529 research outputs found
Hard thermal loops in the real-time formalism
We present a systematic discussion of Braaten and Pisarski's hard thermal
loop (HTL) effective theory within the framework of the real-time
(Schwinger-Keldysh) formalism. As is well known, the standard imaginary-time
HTL amplitudes for hot gauge theory express the polarization of a medium made
out of nonabelian charged point-particles; we show that the complete real-time
HTL theory includes, in addition, a second set of amplitudes which account for
Gaussian fluctuations in the charge distributions, but nothing else. We give a
concise set of graphical rules which generate both set of functions, and
discuss its relation to classical plasma physics.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure
Jumpstarting the all-loop S-matrix of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills
We derive a set of first-order differential equations obeyed by the S-matrix of planar maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The equations, based on the Yangian symmetry of the theory, involve only finite and regulator-independent quantities and uniquely determine the all-loop S-matrix. When expanded in powers of the coupling they give derivatives of amplitudes as single integrals over lower-loop, higher-point amplitudes/Wilson loops. We outline a derivation for the equations using the Operator Product Expansion for Wilson loops. We apply them on a few examples at two- and three-loops, reproducing a recent result on the two-loop NMHV hexagon and fixing previously undermined coefficients in a recent Ansatz for the three-loop MHV hexagon. In addition, we consider amplitudes restricted to a two-dimensional subspace of Minkowski space and derive a particularly simple closed set of equations in that case
Heavy Quark Thermalization in Classical Lattice Gauge Theory: Lessons for Strongly-Coupled QCD
Thermalization of a heavy quark near rest is controlled by the correlator of
two electric fields along a temporal Wilson line. We address this correlator
within real-time, classical lattice Yang-Mills theory, and elaborate on the
analogies that exist with the dynamics of hot QCD. In the weak-coupling limit,
it can be shown analytically that the dynamics on the two sides are closely
related to each other. For intermediate couplings, we carry out
non-perturbative simulations within the classical theory, showing that the
leading term in the weak-coupling expansion significantly underestimates the
heavy quark thermalization rate. Our analytic and numerical results also yield
a general understanding concerning the overall shape of the spectral function
corresponding to the electric field correlator, which may be helpful in
subsequent efforts to reconstruct it from Euclidean lattice Monte Carlo
simulations.Comment: 22 pages. v2: a reference and clarifications added; published versio
Superpropagator and superconformal invariants
We construct a superpropagator in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
which is invariant off-shell under a chiral half of supersymmetries. Motivated
by the duality with scattering amplitudes in this theory, we apply this
superpropagator to supersymmeytric Wilson loop on polygonal contours. By
performing explicit one-loop calculations we confirm the absence of anomalies
and verify the duality between the object under study and NMHV amplitudes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
A way to estimate the heavy quark thermalization rate from the lattice
The thermalization rate of a heavy quark is related to its momentum diffusion
coefficient. Starting from a Kubo relation and using the framework of the heavy
quark effective theory, we argue that in the large-mass limit the momentum
diffusion coefficient can be defined through a certain Euclidean correlation
function, involving color-electric fields along a Polyakov loop. Furthermore,
carrying out a perturbative computation, we demonstrate that the spectral
function corresponding to this correlator is relatively flat at small
frequencies. Therefore, unlike in the case of several other transport
coefficients, for which the narrowness of the transport peak makes analytic
continuation from Euclidean lattice data susceptible to severe systematic
uncertainties, it appears that the determination of the heavy quark
thermalization rate could be relatively well under control.Comment: 17 pages. v2: clarifications and references added, published versio
Heavy quark diffusion in QCD and N=4 SYM at next-to-leading order
We present the full details of a calculation at next-to-leading order of the
momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark in a hot, weakly coupled, QCD
plasma. Corrections arise at O(g_s); physically they represent interference
between overlapping scatterings, as well as soft, electric scale (p ~ gT) gauge
field physics, which we treat using the hard thermal loop (HTL) effective
theory. In 3-color, 3-flavor QCD, the momentum diffusion constant of a
fundamental representation heavy quark at NLO is kappa = (16\pi/3) alpha_s^2
T^3 (log(1/g) + 0.07428 + 1.9026 g). We extend the computation to a heavy
fundamental representation ``probe'' quark in large N_c, N=4 Super Yang-Mills
theory, where the result is kappa^{SYM}= (lambda^2 T^3)(6\pi)
(log(1/\sqrt{\lambda}) + 0.4304 + 0.8010 \sqrt{lambda}) (where lambda=g_s^2 N_c
is the t'Hooft coupling). In the absence of some resummation technique, the
convergence of perturbation theory is poor.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure
What can be measured asymptotically?
We consider asymptotic observables in quantum field theories in which the
S-matrix makes sense. We argue that in addition to scattering amplitudes, a
whole compendium of inclusive observables exists where the time-ordering is
relaxed. These include expectation values of electromagnetic or gravitational
radiation fields as well as out-of-time-order amplitudes. We explain how to
calculate them in two ways: by relating them to amplitudes and products of
amplitudes, and by using a generalization of the LSZ reduction formula. As an
application, we discuss one-loop master integrals contributing to gravitational
radiation in the post-Minkowski expansion, emphasizing the role of classical
cut contributions and highlighting the different infrared physics of in-in
observables.Comment: 67 pages, typos correcte
Crossing beyond scattering amplitudes
We find that different asymptotic measurements in quantum field theory can be
related to one another through new versions of crossing symmetry. Assuming
analyticity, we conjecture generalized crossing relations for multi-particle
processes and the corresponding paths of analytic continuation. We prove them
to all multiplicity at tree-level in quantum field theory and string theory. We
illustrate how to practically perform analytic continuations on loop-level
examples using different methods, including unitarity cuts and differential
equations. We study the extent to which anomalous thresholds away from the
usual physical region can cause an analytic obstruction to crossing when
massless particles are involved. In an appendix, we review and streamline
historical proofs of four-particle crossing symmetry in gapped theories.Comment: 108 page
Colour-electric spectral function at next-to-leading order
The spectral function related to the correlator of two colour-electric fields
along a Polyakov loop determines the momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy
quark near rest with respect to a heat bath. We compute this spectral function
at next-to-leading order, O(alpha_s^2), in the weak-coupling expansion. The
high-frequency part of our result (omega >> T), which is shown to be
temperature-independent, is accurately determined thanks to asymptotic freedom;
the low-frequency part of our result (omega << T), in which Hard Thermal Loop
resummation is needed in order to cure infrared divergences, agrees with a
previously determined expression. Our result may help to calibrate the overall
normalization of a lattice-extracted spectral function in a perturbative
frequency domain T << omega << 1/a, paving the way for a non-perturbative
estimate of the momentum diffusion coefficient at omega -> 0. We also evaluate
the colour-electric Euclidean correlator, which could be directly compared with
lattice simulations. As an aside we determine the Euclidean correlator in the
lattice strong-coupling expansion, showing that through a limiting procedure it
can in principle be defined also in the confined phase of pure Yang-Mills
theory, even if a practical measurement could be very noisy there.Comment: 38 page
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