320 research outputs found
Adding new hair to the 3-charge black ring
Motivated by the string theory analysis of arXiv:1108.6331, we construct a
class of 1/8-BPS solutions of type IIB supergravity compactified on S^1 x T^4.
In this duality frame our ansatz allows for a non-trivial NS-NS B-field which
has been usually set to zero in previous studies of 1/8-BPS geometries. We
provide a M-theory description of these new geometries and show that they can
be interpreted as the lift of solutions of the N=2 5D supergravity with three
vector multiplets and whose scalar manifold is the symmetric space SO(1,1) x
(SO(1,2)/SO(2)). Finally we show that the non-minimal 5D black rings provide an
explicit example of solutions falling in this ansatz. In particular we point
out the existence of a black ring that has an extra dipole charge with respect
to the solutions of the STU-model. In the near-horizon limit, this ring has an
AdS_3 x S^3 geometry with the same radius as the one of the 3-charge black hole
and thus its microstates should belong to the usual D1-D5 CFT.Comment: 18 page
General Gauge Mediation in 5D
We use the "General Gauge Mediation" formalism to describe a 5D setup with an
orbifold. We first consider a model independent SUSY breaking
hidden sector on one boundary and generic chiral matter on another. Using the
definition of GGM, the effects of the hidden sector are contained in a set of
global symmetry current correlator functions and is mediated through the bulk.
We find the gaugino, sfermion and hyperscalar mass formulas for minimal and
generalised messengers in different regimes of a large, small and intermediate
extra dimension. Then we use the 5D GGM formalism to construct a model in which
an SU(5) ISS model is located on the hidden boundary. We weakly gauge a global
symmetry of the ISS model and associate it with the bulk vector superfield.
Compared to 4D GGM, there is a natural way to adjust the gaugino versus
sfermion mass ratio by a factor , where M is a characteristic mass
scale of the SUSY breaking sector and l is the length of the extra dimension.Comment: v2 Version to appear in Physical Review D. 21 Pages, 3 figure
String derivation of two-loop Feynman diagrams
We briefly review the technology involved in extracting the field-theory
limit of multiloop bosonic string amplitudes, and we apply it to the evaluation
of simple two-loop diagrams involving scalars and gauge bosons.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, contributed to Beyond the Standard Model V,
Balholm, Norway, April 1997. Latex with aipproc.st
Twisted determinants and bosonic open strings in an electromagnetic field
The bosonization equivalence between the 2-dimensional Dirac and Laplacian
operators can be used to derive new interesting identities involving Theta
functions. We use these formulae to compute the multiloop partition function of
the bosonic open string in presence of a constant electromagnetic field.Comment: 7 pages; Contribution to the proceedings of the 36th International
Symposium Ahrenshoop. v2: References adde
On the effective action of stable non-BPS branes
We study the world-volume effective action of stable non-BPS branes present
in Type II theories compactified on K3. In particular, by exploiting the
conformal description of these objects available in the orbifold limit, we
argue that their world-volume effective theory can be chiral. The resulting
anomalies are cancelled through the usual inflow mechanism provided there are
anomalous couplings, similar to those of BPS branes, to the twisted R-R fields.
We also show that this result is in agreement with the conjectured
interpretation of these non-BPS configurations as BPS branes wrapped on
non-supersymmetric cycles of the K3.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figure
String Theory and Noncommutative Field Theories at One Loop
By exploiting the boundary state formalism we obtain the string correlator
between two internal points on the one loop open string world-sheet in the
presence of a constant background -field. From this derivation it is clear
that there is an ambiguity when one tries to restrict the Green function to the
boundary of the surface. We fix this ambiguity by showing that there is a {\em
unique} form for the correlator between two points on the boundary which
reproduces the one loop field theory results of different noncommutative field
theories. In particular, we present the derivation of one loop diagrams for
and scalar interactions and for Yang--Mills theory. From
the 2-point function we are able to derive the one loop -function for
noncommutative gauge theory.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex, 1 figure. v2: references added, typos corrected; v3:
open string Green function modified, final results unchange
High-energy string-brane scattering: leading eikonal and beyond
We extend previous techniques for calculations of transplanckian-energy
string-string collisions to the high-energy scattering of massless closed
strings from a stack of N Dp-branes in Minkowski spacetime. We show that an
effective non-trivial metric emerges from the string scattering amplitudes by
comparing them against the semiclassical dynamics of high-energy strings in the
extremal p-brane background. By changing the energy, impact parameter and
effective open string coupling, we are able to explore various interesting
regimes and to reproduce classical expectations, including tidal-force
excitations, even beyond the leading-eikonal approximation.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor corrections, new appendix with a
discussion of the Feynman diagrams contributing to the scattering amplitude
in the field theory limi
Entanglement entropy and D1-D5 geometries
http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.90.066004Giusto, Stefano, and Rodolfo Russo. "Entanglement Entropy and D1-D5 geometries." Physical Review D 90.6 (2014): 066004
Post-Newtonian Multipoles from the Next-to-Leading Post-Minkowskian Gravitational Waveform
We consider the frequency-domain LO and NLO post-Minkowskian (PM) waveforms
obtained from the tree-level and one-loop amplitudes describing the scattering
of two massive scalar objects and the emission of one graviton. We explicitly
calculate their post-Newtonian (PN) limit obtaining an expansion up to the
third subleading PN order in all ingredients: the tree-level amplitude, the odd
and even parts of the real one-loop kernel, and the Compton or "rescattering"
cuts, thus reaching 3PN precision for the latter. We provide explicit
expressions for the multipole decomposition of these results in the
center-of-mass frame and compare them with the results obtained from the
classical Multipolar post-Minkowskian (MPM) method. We find perfect agreement
between the two, once the BMS supertranslation frame is properly adjusted and
the infrared divergences due to rescattering are suitably subtracted in
dimensional regularization. This shows that the approach proposed in
arXiv:2312.07452 can be applied beyond the soft-regime ensuring the agreement
between amplitude-based and MPM results for generic frequencies.Comment: 17 pages, 2 ancillary files. v2: references updated, typos corrected.
v3: published in Phys.Rev.
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