6 research outputs found
Effect of a magnetic field on molecule-solvent angular momentum transfer
Recently it was shown that a molecule rotating in a quantum solvent can be
described in terms of the `angulon' quasiparticle [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 095301
(2017)]. Here we extend the angulon theory to the case of molecules possessing
an additional spin-1/2 degree of freedom and study the behavior of the system
in the presence of a static magnetic field. We show that exchange of angular
momentum between the molecule and the solvent can be altered by the field, even
though the solvent itself is non-magnetic. In particular, we demonstrate a
possibility to control resonant emission of phonons with a given angular
momentum using a magnetic field.Comment: 8+5 pages; 4 figures; accepted versio
IST Austria Thesis
In this Thesis, I study composite quantum impurities with variational techniques, both inspired by machine learning as well as fully analytic. I supplement this with exploration of other applications of machine learning, in particular artificial neural networks, in many-body physics. In Chapters 3 and 4, I study quasiparticle systems with variational approach. I derive a Hamiltonian describing the angulon quasiparticle in the presence of a magnetic field. I apply analytic variational treatment to this Hamiltonian. Then, I introduce a variational approach for non-additive systems, based on artificial neural networks. I exemplify this approach on the example of the polaron quasiparticle (Fröhlich Hamiltonian). In Chapter 5, I continue using artificial neural networks, albeit in a different setting. I apply artificial neural networks to detect phases from snapshots of two types physical systems. Namely, I study Monte Carlo snapshots of multilayer classical spin models as well as molecular dynamics maps of colloidal systems. The main type of networks that I use here are convolutional neural networks, known for their applicability to image data
Detecting composite orders in layered models via machine learning
Determining the phase diagram of systems consisting of smaller subsystems 'connected' via a tunable coupling is a challenging task relevant for a variety of physical settings. A general question is whether new phases, not present in the uncoupled limit, may arise. We use machine learning and a suitable quasidistance between different points of the phase diagram to study layered spin models, in which the spin variables constituting each of the uncoupled systems (to which we refer as layers) are coupled to each other via an interlayer coupling. In such systems, in general, composite order parameters involving spins of different layers may emerge as a consequence of the interlayer coupling. We focus on the layered Ising and Ashkin–Teller models as a paradigmatic case study, determining their phase diagram via the application of a machine learning algorithm to the Monte Carlo data. Remarkably our technique is able to correctly characterize all the system phases also in the case of hidden order parameters, i.e. order parameters whose expression in terms of the microscopic configurations would require additional preprocessing of the data fed to the algorithm. We correctly retrieve the three known phases of the Ashkin–Teller model with ferromagnetic couplings, including the phase described by a composite order parameter. For the bilayer and trilayer Ising models the phases we find are only the ferromagnetic and the paramagnetic ones. Within the approach we introduce, owing to the construction of convolutional neural networks, naturally suitable for layered image-like data with arbitrary number of layers, no preprocessing of the Monte Carlo data is needed, also with regard to its spatial structure. The physical meaning of our results is discussed and compared with analytical data, where available. Yet, the method can be used without any a priori knowledge of the phases one seeks to find and can be applied to other models and structures
Steam turbine stress control using NARX neural network
Considered here is concept of steam turbine
stress control, which is based on Nonlinear AutoRegressive
neural networks with eXogenous inputs. Using NARX
neural networks,whichwere trained based on experimentally
validated FE model allows to control stresses in protected
thickwalled steam turbine element with FE model
quality. Additionally NARX neural network, which were
trained base on FE model, includes: nonlinearity of steam
expansion in turbine steam path during transients, nonlinearity
of heat exchange inside the turbine during transients
and nonlinearity of material properties during transients.
In this article NARX neural networks stress controls
is shown as an example of HP rotor of 18K390 turbine.
HP part thermodynamic model as well as heat exchange
model in vicinity of HP rotor,whichwere used in FE model
of the HP rotor and the HP rotor FE model itself were validated
based on experimental data for real turbine transient
events. In such a way it is ensured that NARX neural
network behave as real HP rotor during steam turbine transient
Artificial neural network states for non-additive systems
Methods inspired from machine learning have recently attracted great interest in the computational study of quantum many-particle systems. So far, however, it has proven challenging to deal with microscopic models in which the total number of particles is not conserved. To address this issue, we propose a new variant of neural network states, which we term neural coherent states. Taking the Fröhlich impurity model as a case study, we show that neural coherent states can learn the ground state of non-additive systems very well. In particular, we observe substantial improvement over the standard coherent state estimates in the most challenging intermediate coupling regime. Our approach is generic and does not assume specific details of the system, suggesting wide applications
Detecting composite orders in layered models via machine learning
Determining the phase diagram of systems consisting of smaller subsystems 'connected' via a tunable coupling is a challenging task relevant for a variety of physical settings. A general question is whether new phases, not present in the uncoupled limit, may arise. We use machine learning and a suitable quasidistance between different points of the phase diagram to study layered spin models, in which the spin variables constituting each of the uncoupled systems (to which we refer as layers) are coupled to each other via an interlayer coupling. In such systems, in general, composite order parameters involving spins of different layers may emerge as a consequence of the interlayer coupling. We focus on the layered Ising and Ashkin–Teller models as a paradigmatic case study, determining their phase diagram via the application of a machine learning algorithm to the Monte Carlo data. Remarkably our technique is able to correctly characterize all the system phases also in the case of hidden order parameters, i.e. order parameters whose expression in terms of the microscopic configurations would require additional preprocessing of the data fed to the algorithm. We correctly retrieve the three known phases of the Ashkin–Teller model with ferromagnetic couplings, including the phase described by a composite order parameter. For the bilayer and trilayer Ising models the phases we find are only the ferromagnetic and the paramagnetic ones. Within the approach we introduce, owing to the construction of convolutional neural networks, naturally suitable for layered image-like data with arbitrary number of layers, no preprocessing of the Monte Carlo data is needed, also with regard to its spatial structure. The physical meaning of our results is discussed and compared with analytical data, where available. Yet, the method can be used without any a priori knowledge of the phases one seeks to find and can be applied to other models and structures.ISSN:1367-263