15,808 research outputs found
Nuclear isomer suitable for gamma ray laser
The operation of gamma ray lasers (gasers) are studied. It is assumed that the nuclear isomers mentioned in previously published papers have inherent limitations. It is further assumed that the judicious use of Bormann effect or the application of the total external reflection of low energy gamma radiation at grazing angle of incidence may permit the use of a gaser crystal sufficiently long to achieve observable stimulated emission. It is suggested that a long lived 0(+) isomer decaying by low energy gamma ray emission to a short lived 2(+) excited nuclear state would be an attractive gaser candidate. It is also suggested that the nuclear isomer be incorporated in a matrix of refractory material having an electrostatic field gradient whose principal axis lies along the length of the medium. This results in the preferential transmission of electric quadrupole radiation along the length of the medium
Multimode Phonon Cooling via Three Wave Parametric Interactions with Optical Fields
We discuss the possible cooling of different phonon modes via three wave
mixing interactions of vibrational and optical modes. Since phonon modes
exhibit a variety of dispersion relations or frequency spectra with diverse
spatial structures, depending on the shape and size of the sample, we formulate
our theory in terms of relevant spatial mode functions for the interacting
fields in any given geometry. We discuss the possibility of Dicke like
collective effects in phonon cooling and present explicit results for
simultaneous cooling of two phonon modes via the anti-Stokes up conversions. We
show that the bimodal cooling should be observable experimentally
Superconductivity in layered CeO0.5F0.5BiS2
We report appearance of superconductivity in CeO0.5F0.5BiS2. The bulk
polycrystalline samples CeOBiS2 and CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 are synthesized by
conventional solid state reaction route via vacuum encapsulation technique.
Detailed structural analysis showed that the studied CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 compound is
crystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space group with lattice parameters a =
4.016(3) A, c = 13.604(2) A. DC magnetization measurement (MT-curve) shows the
ferromagnetic signal at the low temperature region. The superconductivity is
established in CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 at Tconset = 2.5K by electrical transport
measurement. Under applied magnetic field both Tc onset and Tc ({\rho} =0)
decrease to lower temperatures and an upper critical field [Hc2(0)] above
1.2Tesla is estimated. The results suggest coexistence of ferromagnetism and
superconductivity for the CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 sample.Comment: 9 pages text + Fig
Effect of Se doping in recently discovered layered Bi4O4S3 Superconductor
We report suppression of superconductivity in Bi4O4S3 compound by Se doping
at S site. Bulk polycrystalline samples are synthesized by solid state reaction
route. The Rietveld refined of XRD data of all the studied samples show that
the same are crystallized in tetragonal I4/mmm space group with slightly
increased c lattice constant with the Se doping. Superconductivity is observed
at below 4.5 K in both dc magnetization and resistivity with temperature
measurements for all Bi4O4S3-xSex (x = 0, 0.03, 0.09 and 0.15) samples, though
the same is decreased slightly with increase in Se content. The upper critical
field of the Bi4O4S3 is estimated from resistivity under magnetic field [R(T)H]
measurements of up to 2T (Tesla), and the same decreases for Se doped samples.
The flux flow activation energies being obtained by fitting to the the
Arrhenius equation are 18.60 meV for Bi4O4S3, 13.69 meV for Bi4O4S2.97Se0.03
and 13.16 meV for Bi4O4S2.85Se0.15 samples in applied magnetic field of 200 Oe.
In conclusion the S site Se substitution showed detrimental effect on
superconductivity of Bi4O4S3.Comment: 9 pages text + Fig
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