11,505 research outputs found
An hp-Local Discontinuous Galerkin method for Parabolic\ud Integro-Differential Equations
In this article, a priori error analysis is discussed for an hp-local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) approximation to a parabolic integro-differential equation. It is shown that the L2 -norm of the gradient and the L2 -norm of the potential are optimal in the discretizing parameter h and suboptimal in the degree of polynomial p. Due to the presence of the integral term, an introduction of an expanded mixed type Ritz-Volterra projection helps to achieve optimal estimates. Further, it is observed that a negative norm estimate of the gradient plays a crucial role in our convergence analysis. As in the elliptic case, similar results on order of convergence are established for the semidiscrete method after suitably modifying the numerical fluxes. The optimality of these theoretical results is tested in a series of numerical experiments on two dimensional domains
Electronic transport properties of intermediately coupled superconductors: PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2
We have investigated the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient and
thermal conductivity of PdTe2 and 4% Cu intercalated PdTe2 compounds.
Electrical resistivity for the compounds shows Bloch-Gruneisen type linear
temperature (T) dependence for 100 K < T < 480 K, and Fermi liquid behavior (~
T^2) below 50 K. Seebeck coefficient data exhibit strong competition between
Normal (N) and Umklapp (U) scattering processes at low T. Though our results
indicate the transfer of charge carriers to PdTe2 upon Cu intercalation, it is
difficult to discern any change in the Fermi surface of the compound by
Nordheim-Gorter plots. The estimated Fermi energies of the compounds are quite
comparable to good metals Cu, Ag and Au. The low T, thermal conductivity (k) of
the compounds is strongly dominated by the electronic contribution, and
exhibits a rare linear T dependence below 10 K. However, high T, k(T) shows
usual 1/T dependence, dominated by U scattering process. The electron phonon
coupling parameters, estimated from the low T, specific heat data and first
principle electronic structure calculations suggest that PdTe2 and Cu0.04PdTe2
are intermediately coupled superconductors.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
UBVRI CCD photometry of the OB associations Bochum 1 and Bochum 6
We report the first deep CCD photometry of 2460 stars in the field of
two poorly studied OB associations Bochum 1 and Bochum 6. We selected 15 and 14
probable members in Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively using photometric
criteria and proper motion data of Tycho 2. Our analysis indicates variable
reddening having mean value of 0.470.10 and 0.710.13 mag
for Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively. Using the zero-age main-sequence
fitting method, we derive a distance of 2.80.4 and 2.50.4 Kpc for
Bochum 1 and Bochum 6 respectively. We obtain an age of 105 Myrs for both
the associations from isochrone fitting. In both associations high and low mass
stars have probably formed together. Within the observational uncertainties,
mass spectrum of the both associations appears to be similar to the Salpeter's
one.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for Bull. Astr. Soc. Indi
Non-uniform extinction in young open star clusters
The extinction law and the variation of colour excess with position,
luminosity as well as spectral class in young open star clusters NGC 663,
NGC869, NGC 884, NGC 1502, NGC 1893, NGC 2244, NGC 2264, NGC 6611, Tr 14, Tr
15,Tr 16, Coll 228, Tr 37 and Be 86 have been studied. The difference in the
minimum and maximum values of E(B-V) of cluster members has been considered as
a measure of the presence of non-uniform gas and dust inside the clusters. Its
value ranges from 0.22 to 1.03 mag in clusters under study, which indicates
that non-uniform extinction is present in all the clusters. It has been noticed
for the first time in NGC 1502 and Tr 37. It is also found that the
differential colour excess in open clusters, which may be due to the presence
of gas and dust, decreases systematically with the age of clusters indicating
that matter is used either in star formation or blown away by hot stars or
both. There is no uniformity in the variation of E(B-V) with either position or
spectral class or luminosity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS,
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