2 research outputs found
Principles for the Use of Small Buildings in the Historic Urban Environment
We know that since time immemorial, humanity has tried to create an entertaining and pleasant environment for their recreation and cultural enjoyment. In parks around monuments of different countries, devices were created in different ways. Among them are the ancient gardens of Turan, Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, Timurids. The skillful use of water features, ornamental plants, and wonderful architectural techniques in landscape nature has made historical cities even more beautifu
Basics of Landscape Design as a Designer Activity
This article is devoted to the issues of landscape design. Using the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of students of architectural universities in practice for their professional growth, the historical experience is considered, special attention is paid to the methodology of execution of project tasks, for their effective implementation. The arguments about increasing the landscape literacy of the masses are given, for the purpose of harmonious interaction of society and nature, preservation and competent use of earth resources and popularization of this profession as a whole