82 research outputs found

    What Sexual Minorities in Adulthood Want for the Present School Education

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     本研究の目的は,カミングアウトが難しい性的マイノリティ当事者が学校教育にどのような支援を望んでいるのか明らかにすることである。方法として質問紙調査を行った。質問紙作成にあたり,当事者への学校での支援について文献検索を行い,主に授業外で取り組む支援例を収集した。収集した支援例の評価を当事者18 名に依頼した。学校教育に求めていることは,相談してきた児童生徒の気持ちに寄り添うこと,第三者に知られないよう配慮すること,性の多様性と正しい知識を教えることであった。また,「開示しようとしまいと,いることを前提とする」学校になってほしいと希望していることが伺えた。教員は性的マイノリティの児童生徒が抱える困難さを重要な課題と捉え,いつでも誰でも相談できる環境づくりや,児童生徒の気持ちを尊重する努力が必要とされていると考える

    Laser-induced-fluorescence measurement of thermal conductivity in warm dense matter generated by pulsed-power discharge

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    Thermal conductivity in warm dense matter is one of the interests for thermonuclear fusion scenarios. Alternative inertial confinement fusion, which is a fast ignition with applied magnetic field [1], has been considered to improve the coupling efficiency. The target behavior of the fast ignition with applied magnetic field depends on the anisotropic thermal conductivity. The magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) [2] Up to now, the heat load on the divertor in previous MCF systems has been unreached parameter. Thus, to predict properties of the divertor under these heat loads, several experiments have been performed using several methods[3-6]. To predict the performance of the tungsten divertor in MCF, we should analyze not only metallurgical properties but also thermophysical properties of ablated tungsten..

    Laser-induced-fluorescence measurement of thermal conductivity in warm dense matter generated by pulsed-power discharge

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    Thermal conductivity in warm dense matter is one of the interests for thermonuclear fusion scenarios. Alternative inertial confinement fusion, which is a fast ignition with applied magnetic field [1], has been considered to improve the coupling efficiency. The target behavior of the fast ignition with applied magnetic field depends on the anisotropic thermal conductivity. The magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) [2] Up to now, the heat load on the divertor in previous MCF systems has been unreached parameter. Thus, to predict properties of the divertor under these heat loads, several experiments have been performed using several methods[3-6]. To predict the performance of the tungsten divertor in MCF, we should analyze not only metallurgical properties but also thermophysical properties of ablated tungsten..

    Do bilinguals have different concepts? The case of shape and material in Japanese L2 users of English

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    An experiment investigated whether Japanese speakers’ categorisation of objects and substances as shape or material is influenced by acquiring English, based on Imai and Gentner (1997). Subjects were presented with an item such as a cork pyramid and asked to choose between two other items that matched it for shape (plastic pyramid) or for material (piece of cork). The hypotheses were that for simple objects the number of shape-based categorisations would increase according to experience of English and that the preference for shape and material-based categorisations of Japanese speakers of English would differ from mono¬lingual speakers of both languages. Subjects were 18 adult Japanese users of English who had lived in English-speaking countries between 6 months and 3 years (short-stay group), and 18 who had lived in English-speaking countries for 3 years or more (long-stay group). Both groups achieved above criterion on an English vocabulary test. Results were: both groups preferred material responses for simple objects and substances but not for complex objects, in line with Japanese mono¬linguals, but the long-stay group showed more shape preference than the short-stay group and also were less different from Americans. These effects of acquiring a second language on categorisation have implications for conceptual representation and methodology

    What Sexual Minorities in Adulthood Want for the Present School Education

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     本研究の目的は,カミングアウトが難しい性的マイノリティ当事者が学校教育にどのような支援を望んでいるのか明らかにすることである。方法として質問紙調査を行った。質問紙作成にあたり,当事者への学校での支援について文献検索を行い,主に授業外で取り組む支援例を収集した。収集した支援例の評価を当事者18 名に依頼した。学校教育に求めていることは,相談してきた児童生徒の気持ちに寄り添うこと,第三者に知られないよう配慮すること,性の多様性と正しい知識を教えることであった。また,「開示しようとしまいと,いることを前提とする」学校になってほしいと希望していることが伺えた。教員は性的マイノリティの児童生徒が抱える困難さを重要な課題と捉え,いつでも誰でも相談できる環境づくりや,児童生徒の気持ちを尊重する努力が必要とされていると考える