3,054 research outputs found
A Temperature and Abundance Retrieval Method for Exoplanet Atmospheres
We present a new method to retrieve molecular abundances and temperature
profiles from exoplanet atmosphere photometry and spectroscopy. We run millions
of 1D atmosphere models in order to cover the large range of allowed parameter
space, and present error contours in the atmospheric properties, given the
data. In order to run such a large number of models, we have developed a
parametric pressure-temperature (P-T) profile coupled with line-by-line
radiative transfer, hydrostatic equilibrium, and energy balance, along with
prescriptions for non-equilibrium molecular composition and energy
redistribution. We apply our temperature and abundance retrieval method to the
atmospheres of two transiting exoplanets, HD 189733b and HD 209458b, which have
the best available Spitzer and HST observations. For HD 189733b, we find
efficient day-night redistribution of energy in the atmosphere, and molecular
abundance constraints confirming the presence of H2O, CO, CH4, and CO2. For HD
209458b, we confirm and constrain the day-side thermal inversion in an average
1D temperature profile. We also report independent detections of HO, CO,
CH and CO on the dayside of HD 209458b, based on six-channel Spitzer
photometry. We report constraints for HD 189733b due to individual data sets
separately; a few key observations are variable in different data sets at
similar wavelengths. Moreover, a noticeably strong carbon dioxide absorption in
one data set is significantly weaker in another. We must, therefore,
acknowledge the strong possibility that the atmosphere is variable, both in its
energy redistribution state and in the chemical abundances.Comment: 20 pages in emulateapj format, 11 figures. Final version, after proof
A Framework for Quantifying the Degeneracies of Exoplanet Interior Compositions
Several transiting super-Earths are expected to be discovered in the coming
few years. While tools to model the interior structure of transiting planets
exist, inferences about the composition are fraught with ambiguities. We
present a framework to quantify how much we can robustly infer about
super-Earth and Neptune-size exoplanet interiors from radius and mass
measurements. We introduce quaternary diagrams to illustrate the range of
possible interior compositions for planets with four layers (iron core,
silicate mantles, water layers, and H/He envelopes). We apply our model to
CoRoT-7b, GJ 436b, and HAT-P-11b. Interpretation of planets with H/He envelopes
is limited by the model uncertainty in the interior temperature, while for
CoRoT-7b observational uncertainties dominate. We further find that our planet
interior model sharpens the observational constraints on CoRoT-7b's mass and
radius, assuming the planet does not contain significant amounts of water or
gas. We show that the strength of the limits that can be placed on a
super-Earth's composition depends on the planet's density; for similar
observational uncertainties, high-density super-Mercuries allow the tightest
composition constraints. Finally, we describe how techniques from Bayesian
statistics can be used to take into account in a formal way the combined
contributions of both theoretical and observational uncertainties to
ambiguities in a planet's interior composition. On the whole, with only a mass
and radius measurement an exact interior composition cannot be inferred for an
exoplanet because the problem is highly underconstrained. Detailed quantitative
ranges of plausible compositions, however, can be found.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, published in Ap
On the Unique Solution of Planet and Star Parameters from an Extrasolar Planet Transit Light Curve
There is a unique solution of the planet and star parameters from a planet
transit light curve with two or more transits if the planet has a circular
orbit and the light curve is observed in a band pass where limb darkening is
negligible. The existence of this unique solution is very useful for current
planet transit surveys for several reasons. First, there is an analytic
solution that allows a quick parameter estimate, in particular of Rp. Second,
the stellar density can be uniquely derived from the transit light curve alone.
The stellar density can be used to immediately rule out a giant star (and hence
a much larger than planetary companion) and can also be used to put an upper
limit on the stellar and planet radius even considering slightly evolved stars.
Third, the presence of an additional fully blended star that contaminates an
eclipsing system to mimic a planet transit can be largely ruled out from the
transit light curve given a spectral type for the central star. Fourth, the
period can be estimated from a single-transit light curve and a measured
spectral type. All of these applications can be used to select the best planet
transit candidates for mass determination by radial velocity follow-up. To use
these applications in practice, the photometric precision and time sampling of
the light curve must be high (better than 0.005 mag precision and 5 minute time
sampling).Comment: 26 pages incl. 11 figs, submitted to Ap
On the Method to Infer an Atmosphere on a Tidally-Locked Super Earth Exoplanet and Upper limits to GJ 876d
We develop a method to infer or rule out the presence of an atmosphere on a
tidally-locked hot super Earth. The question of atmosphere retention is a
fundamental one, especially for planets orbiting M stars due to the star's
long-duration active phase and corresponding potential for stellar-induced
planetary atmospheric escape and erosion. Tidally-locked planets with no
atmosphere are expected to show a Lambertian-like thermal phase curve, causing
the combined light of the planet-star system to vary with planet orbital phase.
We report Spitzer 8 micron IRAC observations of GJ 876 taken over 32
continuous hours and reaching a relative photometric precision of 3.9e-04 per
point for 25.6 s time sampling. This translates to a 3 sigma limit of 5.13e-05
on a planet thermal phase curve amplitude. Despite the almost photon-noise
limited data, we are unable to conclusively infer the presence of an atmosphere
or rule one out on the non-transiting short-period super Earth GJ 876d. The
limiting factor in our observations was the miniscule, monotonic photometric
variation of the slightly active host M star, because the partial sine wave due
to the planet has a component in common with the stellar linear trend. The
proposed method is nevertheless very promising for transiting hot super Earths
with the James Webb Space Telescope and is critical for establishing
observational constraints for atmospheric escape.Comment: Published in Ap
Decaying particles and the reionization history of the Universe
We investigate the possibility that the Universe is reionized by the decay
products of heavy particles. In particular we study under which circumstances
this decay may produce a significant reionization at high redshift (), as requested by the WMAP result.Extra sources of reionization at high
redshifts increase the recombination rate. As a result, the number density of
decaying particles required to produce a high level of ionization at is significantly higher ( times) than previously estimated.
Moreover, the ionization produced by decay particles implies a high optical
depth even if the maximum level of ionization ever produced is of the order of
. In order to match the cosmic microwave background polarization power
spectrum, other significant sources of reionization are needed at low redshift.
Decaying particles producing a ionization fraction at would imply an optical depth much too high to fit the cosmic microwave
background spectra at . For decay times , recent cosmic microwave background and large scale structure data
limits the primordial abundance of the decaying particles to at 95 % C.L., and favors long decay times. The data do
not favor this reionization model versus the instantaneous reionization one. We
also find that the decay of these heavy particles significantly heats up the
medium, bringing the expected distortion to unobservable levels.Comment: 6 pages, submitted on Sept 14 2003. Accepted for publication in PRL.
New version matches the accepted on
Delayed Recombination
Under the standard model for recombination of the primeval plasma, and the
cold dark matter model for structure formation, recent measurements of the
first peak in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background
temperature indicate the spatial geometry of the universe is nearly flat. If
sources of Lya resonance radiation, such as stars or active galactic nuclei,
were present at z ~ 1000 they would delay recombination, shifting the first
peak to larger angular scales, and producing a positive bias in this measure of
space curvature. It can be distinguished from space curvature by its
suppression of the secondary peaks in the spectrum.Comment: submitted to ApJ
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