76 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of inhomogeneous metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential in Kerr spacetime

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    We present a procedure that allows the construction of the metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential, for gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations produced by sources in Kerr spacetime. This may include, for example, the perturbations produced by a point particle or an extended object moving in orbit around a Kerr black hole. The construction is carried out in the frequency domain. Previously, Chrzanowski derived the vacuum metric perturbations and electromagnetic four-potential by applying a differential operator to a certain potential Ψ\Psi . Here we construct Ψ\Psi for inhomogeneous perturbations, thereby allowing the application of Chrzanowski's method. We address this problem in two stages: First, for vacuum perturbations (i.e. pure gravitational or electromagnetic waves), we construct the potential from the modes of the Weyl scalars ψ0\psi_{0} or ϕ0\phi_{0}. Second, for perturbations produced by sources, we express Ψ\Psi in terms of the mode functions of the source, i.e. the energy-momentum tensor TαβT_{\alpha \beta} or the electromagnetic current vector JαJ_{\alpha}.Comment: 20 pages; few typos corrected and minor modifications made; accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Toward Making the Constraint Hypersurface an Attractor in Free Evolution

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    There is an abundance of empirical evidence in the numerical relativity literature that the form in which the Einstein evolution equations are written plays a significant role in the lifetime of numerical simulations. This paper attempts to present a consistent framework for modifying any system of evolution equations by adding terms that push the evolution toward the constraint hypersurface. The method is, in principle, applicable to any system of partial differential equations which can be divided into evolution equations and constraints, although it is only demonstrated here through an application to the Maxwell equations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Uses REVTeX

    Approximating the inspiral of test bodies into Kerr black holes

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    We present a new approximate method for constructing gravitational radiation driven inspirals of test-bodies orbiting Kerr black holes. Such orbits can be fully described by a semi-latus rectum pp, an eccentricity ee, and an inclination angle ι\iota; or, by an energy EE, an angular momentum component LzL_z, and a third constant QQ. Our scheme uses expressions that are exact (within an adiabatic approximation) for the rates of change (p˙\dot{p}, e˙\dot{e}, ι˙\dot{\iota}) as linear combinations of the fluxes (E˙\dot{E}, Lz˙\dot{L_z}, Q˙\dot{Q}), but uses quadrupole-order formulae for these fluxes. This scheme thus encodes the exact orbital dynamics, augmenting it with approximate radiation reaction. Comparing inspiral trajectories, we find that this approximation agrees well with numerical results for the special cases of eccentric equatorial and circular inclined orbits, far more accurate than corresponding weak-field formulae for (p˙\dot{p}, e˙\dot{e}, ι˙\dot{\iota}). We use this technique to study the inspiral of a test-body in inclined, eccentric Kerr orbits. Our results should be useful tools for constructing approximate waveforms that can be used to study data analysis problems for the future LISA gravitational-wave observatory, in lieu of waveforms from more rigorous techniques that are currently under development.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Quasinormal Modes Beyond Kerr

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    The quasinormal modes (QNMs) of a black hole spacetime are the free, decaying oscillations of the spacetime, and are well understood in the case of Kerr black holes. We discuss a method for computing the QNMs of spacetimes which are slightly deformed from Kerr. We mention two example applications: the parametric, turbulent instability of scalar fields on a background which includes a gravitational QNM, and the shifts to the QNM frequencies of Kerr when the black hole is weakly charged. This method may be of use in studies of black holes which are deformed by external fields or are solutions to alternative theories of gravity.Comment: Proceedings of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics (2014). Session on 'Gravitational Wave Astrophysics.' 7 page

    Non-vanishing Magnetic Flux through the Slightly-charged Kerr Black Hole

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    In association with the Blanford-Znajek mechanism for rotational energy extraction from Kerr black holes, it is of some interest to explore how much of magnetic flux can actually penetrate the horizon at least in idealized situations. For completely uncharged Kerr hole case, it has been known for some time that the magnetic flux gets entirely expelled when the hole is maximally-rotating. In the mean time, it is known that when the rotating hole is immersed in an originally uniform magnetic field surrounded by an ionized interstellar medium (plasma), which is a more realistic situation, the hole accretes certain amount of electric charge. In the present work, it is demonstrated that as a result of this accretion charge small enough not to disturb the geometry, the magnetic flux through this slightly charged Kerr hole depends not only on the hole's angular momentum but on the hole's charge as well such that it never vanishes for any value of the hole's angular momentum.Comment: 33pages, 1 figure, Revtex, some comments added, typos correcte

    Rotating black hole orbit functionals in the frequency domain

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    In many astrophysical problems, it is important to understand the behavior of functions that come from rotating (Kerr) black hole orbits. It can be particularly useful to work with the frequency domain representation of those functions, in order to bring out their harmonic dependence upon the fundamental orbital frequencies of Kerr black holes. Although, as has recently been shown by W. Schmidt, such a frequency domain representation must exist, the coupled nature of a black hole orbit's rr and θ\theta motions makes it difficult to construct such a representation in practice. Combining Schmidt's description with a clever choice of timelike coordinate suggested by Y. Mino, we have developed a simple procedure that sidesteps this difficulty. One first Fourier expands all quantities using Mino's time coordinate λ\lambda. In particular, the observer's time tt is decomposed with λ\lambda. The frequency domain description is then built from the λ\lambda-Fourier expansion and the expansion of tt. We have found this procedure to be quite simple to implement, and to be applicable to a wide class of functionals. We test the procedure using a simple test function, and then apply it in a particularly interesting case, the Weyl curvature scalar ψ4\psi_4 used in black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev D. New version gives a vastly improved algorithm due to Drasco for computing the Fourier transforms. Drasco has been added as an author. Also fixed some references and exterminated a small herd of typos; final published versio

    Kerr black hole quasinormal frequencies

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    Black-hole quasinormal modes (QNM) have been the subject of much recent attention, with the hope that these oscillation frequencies may shed some light on the elusive theory of quantum gravity. We compare numerical results for the QNM spectrum of the (rotating) Kerr black hole with an {\it exact} formula ReωTBHln3+Ωm\omega \to T_{BH}\ln 3+\Omega m, which is based on Bohr's correspondence principle. We find a close agreement between the two. Possible implications of this result to the area spectrum of quantum black holes are discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Black String Perturbations in RS1 Model

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    We present a general formalism for black string perturbations in Randall-Sundrum 1 model (RS1). First, we derive the master equation for the electric part of the Weyl tensor EμνE_{\mu\nu}. Solving the master equation using the gradient expansion method, we give the effective Teukolsky equation on the brane at low energy. It is useful to estimate gravitational waves emitted by perturbed rotating black strings. We also argue the effect of the Gregory-Laflamme instability on the brane using our formalism.Comment: 14 pages, Based on a talk presented at ACRGR4, the 4th Australasian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Monash University, Melbourne, January 2004. To appear in the proceedings, in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    On the Weyl transverse frames in type I spacetimes

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    We apply a covariant and generic procedure to obtain explicit expressions of the transverse frames that a type I spacetime admits in terms of an arbitrary initial frame. We also present a simple and general algorithm to obtain the Weyl scalars Ψ2T\Psi_2^T, Ψ0T\Psi_0^T and Ψ4T\Psi_4^T associated with these transverse frames. In both cases it is only necessary to choose a particular root of a cubic expression.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Gen. Rel. Grav. (6-3-2004

    Mode coupling in the nonlinear response of black holes

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    We study the properties of the outgoing gravitational wave produced when a non-spinning black hole is excited by an ingoing gravitational wave. Simulations using a numerical code for solving Einstein's equations allow the study to be extended from the linearized approximation, where the system is treated as a perturbed Schwarzschild black hole, to the fully nonlinear regime. Several nonlinear features are found which bear importance to the data analysis of gravitational waves. When compared to the results obtained in the linearized approximation, we observe large phase shifts, a stronger than linear generation of gravitational wave output and considerable generation of radiation in polarization states which are not found in the linearized approximation. In terms of a spherical harmonic decomposition, the nonlinear properties of the harmonic amplitudes have simple scaling properties which offer an economical way to catalog the details of the waves produced in such black hole processes.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures, abstract and introduction re-writte