3,500 research outputs found
Dendritic Actin Filament Nucleation Causes Traveling Waves and Patches
The polymerization of actin via branching at a cell membrane containing
nucleation-promoting factors is simulated using a stochastic-growth
methodology. The polymerized-actin distribution displays three types of
behavior: a) traveling waves, b) moving patches, and c) random fluctuations.
Increasing actin concentration causes a transition from patches to waves. The
waves and patches move by a treadmilling mechanism which does not require
myosin II. The effects of downregulation of key proteins on actin wave behavior
are evaluated.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Endpoint behavior of the pion distribution amplitude in QCD sum rules with nonlocal condensates
Starting from the QCD sum rules with nonlocal condensates for the pion
distribution amplitude, we derive another sum rule for its derivative and its
"integral" derivatives---defined in this work. We use this new sum rule to
analyze the fine details of the pion distribution amplitude in the endpoint
region . The results for endpoint-suppressed and flat-top (or
flat-like) pion distribution amplitudes are compared with those we obtained
with differential sum rules by employing two different models for the
distribution of vacuum-quark virtualities. We determine the range of values of
the derivatives of the pion distribution amplitude and show that
endpoint-suppressed distribution amplitudes lie within this range, while those
with endpoint enhancement---flat-type or CZ-like---yield values outside this
range.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, conclusions update
Gluon Field Strength Correlation Functions within a Constrained Instanton Model
We suggest a constrained instanton (CI) solution in the physical QCD vacuum
which is described by large-scale vacuum field fluctuations. This solution
decays exponentially at large distances. It is stable only if the interaction
of the instanton with the background vacuum field is small and additional
constraints are introduced. The CI solution is explicitly constructed in the
ansatz form, and the two-point vacuum correlator of gluon field strengths is
calculated in the framework of the effective instanton vacuum model. At small
distances the results are qualitatively similar to the single instanton (SI)
case, in particular, the form factor is small, which is in agreement
with the lattice calculations.Comment: 25 pages (RevTex), 7 ps figures; some references added, one figure
Theoretical backgrounds of durability analysis by normalized equivalent stress functionals
Generalized durability diagrams and their properties are considered for a material under a multiaxial loading given by an arbitrary function of time. Material strength and durability under such loading are described in terms of durability, safety factor and normalized equivalent stress. Relations between these functionals are analysed. We discuss some material properties including time and load stability, self-degradation (ageing), and monotonic damaging. Phenomenological strength conditions are presented in terms of the normalized equivalent stress. It is shown that the damage based durability analysis is reduced to a particular case of such strength conditions. Examples of the reduction are presented for some known durability models. The approach is applicable to the strength and durability description at creep and impact loading and their combination
Numerical solution and spectrum of boundary-domain integral equation for the Neumann BVP with variable coefficient
This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Taylor & Francis.In this paper, a numerical implementation of a direct united boundary-domain integral equation (BDIE) related to the Neumann boundary value problem for a scalar elliptic partial differential equation with a variable coefficient is discussed. The BDIE is reduced to a uniquely solvable one by adding an appropriate perturbation operator. The mesh-based discretization of the BDIEs with quadrilateral domain elements leads to a system of linear algebraic equations (discretized BDIE). Then, the system is solved by LU decomposition and Neumann iterations. Convergence of the iterative method is discussed in relation to the distribution of eigenvalues of the corresponding discrete operators calculated numerically.The work was supported by the grant EP/H020497/1 "Mathematical analysis of localised boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with variable coefficients" of the EPSRC, UK
Traveling and pinned fronts in bistable reaction-diffusion systems on network
Traveling fronts and stationary localized patterns in bistable
reaction-diffusion systems have been broadly studied for classical continuous
media and regular lattices. Analogs of such non-equilibrium patterns are also
possible in networks. Here, we consider traveling and stationary patterns in
bistable one-component systems on random Erd\"os-R\'enyi, scale-free and
hierarchical tree networks. As revealed through numerical simulations,
traveling fronts exist in network-organized systems. They represent waves of
transition from one stable state into another, spreading over the entire
network. The fronts can furthermore be pinned, thus forming stationary
structures. While pinning of fronts has previously been considered for chains
of diffusively coupled bistable elements, the network architecture brings about
significant differences. An important role is played by the degree (the number
of connections) of a node. For regular trees with a fixed branching factor, the
pinning conditions are analytically determined. For large Erd\"os-R\'enyi and
scale-free networks, the mean-field theory for stationary patterns is
Propagation failure of excitation waves on trees and random networks
Excitation waves are studied on trees and random networks of coupled active
elements. Undamped propagation of such waves is observed in those networks. It
represents an excursion from the resting state and a relaxation back to it for
each node. However, the degrees of the nodes influence drastically the
dynamics. Excitation propagates more slowly through nodes with larger degrees
and beyond some critical degree waves lose their stability and disappear. For
regular trees with a fixed branching ratio, the critical degree is determined
with an approximate analytical theory which also holds locally for the early
stage of excitation spreading in random networks.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ep
History-sensitive accumulation rules for life-time prediction under variable loading
This is the post-print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerA general form of temporal strength conditions under variable creep loading is employed to formulate several new phenomenological accumulation rules based on the constant-loading durability diagram. Unlike the well-known Robinson rule of linear accumulation of partial life-times, the new rules allow to describe the life-time sensibility to the load sequence, observed in experiments. Comparison of the new rules with experimental data shows that they fit the data much more accurately than the Robinson rule
Perturbative Symmetry Approach
Perturbative Symmetry Approach is formulated in symbolic representation.
Easily verifiable integrability conditions of a given equation are constructed
in the frame of the approach. Generalisation for the case of non-local and
non-evolution equations is disscused. Application of the theory to the
Benjamin-Ono and Camassa-Holm type equations is considered.Comment: 16 page
Microwave-induced magnetotransport phenomena in two-dimensional electron systems: Importance of electrodynamic effects
We discuss possible origins of recently discovered microwave induced
photoresistance oscillations in very-high-electron-mobility two-dimensional
electron systems. We show that electrodynamic effects -- the radiative decay,
plasma oscillations, and retardation effects, -- are important under the
experimental conditions, and that their inclusion in the theory is essential
for understanding the discussed and related microwave induced magnetotransport
phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, including 2 figures and 1 tabl
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