20,931 research outputs found
Deployment and release mechanisms on the Swedish satellite, VIKING
Two mechanism types are presented, a rigid boom system and a 'hold and release' mechanism for spherical sensors. Both mechanisms have been designed, developed and tested by Saab-Space AB, Linkoping, Sweden for the VIKING project under a contract from the Swedish Space Corporation
Pulsation-induced atmospheric dynamics in M-type AGB stars. Effects on wind properties, photometric variations and near-IR CO line profiles
Wind-driving in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars is commonly attributed to
a two-step process. First, matter in the stellar atmosphere is levitated by
shock waves, induced by stellar pulsation, and second, this matter is
accelerated by radiation pressure on dust, resulting in a wind. In dynamical
atmosphere and wind models the effects of the stellar pulsation are often
simulated by a simplistic prescription at the inner boundary. We test a sample
of dynamical models for M-type AGB stars, for which we kept the stellar
parameters fixed to values characteristic of a typical Mira variable but varied
the inner boundary condition. The aim was to evaluate the effect on the
resulting atmosphere structure and wind properties. The results of the models
are compared to observed mass-loss rates and wind velocities, photometry, and
radial velocity curves, and to results from 1D radial pulsation models.
Dynamical atmosphere models are calculated, using the DARWIN code for different
combinations of photospheric velocities and luminosity variations. The inner
boundary is changed by introducing an offset between maximum expansion of the
stellar surface and the luminosity and/or by using an asymmetric shape for the
luminosity variation. Models that resulted in realistic wind velocities and
mass-loss rates, when compared to observations, also produced realistic
photometric variations. For the models to also reproduce the characteristic
radial velocity curve present in Mira stars (derived from CO
lines), an overall phase shift of 0.2 between the maxima of the luminosity and
radial variation had to be introduced. We find that a group of models with
different boundary conditions (29 models, including the model with standard
boundary conditions) results in realistic velocities and mass-loss rates, and
in photometric variations
Dust-driven winds of AGB stars: The critical interplay of atmospheric shocks and luminosity variations
Winds of AGB stars are thought to be driven by a combination of
pulsation-induced shock waves and radiation pressure on dust. In dynamic
atmosphere and wind models, the stellar pulsation is often simulated by
prescribing a simple sinusoidal variation in velocity and luminosity at the
inner boundary of the model atmosphere. We experiment with different forms of
the luminosity variation in order to assess the effects on the wind velocity
and mass-loss rate, when progressing from the simple sinusoidal recipe towards
more realistic descriptions. Using state-of-the-art dynamical models of C-rich
AGB stars, a range of different asymmetric shapes of the luminosity variation
and a range of phase shifts of the luminosity variation relative to the radial
variation are tested. These tests are performed on two stellar atmosphere
models. The first model has dust condensation and, as a consequence, a stellar
wind is triggered, while the second model lacks both dust and wind. The first
model with dust and stellar wind is very sensitive to moderate changes in the
luminosity variation. There is a complex relationship between the luminosity
minimum, and dust condensation: changing the phase corresponding to minimum
luminosity can either increase or decrease mass-loss rate and wind velocity.
The luminosity maximum dominates the radiative pressure on the dust, which in
turn, is important for driving the wind. These effects of changed luminosity
variation are coupled with the dust formation. In contrast there is very little
change to the structure of the model without dust. Changing the luminosity
variation, both by introducing a phase shift and by modifying the shape,
influences wind velocity and the mass-loss rate. To improve wind models it
would probably be desirable to extract boundary conditions from 3D dynamical
interior models or stellar pulsation models.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Exploring wind-driving dust species in cool luminous giants III. Wind models for M-type AGB stars: dynamic and photometric properties
Stellar winds observed in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are usually
attributed to a combination of stellar pulsations and radiation pressure on
dust. Shock waves triggered by pulsations propagate through the atmosphere,
compressing the gas and lifting it to cooler regions, which create favourable
conditions for grain growth. If sufficient radiative acceleration is exerted on
the newly formed grains through absorption or scattering of stellar photons, an
outflow can be triggered. Strong candidates for wind-driving dust species in
M-type AGB stars are magnesium silicates (MgSiO and MgSiO). Such
grains can form close to the stellar surface, they consist of abundant
materials and, if they grow to sizes comparable to the wavelength of the
stellar flux maximum, they experience strong acceleration by photon scattering.
We use a frequency-dependent radiation-hydrodynamics code with a detailed
description for the growth of MgSiO grains to calculate the first
extensive set of time-dependent wind models for M-type AGB stars. The resulting
wind properties, visual and near-IR photometry and mid-IR spectra are compared
with observations.We show that the models can produce outflows for a wide range
of stellar parameters. We also demonstrate that they reproduce observed
mass-loss rates and wind velocities, as well as visual and near-IR photometry.
However, the current models do not show the characteristic silicate features at
10 and 18 m as a result of the cool temperature of MgSiO grains in
the wind. Including a small amount of Fe in the grains further out in the
circumstellar envelope will increase the grain temperature and result in
pronounced silicate features, without significantly affecting the photometry in
the visual and near-IR wavelength regions.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure
Exploring wind-driving dust species in cool luminous giants II. Constraints from photometry of M-type AGB stars
The heavy mass loss observed in evolved asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars
is usually attributed to a two-stage process: atmospheric levitation by
pulsation-induced shock waves, followed by radiative acceleration of newly
formed dust grains. The dust transfers momentum to the surrounding gas through
collisions and thereby triggers a general outflow. Radiation-hydrodynamical
models of M-type AGB stars suggest that these winds can be driven by photon
scattering -- in contrast to absorption -- on Fe-free silicate grains of sizes
0.1--1\,m. In this paper we study photometric constraints for wind-driving
dust species in M-type AGB stars, as part of an ongoing effort to identify
likely candidates among the grain materials observed in circumstellar
envelopes. To investigate the scenario of stellar winds driven by photon
scattering on dust, and to explore how different optical and chemical
properties of wind-driving dust species affect photometry we focus on two sets
of dynamical models atmospheres: (i) models using a detailed description for
the growth of MgSiO grains, taking into account both scattering and
absorption cross-sections when calculating the radiative acceleration, and (ii)
models using a parameterized dust description, constructed to represent
different chemical and optical dust properties. By comparing synthetic
photometry from these two sets of models to observations of M-type AGB stars we
can provide constraints on the properties of wind-driving dust species.
Photometry from wind models with a detailed description for the growth of
MgSiO grains reproduces well both the values and the time-dependent
behavior of observations of M-type AGB stars, providing further support for the
scenario of winds driven by photon scattering on dust.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 15 pages, 14 figure
An accurate model for genetic hitch-hiking
We suggest a simple deterministic approximation for the growth of the
favoured-allele frequency during a selective sweep. Using this approximation we
introduce an accurate model for genetic hitch-hiking. Only when Ns < 10 (N is
the population size and s denotes the selection coefficient), are discrepancies
between our approximation and direct numerical simulations of a Moran model
noticeable. Our model describes the gene genealogies of a contiguous segment of
neutral loci close to the selected one, and it does not assume that the
selective sweep happens instantaneously. This enables us to compute SNP
distributions on the neutral segment without bias.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
Sample genealogies and genetic variation in populations of variable size
We consider neutral evolution of a large population subject to changes in its
population size. For a population with a time-variable carrying capacity we
have computed the distributions of the total branch lengths of its sample
genealogies. Within the coalescent approximation we have obtained a general
expression, Eq. (27), for the moments of these distributions for an arbitrary
smooth dependence of the population size on time. We investigate how the
frequency of population-size variations alters the distributions. This allows
us to discuss their influence on the distribution of the number of mutations,
and on the population homozygosity in populations with variable size.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
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