122 research outputs found
Supercritical holes for the doubling map
For a map and an open connected set ( a hole) we
define to be the set of points in whose -orbit avoids
. We say that a hole is supercritical if (i) for any hole such
that the set is either empty or contains
only fixed points of ; (ii) for any hole such that \barH\subset H_0
the Hausdorff dimension of is positive.
The purpose of this note to completely characterize all supercritical holes
for the doubling map .Comment: This is a new version, where a full characterization of supercritical
holes for the doubling map is obtaine
Resonant photoemission at the absorption edge of Mn and Ti and electronic structure of 1T-MnTiSe
Resonant valence-band X-ray photoelectron spectra (ResPES) excited near
2p core level energies, 2p X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and
L X-ray absorption spectra (XAS) of Ti and Mn in single crystal of
1T-MnTiSe were studied for the first time. The ionic-covalent character
of bonds formed by Mn atoms with the neighboring Se atoms in the octahedral
coordination is established. From the XPS and XAS measurements compared with
results of atomic multiplet calculations of Ti and Mn L XAS it is found
that Ti atoms are in ionic state of 4+ and Mn atoms are in the state of 2+. In
ResPES of MnTiSe excited near Ti 2p and Mn 2p
absorption edges the Ti 3d and Mn 3d bands at binding energies just below the
Fermi level are observed. According to band structure calculations
E the Ti 3d states are localized in the vicinity of
point and the Mn 3d states are localized along the direction
K--M in the Brillouin zone of the crystal.Comment: 18 pages (preprint), 9 figure
Pseudo-boundaries in discontinuous 2-dimensional maps
It is known that Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser boundaries appear in sufficiently
smooth 2-dimensional area-preserving maps. When such boundaries are destroyed,
they become pseudo-boundaries. We show that pseudo-boundaries can also be found
in discontinuous maps. The origin of these pseudo-boundaries are groups of
chains of islands which separate parts of the phase space and need to be
crossed in order to move between the different sub-spaces. Trajectories,
however, do not easily cross these chains, but tend to propagate along them.
This type of behavior is demonstrated using a ``generalized'' Fermi map.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, epsf, submitted to Physical Review E (as
a brief report
Exponential decay properties of Wannier functions and related quantities
The spatial decay properties of Wannier functions and related quantities have
been investigated using analytical and numerical methods. We find that the form
of the decay is a power law times an exponential, with a particular power-law
exponent that is universal for each kind of quantity. In one dimension we find
an exponent of -3/4 for Wannier functions, -1/2 for the density matrix and for
energy matrix elements, and -1/2 or -3/2 for different constructions of
non-orthonormal Wannier-like functions.Comment: 4 pages, with 3 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf
macros. Also available at
The Exact Ground State of the Frenkel-Kontorova Model with Repeated Parabolic Potential: I. Basic Results
The problem of finding the exact energies and configurations for the
Frenkel-Kontorova model consisting of particles in one dimension connected to
their nearest-neighbors by springs and placed in a periodic potential
consisting of segments from parabolas of identical (positive) curvature but
arbitrary height and spacing, is reduced to that of minimizing a certain convex
function defined on a finite simplex.Comment: 12 RevTeX pages, using AMS-Fonts (amssym.tex,amssym.def), 6
Postscript figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.
On the derivation of the t-J model: electron spectrum and exchange interactions in narrow energy bands
A derivation of the t-J model of a highly-correlated solid is given starting
from the general many-electron Hamiltonian with account of the
non-orthogonality of atomic wave functions. Asymmetry of the Hubbard subbands
(i.e. of ``electron'' and ``hole''cases) for a nearly half-filled bare band is
demonstrated. The non-orthogonality corrections are shown to lead to occurrence
of indirect antiferromagnetic exchange interaction even in the limit of the
infinite on-site Coulomb repulsion. Consequences of this treatment for the
magnetism formation in narrow energy bands are discussed. Peculiarities of the
case of ``frustrated'' lattices, which contain triangles of nearest neighbors,
are considered.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe
Tight-binding modelling of the electronic band structure of layered superconducting perovskites
A detailed tight-binding analysis of the electron band structure of the CuO_2
plane of layered cuprates is performed within a sigma-band Hamiltonian
including four orbitals - Cu3d_x^2-y^2, Cu4s, O2p_x, and O2p_y. Both the
experimental and theoretical hints in favor of Fermi level located in a Cu or O
band, respectively, are considered. For these two alternatives analytical
expressions are obtained for the LCAO electron wave functions suitable for the
treatment of electron superexchange. Simple formulae for the Fermi surface and
electron dispersions are derived by applying the Loewdin down-fold procedure to
set up the effective copper and oxygen Hamiltonians. They are used to fit the
experimental ARUPS Fermi surface of Pb_0.42Bi_1.73Sr_1.94Ca_1.3Cu_1.92O_8+x and
both the ARPES and LDA Fermi surface of Nd_2-xCe_xCuO_4-delta. The value of
presenting the hopping amplitudes as surface integrals of ab initio atomic wave
functions is demonstrated as well. The same approach is applied to the RuO_2
plane of the ruthenate Sr_2RuO_4. The LCAO Hamiltonians including the three
in-plane pi-orbitals Ru4d_xy, O_a 2p_y, O_b 2p_x and the four transversal
pi-orbitals Ru4d_zx, Ru4d_yz, O_a 2p_z, O_b 2p_z, are separately considered. It
is shown that the equation for the constant energy curves and the Fermi
contours has the same canonical form as the one for the layered cuprates.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, published in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
(complete and corrected References section
Densities of States, Moments, and Maximally Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Power moments, modified moments, and optimized moments are powerful tools for
solving microscopic models of macroscopic systems; however the expansion of the
density of states as a continued fraction does not converge to the macroscopic
limit point-wise in energy with increasing numbers of moments. In this work the
moment problem is further constrained by minimal lifetimes or maximal breaking
of time-reversal symmetry, to yield approximate densities of states with
point-wise macroscopic limits. This is applied numerically to models with one
and two finite bands with various singularities, as well as to a model with
infinite band-width, and the results are compared with the maximum entropy
approximation where possible.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review
Pressure-induced metallization in solid boron
Different phases of solid boron under high pressure are studied by first
principles calculations. The -B structure is found to be stable
up to 270 GPa. Its semiconductor band gap (1.72 eV) decreases continuously to
zero around 160 GPa, where the material transforms to a weak metal. The
metallicity, as measured by the density of states at the Fermi level, enhances
as the pressure is further increased. The pressure-induced metallization can be
attributed to the enhanced boron-boron interactions that cause bands overlap.
These results are consist with the recently observed metallization and the
associated superconductivity of bulk boron under high pressure (M.I.Eremets et
al, Science{\bf 293}, 272(2001)).Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Comparison of Observations of Sporadic-E Layers in the Nighttime and Daytime Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
A comparison of numerous rocket experiments to investigate mid-latitude sporadic-E layers is presented. Electric field and plasma density data gathered on sounding rockets launched in the presence of sporadic-E layers and QP radar echoes reveal a complex electrodynamics including both DC parameters and plasma waves detected over a large range of scales. We show both DC and wave electric fields and discuss their relationship to intense sporadic-E layers in both nighttime and daytime conditions. Where available, neutral wind observations provide the complete electrodynamic picture revealing an essential source of free energy that both sets up the layers and drives them unstable. Electric field data from the nighttime experiments reveal the presence of km-scale waves as well as well-defined packets of broadband (10's of meters to meters) irregularities. What is surprising is that in both the nighttime and daytime experiments, neither the large scale nor short scale waves appear to be distinctly organized by the sporadic-E density layer itself. The observations are discussed in the context of current theories regarding sporadic-E layer generation and quasi-periodic echoes
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