320 research outputs found
The periodicity in the consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus [Translation from: Vestnik ceskoslovenske zoologicke Spolecnosti, 15, 1, 89-97, 1951]
The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year
The Development of mental model of people with visual impairment in spatially-orientational and cultural-historical context, is longer Title of the Post. The ability to create mental models is, for people with visual impairment, one of the basic preconditions for the use of available information from the environment and in all areas of everyday life. Tactile graphics can provide one of the means for the development of imagination; they are particularly suitable for the creation of a complex picture of a given situation and its processing into supporting information. Their facilitating function in the development, refinement and consolidation of the imagination is indisputable and proven by empirical studies. The purpose of this paper is to present the application possibilities of three-dimensional displays of haptic information for the purposes of spatial orientation, as well as access to cultural and historical objects with emphasis on the formation of mutual relations and connections within the knowledge base of each individual with visual impairment
Experience in foreign language teaching with ICT support
AbstractThe foreign language teaching using e-learning usually catches on more slowly than the teaching of sciences or technological subjects. We therefore consider the most suitable method of language teaching the blended learning; i.e. the combination of the traditional, face-to-face and on-line teaching.For the foreign language teaching we have prepared both the courses using the blended learning and the courses for a distance education. We also have some experience in the teaching of interuniversity studies, but only distance on-line teaching. At our faculty we have now prepared some on-line German and English courses for beginners and for advanced students. We also offer the courses of general, business and banking English and German. The foreign language on-line courses enable to practise individually, for example, some grammar phenomena with the use of a key as a feedback. Moreover, they help to enlarge the vocabulary, give the possibility of using the listening texts and working with a foreign language text. We consider the use of modern technologies very useful. The on-line courses are also useful in the foreign language teaching
Early Phase Changes During the Setting of High Copper Amalgams
X-ray diffraction analysis has been used to evaluate the phase composition of two (spherical and lathe cut) HCSC amalgam alloys and early phase changes in these amalgam in the time interval 2.5 min to 7 days after trituration. A method appropriate for the evaluation of these changes was developed. Only two phases were found in alloys Valiant and Ana 2000: gamma(Ag3Sn) and epsilon(Cu3Sn). In amalgams, no diffraction peaks were observed corresponding to gamma 2 phase in the time interval form 2.5 min to 7 days after trituration. The relative concentration changes of the reaction products of an amalgamation (gamma 1 and eta) were observed already at 2.5 min after trituration. Twenty minutes after trituration there were some differences in the setting rate between spherical and lathe cut amalgams: the spherical amalgam rate was higher. The formation of the reaction phases was fastest during the first 60 min after trituration and continued for at least the next 7 days
Tactile graphics represent an important means to overcome or alleviate the information deficit resulting from the loss of visual perception. The research framework of the paper is focused on a primary probe into the field of application of tactile graphics in the spatial orientation of people with visual impairment in the sense of development of spatial imagination and improvement of independent movement through the use of audiotactile maps. The chosen topic is viewed from the perspective of professionals working with people with visual impairment as well as the clients with visual impairment themselves. Partial results of the study are presented, focusing on the overall attitude of people with visual impairment to tactile graphics and their application potential, which adds to the overall picture of contemporary reality in the field of tactile graphics, with an emphasis on usability in spatial orientation and independent movement. The research has shown the considerable potential of tactile graphics in the development of spatial imagination. In connection with these conclusions, modern 3D maps with auditory elements were designed and will be also presented in the paper.
The IYPT and the 'Ring Oiler' problem
The International Young Physicists' Tournament (IYPT) continued in 2018 in Beijing, China and 2019 in Warsaw, Poland with its 31st and 32nd editions. The IYPT is a modern scientific competition for teams of high school students, also known as the Physics World Cup. It involves long-term theoretical and experimental work focused on solving 17 publicly announced open-ended problems in teams of five. On top of that, teams have to present their solutions in front of other teams and a scientific jury, and get opposed and reviewed by their peers. Here we present a brief information about the competition with a specific focus on one of the IYPT 2018 tasks, the 'Ring Oiler'. This seemingly simple mechanical problem appeared to be of such a complexity that even the dozens of participating teams and jurying scientists were not able to solve all of its subtleties
Creation of mathemathical models for analysies dynamic of price on medicines
By today’s day approximately 12 million people in Ukraine suffer from the arterial hyperpiesis, in fact it means every third adult person. As a result — the constant growth of serious diseases, such as strokes, heart attacks etc. To avoid such situation, all who suffer from the arterial hyperpiesis as a preventive course are to take a special medicine in their various combinations. In connection with the urgency of this problem the Ukrainian government gave start on the 1st of June 2012 to a Pilot project [13]. It means the implementation of the governmental control over the price policy on the medicines for prevention of the arterial hyperpiesis. The main aim of the Pilot project is to fix and control the margin level of the volume and disbursing prices on medicines by means of mechanism of compensation of their cost from the state and local budgets (the so-called «system of reimbursement»). The Pilot project covers 7 international non-patented names of medicines in tablets and caplets. To make the Pilot project effective a legislative background has been worked out by the authorized governmental institutions in strong cooperation with the leading non-governmental organizations and scientific departments of the pharmaceutical and medical institutes. The modern world trends in improving the system of manufacturing and storage of medicines were taken into account while working on the rules of cooperation of counteragents and its general legislative framework. More over, thanks to the process of constant monitoring of a number of positive and necessary changes took place while implementing the Pilot project. The total sum of money given by the government amounts to 40 mln. grvn. Currently we can say that the Pilot project gave the ability to decrease the number of those who suffer from arterial hyperpiesis; helps to implement more adequate schemes of cure and prevention of disease by taking the necessary consultation with the doctor; improve the price competition in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market; stimulates the Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturers to produce more competitive and effective products and to develop new prospect market niches both in foreign and local (domestic) markets. It is also necessary to say that the system of reimbursement is widely spread in the leading European countries and is widely used by their governments to control the situation in the markets of different strategic goods to improve the quality of life of population. So, there is also a serious attempt to bring the standards of living in our country to those that exist in more developed world economics taking into account the abilities and specific needs of Ukrainian society. In this paper the linear controllable systems which defined differential equations with semi-Markov coefficients and random transformation of solutions which occurred simultaneous with jump semi-Markov process are considered. Using equations for Lyapunov function we find minimal values for an functional, finding necessary condition of optimal solutions, which reaches synthesis optimal control of this class system.В роботі спочатку обговорюється проблема, пов’язана зі станом ціноутворення на лікарські засоби (ЛЗ) в Україні. Згідно постанови КМУ № 340 з 01.06.2012 по 31.12.2012 буде здійснюватись реалізація Пілотного проекту по впровадженню державного регулювання цін на ЛЗ для лікування осіб з гіпертонічною хворобою шляхом встановлення граничного рівня оптово-відпускних цін на відповідні препарати з використанням механізму визначення порівняльних (референтних) цін і відпрацювання механізму часткового відшкодування їх вартості за рахунок коштів державного і місцевого бюджетів (системи реімбурсації). На даний момент негативним моментом є той факт, що в Україні спостерігається перенасиченість аптечними закладами. Так, на 1 аптеку припадає 1,3 тис. жителів, а в м. Києві і того більше — 2,27 тис. осіб. У порівнянні в країнах ЄС даний показник становить в середньому 3,3 тис. осіб на 1 аптеку. Як наслідок — висока конкуренція, неможливість тримати широкий асортимент ліків через надмірність витрат і загрозу збитків, що пов’язана з неможливістю здійснення вчасної реалізації та надмірності торгової націнки на препарат або дефіцит на деякі ліки. Крім того, існує зацікавленість серед працівників у реалізації більш дорогих ЛЗ з метою збільшення прибутків аптек. Ряд наведених фактів говорить на користь впровадження та вдосконалення пілотного проекту, який загалом покликаний зробити ситуацію на ринку ЛЗ більш прогнозованою, контрольованою та сприятливою для отримання стабільного прибутку та сталого розвитку вітчизняного виробництва ЛЗ. Розробка цього проекту потребує сучасного математичного апарату, який пропонується далі. Апарат із застосуванням теорії випадкових процесів дозволить будувати моделі, які сприятимуть знаходженню оптимальних шляхів вирішення зазначеної проблеми.В работе сначала обсуждается проблема, связанная с состоянием ценообразования на лекарственные средства (ЛС) в Украине. Согласно постановлению КМУ № 340 с 01.06.2012 по 31.12.2012 будет осуществляться реализация Пилотного проекта по внедрению государственного регулирования цен на ЛС для лечения лиц с гипертонической болезнью. Предлагается установление предельного уровня оптово-отпускных цен на соответствующие препараты с использованием механизма определения сравнительных (референтных) цен и отработки механизма частичного возмещения их стоимости за счет средств государственного и местного бюджетов (системы реимбурсации). На данный момент негативным моментом является тот факт, что в Украине наблюдается перенасыщенность аптечными учреждениями. Так, на 1 аптеку приходится 1,3 тыс. жителей, а в Киеве и того больше — 2,27 тыс. человек. По сравнению в странах ЕС данный показатель составляет в среднем 3,3 тыс. человек на 1 аптеку. Как следствие — высокая конкуренция, невозможность держать широкий ассортимент лекарств через избыточность затрат и угрозы ущерба, связанная с невозможностью осуществления своевременной реализации и излишества торговой наценки на препарат или дефицит на некоторые лекарства. Кроме того, существует заинтересованность среди работников в реализации более дорогих ЛС с целью увеличения прибыли аптек. Ряд приведенных фактов говорит в пользу внедрения и совершенствования пилотного проекта, который в целом призван сделать ситуацию на рынке ЛС более прогнозируемой, контролируемой и благоприятной для получения стабильной прибыли и устойчивого развития отечественного производства ЛС. Разработка этого проекта требует современного математического аппарата, который предлагается далее. Аппарат с применением теории случайных процессов позволит строить модели, способствующие нахождению оптимальных путей решения указанной проблемы
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