3,763 research outputs found
We discuss the direct measurement of the trilinear vector boson couplings in
present and future collider experiments. The major goals of such experiments
will be the confirmation of the Standard Model (SM) predictions and the search
for signals of new physics. We review our current theoretical understanding of
anomalous trilinear gauge boson self-interactions. If the energy scale of the
new physics is TeV, these low energy anomalous couplings are expected
to be no larger than . Constraints from high precision
measurements at LEP and low energy charged and neutral current processes are
critically reviewed.Comment: 53 pages with 17 embedded figures, LaTeX, uses axodraw.sty, figures
available on request. The complete paper, is available at
ftp://phenom.physics.wisc.edu/pub/preprints/1995/madph-95-871.ps.Z or
http://phenom.physics.wisc.edu/pub/preprints/1995/madph-95-871.ps.Z Summary
of the DPF Working Subgroup on Anomalous Gauge Boson Interactions of the DPF
Long Range Planning Stud
A study of atmospheric neutrinos with the IMB detector
A sample of 401 contained neutrino interactions collected in the 3300 metric ton fiducial mass IMB detector was used to study neutrino oscillations, geomagnetic modulation of the flux and to search for point sources. The majority of these events are attributed to neutrino interactions. For the most part, these neutrinos are believed to originate as tertiary products of cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere. The neutrinos are a mixture of v sub e and v sub micron
Progress in Absorber R&D for Muon Cooling
A stored-muon-beam neutrino factory may require transverse ionization cooling
of the muon beam. We describe recent progress in research and development on
energy absorbers for muon-beam cooling carried out by a collaboration of
university and laboratory groups.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, presented at the 3rd International Workshop on
Neutrino Factory Based on Muon Storage Rings (NuFACT'01), May 24-30, 2001,
Tsukuba, Japa
Atomic mass dependence of \Xi^- and \overline{\Xi}^+ production in central 250 GeV \pi^- nucleon interactions
We present the first measurement of the atomic mass dependence of central
\Xi^- and \overline{\Xi}^+ production. It is measured using a sample of 22,459
\Xi^-'s and \overline{\Xi}^+'s produced in collisions between a 250 GeV \pi^-
beam and targets of beryllium, aluminum, copper, and tungsten. The relative
cross sections are fit to the two parameter function \sigma_0 A^\alpha, where A
is the atomic mass. We measure \alpha = 0.924+-0.020+-0.025, for Feynman-x in
the range -0.09 < x_F < 0.15.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
The Effect of Tile Light Collection Reduction along Radius on the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Uniformity
We report on the light collection non uniformity of trapezoidal scintillating tiles along radius and its consequence on the miscalibration of the middle and back longitudinal calorimeter samplings. We discuss the need to apply extra corrections to the cells response after equalization and corrections obtained by the cesium calibration system, in order to bring all three longitudinal samplings to the right electromagnetic scale
Defining the role of NG2-expressing cells in experimental models of multiple sclerosis. A biofunctional analysis of the neurovascular unit in wild type and NG2 null mice
During experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a model for multiple sclerosis associated with blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) overexpress proteoglycan nerve/glial antigen 2 (NG2), proliferate, and make contacts with the microvessel wall. To explore whether OPCs may actually be recruited within the neurovascular unit (NVU), de facto intervening in its cellular and molecular composition, we quantified by immunoconfocal morphometry the presence of OPCs in contact with brain microvessels, during postnatal cerebral cortex vascularization at postnatal day 6, in wildtype (WT) and NG2 knock-out (NG2KO) mice, and in the cortex of adult naive and EAE-affected WT and NG2KO mice. As observed in WT mice during postnatal development, a higher number of juxtavascular and perivascular OPCs was revealed in adult WT mice during EAE compared to adult naive WT mice. In EAE-affected mice, OPCs were mostly associated with microvessels that showed altered claudin-5 and occludin tight junction (TJ) staining patterns and barrier leakage. In contrast, EAE-affected NG2KO mice, which did not show any significant increase in vessel-associated OPCs, seemed to retain better preserved TJs and BBB integrity. As expected, absence of NG2, in both OPCs and pericytes, led to a reduced content of vessel basal lamina molecules, laminin, collagen VI, and collagen IV. In addition, analysis of the major ligand/receptor systems known to promote OPC proliferation and migration indicated that vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A), platelet-derived growth factor-AA (PDGF-AA), and the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) were the molecules most likely involved in proliferation and recruitment of vascular OPCs during EAE. These results were confirmed by real time-PCR that showed Fgf2, Pdgfa and Tgfb expression on isolated cerebral cortex microvessels and by dual RNAscope-immunohistochemistry/ in situ hybridization (IHC/ISH), which detected Vegfa and Vegfr2 transcripts on cerebral cortex sections. Overall, this study suggests that vascular OPCs, in virtue of their developmental arrangement and response to neuroinflammation and growth factors, could be integrated among the classical NVU cell components. Moreover, the synchronized activation of vascular OPCs and pericytes during both BBB development and dysfunction, points to NG2 as a key regulator of vascular interactions
Experimental limits on massive neutrinos from e(+)e(-) annihilations at 29 GeV
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.37.577.A search was made in 29-GeV e(+)e(-) annihilations for massive neutrinos decaying to e(±)X(∓)(ν) where X is a muon or meson. A 300-pb(-1) data sample yielded just one candidate event with a mass m(e)X>1.8 GeV. Significant limits are found for new neutrinos with masses from 1.8 to 6.7 GeV and with mixing parameters in the range 3×10(-6)<‖U‖(2)<1. .A
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