13 research outputs found

    Arrival and departure manager cooperation for reducing airborne holding times at destination airports

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    This thesis addresses the possibility of using a delay-on-ground concept in which flights with less than 1 hour flying time (often referred to as pop-up flights) absorb their arrival sequencing delay at the departure gate by being issued their Arrival Manager (AMAN)-scheduled time as a Required Time of Arrival (RTA) that is inserted into the Flight Management System (FMS). Due to their short duration these flights are currently often inserted into the AMAN sequence shortly before Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) entry and thereby often need to absorb their arrival sequencing delay in the inefficient manner of airborne holding or vectoring close to the arrival airport. The literature review examines current operational procedures of AMANs and Departure Managers (DMANs), the current FMS RTA function and live trials in which the delay-on-ground concept was tested in real operations. A case study airport in Europe that has potential to benefit from the concept is identified. The performance of the delay-on-ground concept for the case study airport is then assessed by performing 180 fast-time Monte Carlo simulation runs. For each run the arrival flow to the case study airport and the departure flows from two medium-sized airports from which the pop-up flights originate are simulated. Each run represents an operational day and variations in departure/arrivals time is put into the timetables to simulate the variation in actual departure/arrival times resulting from operational factors normally encountered in day-to-day operations. An algorithm is written in Matlab to simulate an AMAN-DMAN cooperation in which pop-up flights are locked to the required departure times to meet their RTAs. It is shown that a significant reduction in airborne delay time and fuel consumption can be achieved at the case study airport by using the concept. It is also shown that it is possible to ensure that the pop-up flights depart at the required times to meet their RTAs without negatively affecting the departure sequences

    Directing Paths Into Adulthood: Newly Arrived Students and the Intersection of Education and Migration Policy

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    This article is centred on the tendency to align education for newly arrived students with migration policy. Drawing on an in-depth analysis of interviews with four adult migrant students, we aim to investigate how the participants’ experiences of studying and how they imagine their future intersect with their immigration status. The interviews were conducted when they were first studying a language introduction programme, and then three years later. We focus on the participants’ narratives about transitions within the education system and later into the labour market. Using Sara Ahmed’s approach to the orientation of subjects in time and space, the analysis shows that all students expressed a desire to “be in line,” meaning finishing their studies and finding employment. Students with temporary and conditional residence permits were directed towards specific vocational tracks and sectors of the labour market. Migrant students are a heterogenous group and, based on the findings presented, we argue that immigration status constitutes a crucial part of this heterogeneity, influencing how students imagine their future in a new society

    Medforskning : Med fokus på ungdomar i årskurs åtta i Åbolands skärgård

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    Medforskningen som metod har ökat längs med åren, speciellt inom social- och hälsovård. Fortfarande används denna metod dock i bara en bråkdel av all forskning som görs. Medforskning ger deltagarna möjlighet att påverka och delta i spridandet av resultat. Även om medforskning kräver mera tid och pengar, anses resultatet vara av större tillförlitlighet. Detta är ett arbete inom projektet Skärgårdsliv, med fokus på ungdomar i årskurs åtta. Syftet med arbetet är att utreda vad medforskning är, samt skapa en manual för hur man utför medforskning tillsammans med Åbolands skärgårds åttondeklassare. Målgruppen för arbetet är främst de som är intresserade av att utföra medforskning med ungdomar, men även ungdomarna själva. Innehållet samt metoderna går att tillämpa inom medforskning för olika åldrar. Metoden som använts är osystematisk litteraturöversikt. Vetenskapliga artiklar har sökts från databasen Cinahl EBSCO. Utöver detta har böcker och övriga internetkällor använts. Källorna som hittats har analyserats och därefter har relevansen, nyttan och tillförlitligheten bedömts. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten är detta examensarbete som innehåller bl.a. information om ungdomar och medforskning. En manual har också utformats utifrån examensarbetet. Manualen omfattar metoder och vägledning hur man i praktiken kan utföra medforskning.Yhteistutkijuuden toteuttaminen on kasvanut vuosien varrella etenkin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon aloilla. Menetelmää käytetään kuitenkin edelleen vain murto-osassa kaikista tutkimuksista. Yhteistutkijuuden avulla osallistujat saavat sekä mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa että osallistua tulosten levittämiseen. Yhteistutkijuus vaatii enemmän aikaa ja taloudellista panostusta kuin muut tutkimusmenetelmät, mutta sen tuloksen katsotaan olevan luotettavampi. Tutkielma on osa projektia Skärgårdsliv, joka keskittyy kahdeksasluokkalaisiin. Tarkoituksena on selvittää mitä yhteistutkijuus tarkoittaa sekä laatia käsikirja siitä, miten yhteistutkijuutta tehdään Turunmaan saariston kahdeksasluokkalaisten kanssa. Kohderyhmään kuuluu lähinnä henkilöitä, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita yhteistutkijuuden tekemisestä nuorten kanssa, mutta myös nuoret itse. Niin sisältöä kuin menetelmiäkin voidaan soveltaa eri-ikäisille. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty epäsystemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tieteellisiä artikkeleita on haettu Cinahl EBSCO-tietokannasta, jonka lisäksi apuna on käytetty kirjoja ja muita internet-lähteitä. Lähteet on analysoitu ja niiden osuvuus, hyödyllisyys ja luotettavuus on arvioitu. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksena on tutkielma, joka sisältää tietoa muun muassa nuorista ja yhteistutkijuudesta. Tutkielman pohjalta on laadittu käsikirja, joka sisältää menetelmiä ja ohjeita siitä, miten yhteistutkijuutta käytännössä tehdään.Participation research has increased through the years, especially in social and health care. It is, however, still only a fraction of all research done. Participation research gives the participants a chance to affect the results and participate in their spreading. Even if participation research requires more time and money than other research forms, the result is considered more reliable. This is a work in the project Skärgårdsliv, with a focal point on young people in eighth grade. The purpose of this project is to investigate what participation research is, and to create a manual for how to accomplish participation with the young people in eighth grade in Turunmaan archipelago. The main target group for this project is mainly those interested in doing a participation research with youngsters, but also the youngsters themselves. The content and methods can be applied to participation research for all ages. The method used is unsystematic literature review. Scientific articles have been taken from the database Cinahl EBSCO. In addition, books and other internet sources have been used. The sources to be found have been analysed and their relevance, usefulness and reliability been judged. The result of the literature review is this bachelor dissertation containing among other things information about young people and participation research. Using the bachelor dissertation a manual has been created. The manual covers methods and guidance on how to do a participation research in practice

    The use of extreme value theory and time series analysis to estimate risk measures for extreme events.

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    In this thesis the main purpose is to use extreme value theory and time series analysis to find modelsfor estimating the two risk measures for potential losses, value at risk and expected shortfall. Focus ison the time horizon needed to obtain predictions that are consistent with the actual outcome of anasset or a portfolio of assets. The extreme value based methods used are the Hill estimator and the peak over threshold method.The Hill estimator is also combined with a time series model. The time series model used is an AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model. For extreme value theory based models the choice of threshold between the observations belongingto the tail and the observations belonging to the center of the distribution is crucial. In this study thethreshold is set to be 10% of the sample size, by conventional choice. There are additional methodsof choosing the threshold and some of them are presented in this paper. For each models different length of historical data is used when predictions of the risk measures aremade for different assets. The main result is that the best model and appropriate time horizon ofhistorical data to use for estimating value at risk and expected shortfall differs from dataset todataset. However, the methods that combine extreme value theory and time series models are themost flexible ones and those are the ones most likely to capture extreme events. The conditional Hillmethods with shorter time horizons seem preferable when estimating the risk measures for indices,while the Hill estimator with time horizon of three or four years is preferable for foreign exchangerates. In this study only models for single assets are evaluated, but the models could easily beimplemented on a time series of a portfolio. A multivariate case of the extreme value theory existsbut its complexity makes it disadvantageously to implement. So if for example the univariateextreme value models alone are considered inadequate to capture all the relations in a portfolio themodels could be used as a complement to the commonly used model based solely on historicalsimulation and thereby improve the risk analysis

    Safe, Simple and Effective Cleaning of Shellac Coated Furniture : are Tensides a Well Motivated Alternative?

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    The aim of this report is to investigate whether there is one method for cleaning of shellac coated surfaces which could replace the other methods usually used in restorers/conservators workshops, a method which reaches up to a set of formulated standards concerning safety, efficiency and simplicity. Frequent use of organic solvents and materials with unknown, uninvestigated content constitutes a potential risk in a long term perspective, both for the worker and the object. If it is possible to replace these methods with one that is scientifically investigated, this must be seen as a better alternative. The range of different cleaning material has been looked into and from the set of standards one non-ionic tenside has been picked out for further investigation. Theoretically, non-ionic tensides is to be considered as more suitable for cleaning of shellac surfaces since they interact with the surface in a less harmful way than ionic tensides. From cleaning analysis it has shown that the non-ionic tenside Tinovetin® JUN gives pleasing cleaning results equivalent to the ordinary washing up liquid, “Fairy” (in Sweden known as “Yes”). However, from wetting ability analysis it shows that “Fairy” is more powerful. A contact angle analysis showed that Tinovetin® JUN leaves more residue than “Fairy” but the difference is not remarkable. Since washing up liquid contain ionic tensides, it is motivated to advocate Tinovetin® JUN preferably to “Fairy”

    Advanced Autoplanner Final report

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    The aim of the Advanced Autoplanner projects has been to investigate if Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist in the provision of Air Traffic Control. There is an expectation that AI can contribute to increasing the efficiency in ways of working within Air Traffic Control, increase capacity and aid in handling future personnel retirement waves, with at least maintained safety and quality of service. The project has developed a model that, with the help of AI, autonomously provides Air Traffic Control instructions for one En-route sector in the Swedish airspace. The project has been performed using the Design Thinking Methodology and as a collaboration between LFV and IBM.Advanced Auto Planne

    Upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid diabetes typ 2 ur ett patientperspektiv : En litteraturöversikt

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    Diabetes mellitus typ 2 är en folksjukdom som ökar globalt. Den innebär att kroppen inte kan utvinna energi ur glukos på ett effektivt sätt och följden blir ett ogynnsamt högt blodsockervärde. Sjukdomen har många symtom och kan obehandlad ge upphov till allvarliga komplikationer så som hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor och övervikt är de övervägande orsakerna till att utveckla sjukdomen diabetes mellitus typ 2. En stor och viktig del av behandlingen är därför att förändra sina levnadsvanor med fokus på hälsosam kost, fysisk aktivitet och rökstopp. Sjuksköterskan fyller en viktig funktion genom att stötta och undervisa dessa patienter till att kunna utföra en framgångsrik egenvård. Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa förståelsen av patienters upplevelse av livsstilsförändringar vid diabetes mellitus typ 2. Studien är en litteraturöversikt och livsstilsförändringar som studeras är främst gällande kost och fysisk aktivitet. I resultatet framkommer det att faktorer så som kunskap, inspiration och stöd var faktorer som ökade motivationen till att genomföra livsstilsförändringar. Orsaker som patienterna upplevde som hindrade till livsstilsförändringar var bland annat brist på kunskap, en ovilja att avstå det goda och en rädsla att misslyckas. I diskussionen problematiseras de mest framstående fynden från resultatet och stärks där sjuksköterskans roll och funktion implementeras och vårdvetenskapen synliggörs

    Can Both Low and High Self-esteem Be Related to Aggression in Children?

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    This study examined the opposing hypotheses that either low or exaggerated but disputed self-esteem is related to aggression in 652 12-year-old schoolchildren. Children provided peer nominations of social acceptance and of physical aggression, self-ratings of global self-worth and of social satisfaction. Teachers rated aggressive behavior and internalizing problems. Exaggerated but disputed self-esteem was conceptualizedas discrepancies between self and peer evaluations of social satisfactionand of social acceptance, respectively, in combination with peer rejection. The main results showed that both low levels of global self-worth and exaggerated but disputed self-esteem were related to aggression. The findings indicated that, depending on how self-esteem is conceptualized, aggressive children may appear to have both a low and a high self-esteem. Regarding gender differences, exaggerated self-esteem was morestrongly related to aggression in boys than in girls

    Environmental mapping and monitoring with airborne laser and digital images. Application in the coastal zone of Åhus, Sweden

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    Demonstrationsprojektet Kustzonen - tillämpning i Åhus ingår som en del inom forskningsprogrammet EMMA. Studien avser en tillämpning för strandzonen och har genomförts för ett område i Åhus i Kristianstads kommun. Syftet är att illustrera hur batymetrisk laser, topografisk laser och flygbilder kan kombineras i övergången mellan land och vatten för att ta fram kartunderlag för kustzonsplanering. Syftet har också varit att ta fram en integrerad databas över kustzonen som beskriver såväl akvatiska som terrestra biotoper, tänkt att användas både för fysisk planering och naturvård. I studien ingår även beskrivning av vilka indikatorer/kriterier som behövs för att värdera förändringar av strandzonen för bedömning av erosionsförhållanden