1,037 research outputs found

    Establishing an economic value for the mangroves of the Mngazana Estuary in the Eastern Cape.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.This mini-dissertation contains the results of research to establish a[1 economic value for the mangroves of the Mngazana Estuary in the Eastern Cape. The research is presented in two parts. Component A comprises the literature review and also describes the scope and context for the study, its purpose and the proposed methodology. Component B presents the results of the research in the format of an article to be submitted for publication to the African Journal of Marine Science. Estuaries and mangroves are among the most threatened habitats in South Africa, with the third largest mangrove forest in South Africa at the Mngazana Estuary on the Wild Coast of the Eastern Cape gradually reducing in size. A lack of appreciation of their value has resulted in policies and decisions that promoted the conversion of estuary and mangrove ecosystems to alternative uses, and caused a large-scale loss of mangroves throughout the world. Apart from their key ecological role, the Mngazana Estuary mangroves provide important benefits to the 645 households in three villages that utilise the resources and the sustainable use and management of the mangroves is essential. Economic valuation ascribes values to traded and untraded environmental resources and is a tool that supports policy formulation and decision-making on sustainable management of resources like mangroves. The theory of total economic value provides the conceptual framework for estimating the economic value, but constraints limited this study to estimating the socio-economically significant benefits the mangroves bestow on the communities around the Mngazana Estuary. Using information collected in a household survey and focus group discussions, market-price methods were used to estimate the value of mangroves harvested for building materials and the subsistence consumption of fish by the communities. Values were estimated for mangrove-dependent canoe trails and honey production operations, while a recreational use value was estimated on the basis of travel costs and expenses incurred by visitors to the holiday cottages adjacent to the estuary. The results were incorporated in 20-year valuation models with the net annual benefits then discounted to present value terms. Sensitivity analysis was performed to estimate lower-bound, upper-bound and most-likely values for the benefits. The minimum economic value of the mangroves was estimated to be between R1.1 and R13.6 million, with a most-likely value at a real 5% discount rate of R7.4 million. This study has shown that policies for managing environmental resources must be ecologically, socially and economically sound. This requires an integrated approach to address the socio-economic needs of local communities while safe-guarding environmental resources

    Evaluation of a Number of Grass Species for Restoring Degraded Semi-Arid Rangelands in Southern Africa

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    The biophysical environment is an important determinant of land degradation in both commercial and communal land tenure systems in South Africa. According to a recent study on the status of land degradation, approximately 25% of the total land cover in South Africa is degraded. Several technologies exist to restore the soil and vegetation degraded areas in natural pastures. To improve the production and biodiversity potential for agricultural and conservation uses in these rangelands, a common restoration technology includes the cultivation the eroded and compacted soil surfaces by rip- ploughing and the re-vegetation with high productive, palatable and perennial species. Five grasses, Chloris gayana, Digitaria eriantha, Anthephora pubescens, Cenchrus ciliaris and Panicum maximum, were used in over-sowing trials in an semi-arid region with two types of soils, to evaluate their effectiveness to restore the degraded natural pasture. Results show that D. eriantha, C. gayana and P. maximum should be used in an over-sowing treatment to restore high clay or silt soil types, whereas A. pubescens and C. ciliaris are more suitable for sandy soils. The diversity in areas which were only rip-ploughed also increased considerably with palatable, perennial species such as Themeda triandra, Setaria sphacelata and Eragrostis curvula

    ‘We are left in the cold’: Nurses’ perceptions and responses to antiretroviral treatment roll-out in the Free State, South Africa

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    The unprecedented roll-out of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in South Africa is a complex process where no previous endeavour exists that can measure, predict, or direct an intervention of this scale. In the Free State province, unique characteristics and problems distinguish its ART programme, although countrywide problems also occur within the province. The Free State province faces high vacancy rates among its health-care workers, the programme has lower patient enrolment rates because of an obsessionwith quality to the detriment of quantity, and various incidents of ART shortages have also shook the province. The ART rollout intervention thus far has been largely nurse-driven (however not nurse initiated), and they form what many refer to as the ‘backbone’ of the programme. In order to respond to the challenges faced by these front-line ART providers, continuous transformations inevitably take place to respond to new needs associated with the roll-out programme, but also to strengthen the primary health-care system in general. The objective of this article is to present a typology of contradictory contextual factors in the antiretroviral programme as identified through group interviews that were conducted with PNs at public healthcare clinics in the five districts of the Free State province during 2005 and 2006. We intend to show that transformations oftenhave contradictory and problematic outcomes as expressed and perceived by the nurses themselves. This unprecedented endeavour of ART roll-out inevitably has to treasure and support its most valued implementers, i.e. the front-line providers who are not only professionals in the health-care setting, but also social agents in a wider contextual framework

    Development Studies Working Paper, no. 5

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    A rural development project is currently under way in the Amatola Basin, Ciskei. This paper introduces the project and outlines the socio-economic and agricultural conditions current in the area. An overview of present project activities is included. It then attempts to identify a number of potential and actual human and structural constraints operating on the implementation of the project. Such constraints arise out of the existing agricultural system in the project area, as well as out of the state bureaucratic structures operating in Ciskei, and the agency implementing the project itself. One aim is to identify the units involved in dryland cultivation. This is done by tracing ties of cooperation between cultivating households in one Amatola village. It will be shown, in this village at least, that the household does not form the main unit of cultivation. A second aim of this paper is to show that checks on rural development in general should not be sought solely within the area under consideration, but derive to an important degree from outside sources.Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER

    The influence of school culture and school climate on violence in schools of the Eastern Cape Province

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    This article reports on research undertaken about the influence of school culture and school climate on violence at schools in the Eastern Cape. An adapted California School Climate and Survey – Short Form (CSCSS-SF), which was used as the data-collection instrument, was completed by 900 Grade 10 to 12 learners. With the assistance of Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, it was found that the better the school culture and school climate are at a school, the lower the levels of school violence. On the other hand, a lack of school safety contributed to learners experiencing higher levels of violence at schools. The results of hierarchy regression analyses indicated that school culture and school climate can be used to explain a significant percentage of variance in school violence. The f 2 values indicate that, with the exception of two aspects of the variance physical and verbal harassment,the results did not have any practical value. The article concludes with a few suggestions on how the results can be used to address school violence.Keywords: CSCSS-SF; school climate; school culture; school violenc

    Helioseismic Ring Analysis of CME Source Regions

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    We apply the ring diagram technique to source regions of halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) to study changes in acoustic mode parameters before, during, and after the onset of CMEs. We find that CME regions associated with a low value of magnetic flux have line widths smaller than the quiet regions implying a longer life-time for the oscillation modes. We suggest that this criterion may be used to forecast the active regions which may trigger CMEs.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Astrophys. Astr. Also available at http://www2.nso.edu/staff/sushant/paper.htm

    Behandel die sieke as 'n medemens

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    DNA Profiling and the Law in South Africa

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    DNA evidence is currently at the forefront of the arsenal of evidence employed in criminal trials. To ensure its optimum use in criminal proceedings, it is imperative that the legal fraternity is properly conversant with the scientific basis and presentation of such evidence, as well as with its potential pitfalls. In an effort to provide the legal profession with a background to this complex and useful type of evidence, this article looks at the biochemical nature of DNA, at DNA profiling and its use in criminal trials, and at the processes of DNA collection and analysis in the Biology Unit of the Forensic Science Laboratory of the South African Police Service. The presentation of DNA evidence in court is then evaluated and the future of DNA evidence, including legislative reform, and the creation of a DNA database are discussed

    Forensic psychiatry in Africa: prospects and challenges

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    Forensic Psychiatry has a history that dates back almost two thousand years, and has evolved into a recognised discipline with a robust background of scientific enquiry, mostly because mental health care has always had an important interface with the law. 1 Nevertheless, even in the developed world there are differences between countries with respect to the extent forensic mental health services have developed. This has been exacerbated by the differences in legal systems, resources and priorities in each country. Consequently comparisons and cooperation between forensic psychiatrists internationally has been difficult. 2-4 In Africa, which is the second largest and most populous continent and containing an immense diversity of languages, religious traditions, ethnic groups and sociopolitical systems forensic psychiatry has largely remained underdeveloped within the context of a pervasive neglect in the provision of mental health services. 5 The situation is compounded by the dearth of information about forensic services on the continent. As described by an eminent African psychiatrist, “the practice of forensic psychiatry in Africa is shrouded in both mystery and confusion”. 6 In addition to the lack of appropriate facilities, most countries in Africa have, on average, one psychiatrist per one million inhabitants. Moreover many psychiatrists have migrated to developed countries, leaving a small number of mental health professionals burdened with large numbers of patients. 6 In most countries there are few coordinated initiatives to involve all stakeholders, such as the police, departments of justice, prisons and hospitals, in the development of forensic mental health services

    Changes in activity limitations and predictors of functional outcome of patients with spinal cord injury following in-patient rehabilitation

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in the activity limitations of patients following in-patient rehabilitation and the factors influencing functional ability as measured by the Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM III). A longitudinal study design was utilised to study the change in functional abilities of patients with spinal cord injury between admission and discharge. A convenient sampling strategy was employed, in which every consecutive patient admitted to the rehabilitation centre within a three month period was eligible for the study. Demographic-, medical, and process of rehabilitation data were collected and collated from the patients' medical records using a data gathering sheet that was validated and tested for reliability. Functional abilities were measured by the SCIM III. Seventy-six patients met the inclusion criteria, consisting of 58 paraplegics and 18 tetraplegics. The mean age of this cohort was 34.14 years. A significant difference (p<0.001) in functional ability was detected for the total sample, with only12.5% of patients independent in walking ability and 28.12% in stair management. Four (4) factors were found to be predictors of functional outcomes on bivariate analysis, but when considered together in a multiple regression model, only functional status on admission remained correlated to functional outcomes. Conclusion and implication for practice: Significant improvement in functional abilities of persons with spinal cord injury following in-patient rehabilitation was observed. However, mobility and stair-management limitations were the most prevalent at discharge. Lastly, a lower functional status should be better targeted to optimise functional ability in the future. Future research should be directed towards illuminating whether personal factors or rehabilitation inefficiencies are responsible for the limitations observed at discharge.Department of HE and Training approved lis
