4,132 research outputs found
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City flight migration patterns in the East Midlands
This paper investigates migration to and from the Three Cities of Derby, Leicester and Nottingham. It investigates whether these cities lose more migrants than they gain from more rural parts of the city-regions and the extent to which these flows impact on the demographic profiles of the Three Cities
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City regions and polycentricity: the East Midlands urban network
The aims of this paper were to clarify the meaning of the terms city region and polycentricy and to then examine evidence on urban centres in the East Midlands to see how far these terms describe the present configuration of the region
Dynamics of synaptically coupled integrate-and-fire-or-burst neurons
The minimal integrate-and-fire-or-burst (IFB) neuron model reproduces the salient features of
experimentally observed thalamocortical (TC) relay neuron response properties, including the tem-
poral tuning of both tonic spiking (i.e., conventional action potentials) and post-inhibitory rebound
bursting mediated by a low-threshold calcium current. In this paper we consider networks of IFB
neurons with slow synaptic interactions and show how the dynamics may be described with a
smooth firing rate model. When the firing rate of the IFB model is dominated by a refractory
process the equations of motion simplify and may be solved exactly. Numerical simulations are
used to show that a pair of reciprocally interacting inhibitory spiking IFB TC neurons supports
an alternating rhythm of the type predicted from the firing rate theory. A change in a single
parameter of the IFB neuron allows it to fire a burst of spikes in response to a depolarizing signal,
so that it mimics the behavior of a reticular (RE) cell. Within a continuum model we show that
a network of RE cells with on-center excitation can support a fast traveling pulse. In contrast a
network of inhibitory TC cells is found to support a slowly propagating lurching pulse
The effect of ion pumps on the speed of travelling waves in the fire-diffuse-fire model of Ca2+ release
The fire-diffuse-fire model provides an idealised model of Ca2+ release within living cells. The effect of calcium pumps, which drive Ca2+ back into internal stores, is often neglected for mathematical simplicity. Here we show how to explicitly analyse such effects by extending the work of Keizer et al. (J. E. Keizer, G. D. Smith, S. Ponce Dawson and J. Pearson, 1998, Saltatory propagation of Ca2+ waves by Ca2+ sparks, Biophysical Journal, 75, 595-600). For travelling waves, in which release events occur sequentially, we construct the speed of waves in terms of the time-scale at which pumps operate. An immediate consequence of this analysis is that the inclusion of calcium pumps leads to multiple solutions. A linear stability analysis determines those solution branches in parameter space which are stable. Numerical continuation is used to provide explicit examples of the bifurcation diagrams of the speed of waves as a function of physiologically significant system parameters
From periodic travelling waves to travelling fronts in the spike-diffuse-spike model of dendritic waves
In the vertebrate brain excitatory synaptic contacts typically occur on the tiny
evaginations of neuron dendritic surface known as dendritic spines. There is clear
evidence that spine heads are endowed with voltage dependent excitable channels
and that action potentials invade spines. Computational models are being increasingly
used to gain insight into the functional significance for a spine with excitable
membrane. The spike-diffuse-spike (SDS) model is one such model that admits to
a relatively straightforward mathematical analysis. In this paper we demonstrate
that not only can the SDS model support solitary travelling pulses, already observed
numerically in more detailed biophysical models, but that it has periodic travelling
wave solutions. The exact mathematical treatment of periodic travelling waves in
the SDS model is used, within a kinematic framework, to predict the existence of
connections between two periodic spike trains of different interspike interval. The
associated wave front in the sequence of interspike intervals travels with a constant
velocity without degradation of shape, and might therefore be used for robust
encoding of information
Phase locking in networks of synaptically coupled McKean relaxation oscillators
We use geometric dynamical systems methods to derive phase equations for networks
of weakly connected McKean relaxation oscillators. We derive an explicit
formula for the connection function when the oscillators are coupled with chemical
synapses modeled as the convolution of some input spike train with an appropriate
synaptic kernel. The theory allows the systematic investigation of the way in
which a slow recovery variable can interact with synaptic time scales to produce
phase-locked solutions in networks of pulse coupled neural relaxation oscillators.
The theory is exact in the singular limit that the fast and slow time scales of the
neural oscillator become effectively independent. By focusing on a pair of mutually
coupled McKean oscillators with alpha function synaptic kernels, we clarify the role
that fast and slow synapses of excitatory and inhibitory type can play in producing
stable phase-locked rhythms. In particular we show that for fast excitatory synapses
there is coexistence of a stable synchronous, a stable anti-synchronous, and one stable
asynchronous solution. For slower synapses the anti-synchronous solution can
lose stability, whilst for even slower synapses it can regain stability. The case of
inhibitory synapses is similar up to a reversal of the stability of solution branches.
Using a return-map analysis the case of strong pulsatile coupling is also considered.
In this case it is shown that the synchronous solution can co-exist with a continuum
of asynchronous states
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