SAFY. On a district scale, both methods were able to provide production estimates in agreement with data provided by the official statistical offices. From an operational point of view, SAFY with the EnKF method was more suitable than Aquacrop with PSO, in a data assimilation context.European Space AgencyMinistry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People's Republic of ChinaUniversity of Tuscia PhD scholarshi

    Sensitivity analysis of the Aquacrop and SAFYE crop models for the assessment of water limited winter wheat yield in regional scale applications

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    Process-based models can be usefully employed for the assessment of field and regional-scale impact of drought on crop yields. However, in many instances, especially when they are used at the regional scale, it is necessary to identify the parameters and input variables that most influence the outputs and to assess how their influence varies when climatic and environmental conditions change. In this work, two different crop models, able to represent yield response to water, Aquacrop and SAFYE, were compared, with the aim to quantify their complexity and plasticity through Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA), using Morris and EFAST (Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test) techniques, for moderate to strong water limited climate scenarios. Although the rankings of the sensitivity indices was influenced by the scenarios used, the correlation among the rankings, higher for SAFYE than for Aquacrop, assessed by the top-down correlation coefficient (TDCC), revealed clear patterns. Parameters and input variables related to phenology and to water stress physiological processes were found to be the most influential for Aquacrop. For SAFYE, it was found that the water stress could be inferred indirectly from the processes regulating leaf growth, described in the original SAFY model. SAFYE has a lower complexity and plasticity than Aquacrop, making it more suitable to less data demanding regional scale applications, in case the only objective is the assessment of crop yield and no detailed information is sought on the mechanisms of the stress factors affecting its limitations.European Space AgencyAgreement on scientific cooperation between Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and China Academy of Science 2014-2016Chinese National Science and Technology Support ProgramChinese State Key Basic ProjectUniversity of Tusci

    Spatialized Application of Remotely Sensed Data Assimilation Methods for Farmland Drought Monitoring Using Two Different Crop Models

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    Dragon 3 Final Results and Dragon 4 Kick-Off, Wuhan, China, 4-8 July 2016The aim of this work was to develop a tool to evaluate the effect of water stress on yield losses at the farmland and regional scale, by assimilating remotely sensed biophysical variables into crop growth models. Biophysical variables were retrieved from HJ1A, HJ1B and Landsat 8 images, using an algorithm based on the training of artificial neural networks on PROSAIL. For the assimilation, two crop models of differing degree of complexity were used: Aquacrop and SAFY. For Aquacrop, an optimization procedure to reduce the difference between the remotely sensed and simulated CC was developed. For the modified version of SAFY, the assimilation procedure was based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter. These procedures were tested in a spatialized application, by using data collected in the rural area of Yangling (Shaanxi Province) between 2013 and 2015. Results were validated by utilizing yield data both from ground measurements and statistical survey

    Farmland Drought Evaluation Based on the Assimilation of Multi-Temporal Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data into AquaCrop Model

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    Dragon 3 Final Results and Dragon 4 Kick-Off Symposium, 4-8 July 2016, Wuhan, ChinaDrought is the most costly natural disasters in China and all over the world. It is very important to evaluate the drought-induced crop yield losses and further improve water use efficiency at regional scale. Firstly, crop biomass was estimated by the combined use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical remote sensing data. Then the estimated biophysical variable was assimilated into crop growth model (FAO AquaCrop) by the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method from farmland scale to regional scale. At farmland scale, the most important crop parameters of AquaCrop model were determined to reduce the used parameters in assimilation procedure. The Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (EFAST) method was used for assessing the contribution of different crop parameters to model output. Moreover, the AquaCrop model was calibrated using the experiment data in Xiaotangshan, Beijing.At regional scale, spatial application of our methods were carried out and validated in the rural area of Yangling, Shaanxi Province, in 2014. This study will provide guideline to make irrigation decision of balancing of water consumption and yield loss

    Sensitivity analysis of the Aquacrop and SAFYE crop models for the assessment of water limited winter wheat yield in regional scale applications.

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    Process-based models can be usefully employed for the assessment of field and regional-scale impact of drought on crop yields. However, in many instances, especially when they are used at the regional scale, it is necessary to identify the parameters and input variables that most influence the outputs and to assess how their influence varies when climatic and environmental conditions change. In this work, two different crop models, able to represent yield response to water, Aquacrop and SAFYE, were compared, with the aim to quantify their complexity and plasticity through Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA), using Morris and EFAST (Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test) techniques, for moderate to strong water limited climate scenarios. Although the rankings of the sensitivity indices was influenced by the scenarios used, the correlation among the rankings, higher for SAFYE than for Aquacrop, assessed by the top-down correlation coefficient (TDCC), revealed clear patterns. Parameters and input variables related to phenology and to water stress physiological processes were found to be the most influential for Aquacrop. For SAFYE, it was found that the water stress could be inferred indirectly from the processes regulating leaf growth, described in the original SAFY model. SAFYE has a lower complexity and plasticity than Aquacrop, making it more suitable to less data demanding regional scale applications, in case the only objective is the assessment of crop yield and no detailed information is sought on the mechanisms of the stress factors affecting its limitations

    Synergistic Use of Multispectral Data and Crop Growth Modelling for Spatial and Temporal Evapotranspiration Estimations

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    The aim of this research is to explore the analysis of methods allowing a synergetic use of information exchange between Earth Observation (EO) data and growth models in order to provide high spatial and temporal resolution actual evapotranspiration predictions. An assimilation method based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter algorithm allows for combining Sentinel-2 data with a new version of Simple Algorithm For Yield (SAFY_swb) that considers the effect of the water balance on yield and estimates the daily trend of evapotranspiration (ET). Our study is relevant in the context of demonstrating the effectiveness and necessity of satellite missions such as Land Surface Temperature Monitoring (LSTM), to provide high spatial and temporal resolution data for agriculture. The proposed method addresses the problem both from a spatial point of view, providing maps of the areas of interest of the main biophysical quantities of vegetation (LAI, biomass, yield and actual Evapotranspiration), and from a temporal point of view, providing a simulation on a daily basis of the aforementioned variables. The assimilation efficiency was initially evaluated with a synthetic, large and heterogeneous dataset, reaching values of 70% even for high measurement errors of the assimilated variable. Subsequently, the method was tested in a case study in central Italy, allowing estimates of the daily Actual Evapotranspiration with a relative RMSE of 18%. The novelty of this research is in proposing a solution that partially solves the main problems related to the synergistic use of EO data with crop growth models, such as the difficult calibration of initial parameters, the lack of frequent high-resolution data or the high computational cost of data assimilation methods. It opens the way to future developments, such as the use of simultaneous assimilation of multiple variables, to deeper investigations using more specific datasets and exploiting the advanced tools