254 research outputs found
Influence of fluids on the abrasion of silicon by diamond
Silicon wafers ((100)-p-type) were abraded at room temperature in acetone, absolute ethanol and water by a pyramid diamond and the resulting groove depth was measured as a function of normal force on the diamond and the absorbed fluids, while all other experimental conditions were held constant. The groove depth rates are in the ratio of 1:2:3 for water, absolute ethanol, and acetone, respectively, for a constant normal force. The groove depth rate is lower when the normal force is decreased. The silicon abraded in the presence of water was chipped as expected for a classical brittle material while the surfaces abraded in the other two fluids showed ductile ploughing as the main mechanism for silicon removal
Study of abrasive wear rate of silicon using n-alcohols
The work carried out at the University of Illinois at Chicago for the Flat-Plate Solar Array Project under contract No. 956053 is summarized. The abrasion wear rate of silicon in a number of fluid environments and the parameters that influence the surface mechanical properties of silicon were determined. Three tests were carried out in this study: circular and linear multiple-scratch test, microhardness test and a three-point bend test. The pertinent parameters such as effect of surface orientation, dopant and fluid properties were sorted. A brief review and critique of previous work is presented
Silicon sheet surface studies
Several activities were performed in the area of silicon sheet surface studies. An interferometry technique was developed for measuring residual stresses in short, thin silicon sheets. Simulation of abrasion of silicon by diamond and by scrating and indentation tests was carried out. The wear rate in silicon was correlated with a wear model
Surface property modification of silicon
The main emphasis of this work has been to determine the wear rate of silicon in fluid environments and the parameters that influence wear. Three tests were carried out on single crystal Czochralski silicon wafers: circular and linear multiple-scratch tests in fluids by a pyramidal diamond simulated fixed-particle abrasion; microhardness and three-point bend tests were used to determine the hardness and fracture toughness of abraded silicon and the extent of damage induced by abrasion. The wear rate of (100) and (111) n and p-type single crystal Cz silicon abraded by a pyramidal diamond in ethanol, methanol, acetone and de-ionized water was determined by measuring the cross-sectional areas of grooves of the circular and linear multiple-scratch tests. The wear rate depends on the loads on the diamond and is highest for ethanol and lowest for de-ionized water. The surface morphology of the grooves showed lateral and median cracks as well as a plastically deformed region. The hardness and fracture toughness are critical parameters that influence the wear rate. Microhardness tests were conducted to determine the hardness as influenced by fluids. Median cracks and the damage zone surrounding the indentations were also related to the fluid properties
Surface property modification of semiconductors by fluid absorption
The University of Illinois at Chicago program to develop an understanding of the basic mechanisms of deformation during the lubricated cutting of silicon is discussed. Also described is the development of a nondestructive measurement technique for residual stress in a silicon sheet
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Initiative in Photovoltaic Manufacturing: Final Subcontract Report, 2 January 2002 - 15 January 2008
This paper summarizes the major accomplishments of the Georgia Institute of Technology PV Manufacturing Laboratory in optical inspection, thin wafter handling, and software development
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Full Field Birefringence Measurement of Grown-In Stresses in Thin Silicon Sheet: Final Technical Report, 2 January 2002 - 15 January 2008
This paper summarizes polariscopy work that led to prototype non-contact, near-infrared light-transmission system for inspecting thin, flat, large-area Si wafers. Acoustic work led to commercially viable system to inspect wafers for microcracks
Визначення показань та протипоказань до симультанних оперативних втручань у пацієнтів з поєднанням ендокринної та іншої хірургічної патології
The aim of the work: to develop indications and contraindications for the implementation of simultaneous surgical interventions on the example of patients with combined pathology of the thyroid gland (TG) and cholelithiasis (CL) / gallbladder polyposis, using the scale of the functional state of P-POSSUM.
Materials and Methods. During the period from January 2015 to September 2018, 35 patients with combined pathology of the TG and CL / gallbladder polyposis were examined and operated. At the preoperative stage, as well as on the first day of the postoperative period, all patients evaluated on the P-POSSUM scale.
Results and Discussion. In 22 (62.9 %) patients, whose functional state before the intervention was assessed by physiological subscale (FS) ≤ 17 points, there were postoperative changes in health with an average difference of 0.13 points, T (Z) = 1.21, p = 0.225. In all these patients, the complexity of surgical intervention on the surgical sub-scale (SS) on the P-POSSUM scale was estimated ≤ 14 points. In 13 (37.1 %) patients, whose condition was estimated at 17 points by FS, significant changes in functional health before and after surgery were revealed, with a difference of average 1.15 points, T (Z) = 2.67; p = 0.0077. The complexity of their operations ranged from 14 to 16 points for SS.Цель работы: разработать показания и противопоказания к выполнению симультанных оперативных вмешательств на примере пациентов с сочетанной патологией щитовидной железы (ЩЖ) и желчнокаменной болезнью (ЖКБ) / полипозом желчного пузыря, с использованием шкалы функционального состояния P-POSSUM.
Материалы и методы. За период с января 2015 по сентябрь 2018 года обследовано и прооперировано 35 пациентов с сочетанной патологией щитовидной железы и ЖКБ / полипозом желчного пузыря. На дооперационном этапе, а также на первые сутки послеоперационного периода, всем пациентам проводили оценку функционального состояния по шкале P-POSSUM.
Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. У 22 (62,9 %) пациентов, функциональное состояние которых до вмешательства оценивалось по физиологической субшкале (ФС) ≤ 17 баллов, имели место послеоперационные изменения состояния здоровья с разницей средних 0,13 баллов, Т (Z) = 1,21, р = 0,225. В этих больных сложность оперативного вмешательства по хирургической субшкале (ХС) шкале P-POSSUM была оценена ≤ 14 баллов. У 13 (37,1 %) больных, состояние которых было оценено в 17 баллов по ФС, выявлены значимые изменения функционального состояния здоровья до и после операции, с разницей средних 1,15 балла, Т (Z) = 2,67; р = 0,0077. Сложность операций у них колебалась от 14 до 16 баллов за ХС.Мета роботи: розробити показання та протипоказання до виконання симультанних оперативних втручань на прикладі пацієнтів з поєднаною патологією щитоподібної залози (ЩЗ) та жовчнокам’яною хворобою (ЖКХ) / поліпозом жовчного міхура, з використанням шкали функціонального стану P-POSSUM.
Матеріали і методи. За період з січня 2015 до вересня 2018 року обстежено та прооперовано 35 пацієнтів з поєднаною патологією щитоподібної залози та ЖКХ / поліпозом жовчного міхура. На доопераційному етапі, а також на першу добу післяопераційного періоду всім пацієнтам проводили оцінку функціонального стану за шкалою P-POSSUM.
Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. У 22 (62,9 %) пацієнтів, функціональний стан яких до втручання оцінювався за фізіологічною субшкалою (ФС) ≤ 17 балів, мали місце післяопераційні зміни стану здоров’я з різницею середніх 0,13 бала, Т (Z) = 1,21, р = 0,225. У всіх цих хворих складність оперативного втручання за хірургічною субшкалою (ХС) шкали P-POSSUM була оцінена ≤ 14 балів. У 13 (37,1 %) хворих, стан яких був оцінений в ˃ 17 балів за ФС, виявлені значущі зміни функціонального стану здоров’я до та після операції з різницею середніх 1,15 бала, Т (Z) = 2,67; р = 0,0077. Складність операцій у них коливалася від 14 до 16 балів за ХС
Построение диагностической модели сложного объекта диагностирования на основе минимизации множества вероятностно-лингвистических синдромов
The probabilistic-linguistic approach to the representation and transformation of the fuzzy information allows to show how to solve the problem of building types of numerous probabilistic-linguistic syndromes characterizing all possible technical conditions of complex object for diagnostics.На основе вероятностно-лингвистического подхода к представлению и преобразованию нечеткой информации показан порядок решения задачи типизации сформированного экспертами множества вероятностно-лингвистических синдромов, характеризующих все возможные технические состояния сложного объекта диагностирования
Comparative expression of Cbf genes in the Triticeae under different acclimation induction temperatures
In plants, the C-repeat binding factors (Cbfs) are believed to regulate low-temperature (LT) tolerance. However, most functional studies of Cbfs have focused on characterizing expression after an LT shock and have not quantified differences associated with variable temperature induction or the rate of response to LT treatment. In the Triticeae, rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most LT-tolerant species, and is an excellent model to study and compare Cbf LT induction and expression profiles. Here, we report the isolation of rye Cbf genes (ScCbfs) and compare their expression levels in spring- and winter-habit rye cultivars and their orthologs in two winter-habit wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars. Eleven ScCbfs were isolated spanning all four major phylogenetic groups. Nine of the ScCbfs mapped to 5RL and one to chromosome 2R. Cbf expression levels were variable, with stronger expression in winter- versus spring-habit rye cultivars but no clear relationship with cultivar differences in LT, down-stream cold-regulated gene expression and Cbf expression were detected. Some Cbfs were expressed only at warmer acclimation temperatures in all three species and their expression was repressed at the end of an 8-h dark period at warmer temperatures, which may reflect a temperature-dependent, light-regulated diurnal response. Our work indicates that Cbf expression is regulated by complex genotype by time by induction–temperature interactions, emphasizing that sample timing, induction–temperature and light-related factors must receive greater consideration in future studies involving functional characterization of LT-induced genes in cereals
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