2,198 research outputs found
On the effective action of stable non-BPS branes
We study the world-volume effective action of stable non-BPS branes present
in Type II theories compactified on K3. In particular, by exploiting the
conformal description of these objects available in the orbifold limit, we
argue that their world-volume effective theory can be chiral. The resulting
anomalies are cancelled through the usual inflow mechanism provided there are
anomalous couplings, similar to those of BPS branes, to the twisted R-R fields.
We also show that this result is in agreement with the conjectured
interpretation of these non-BPS configurations as BPS branes wrapped on
non-supersymmetric cycles of the K3.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figure
New species of Dolichopoda Bolívar, 1880 (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) from the Aegean Islands of Andros, Paros and Kinaros (Greece)
In this paper two new species of Dolichopoda Bolívar, 1880 from the Cyclades islands of Andros and Paros and one from the Dodecanissos island of Kinaros, are described, increasing the total number of Greek species to 32. The new species from Paros (D. kikladica Di Russo & Rampini, n. sp.) and Kinaros (D. margiolis Di Russo & Rampini, n. sp.) show strong similarities with D. naxia Boudou-Saltet, 1972 from Naxos forming an homogenous group limited to the central Aegean islands. On the other hand the species D. christos-nifoni Di Russo & Rampini, n. sp. from Andros shows a combination of morphological characters that partly resemble characters found in Evvian Dolichopoda, and partly in species from the Cyclades. Relationships among these three new taxa and the other adjacent Dolichopoda species are discussed on the basis of the paleogeological and paleoclimatic events that shaped the present geography of the Aegean area
Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Characteristics, Requirements and Analysis of Contemporary Approaches
Engineering of knowledge-intensive processes (KiPs) is far from being mastered, since they are genuinely knowledge- and data-centric, and require substantial flexibility, at both design- and run-time. In this work, starting from a scientific literature analysis in the area of KiPs and from three real-world domains and application scenarios, we provide a precise characterization of KiPs. Furthermore, we devise some general requirements related to KiPs management and execution. Such requirements contribute to the definition of an evaluation framework to assess current system support for KiPs. To this end, we present a critical analysis on a number of existing process-oriented approaches by discussing their efficacy against the requirements
Inter-municipal Co-operation: the Managerial Perspective of Local Authorities
The paper aims at contributing to the body of knowledge referred to Public Administrations co-operation. In particular, the research is focused on Local Public Administration (LPA), intensely influenced by the global economic crisis. The study regards to how LPAs could reach more efficiency and effectiveness in providing services to its final users (citizen, companies and other PAs), as well as provide new services, especially on the cooperation among LPAs, called inter- LPA cooperation (ILPAC). Having analysed LPA paradigm, it has been possible to isolate some relevant trends characterizing LPA and some open scientific literature gaps about ILPAC: nowadays, in ILPAC phenomenon, some weak points can be highlighted, especially in start-up and in management phases. Consequently, in collaboration with the eGovernment Observatory of the Milan University of Technology, the research has inquired the reasons that lead to activate an ILPAC and develop a decision making framework for the governance of shared functions in the LPA. Particularly, it has focused on the identification of LPA environmental reasons and LPA proper characteristics pushing LPA to activate an ILPAC of its fundamental functions. Once identified these elements, it has tried to identify the organizational and managerial configurations adopted for ILPAC to manage shared functions. The study has implied the use of several instruments in order to investigate ILPAC phases, from their founding to ordinary management in the Italian context. Results have been analysed using statistical methods, in order to come to light some peculiarities already pointed out by the descriptive examination. In addition, linear regression has been set in order to inquire into ILPAC performances, compared to autonomous municipalities. Using this methodology, the analysis has pointed out some important suggestions pertaining to ILPAC management. Primary considerations has shown the effect of regional different governances that impact on the amount and the dimension of ILPACs in their territories. Secondly, associated municipalities obtain better performances than independent bodies, for instance, considering the One-Stop-Shop proceedings. In addition, linear regression has proven that ILPACs produce benefits in a wider context: the analysis has pointed out some important suggestions pertaining to ILPAC management, as organizational performances increase when the number of associated municipalities increase or both proceeding costs and time improve when large ILPACs formalize and clearly declare their objectives
Human and Machine Language / Dialect Identification from Natural Speech and Artificial Stimuli: a Pilot Study with Italian Listener
In this paper a new synonymy Hellerina Galvagni, 2006 = Dolichopoda Bolivar, 1880 and a new combination Hellerina lycia Galvagni, 2006 = Dolichopoda lycia (Galvagni, 2006). A redescription of male morphology and female description are reported. The affinity with the other Anatolian Dolichopoda and with some species of the sub genus Petrochilosina Boudou-Saltet, 1980, characterized by a bifurcated epiphallus, are discussed
Considerations on Different Features of Local Seismic Effect Numerical Simulations: The Case Studied of Castelnuovo Garfagnana
Numerical studies of local seismic effects are commonly carried out by means of 1D and 2D simulations performed in order to evaluate amplification effects in terms of acceleration response spectra and amplification factors. Such approaches can be easily compared with prescriptions from technical provisions as Eurocode 8 that lead design activity whenever a poor soil characterization is available. When suitable investigation campaigns and regional hazard studies are undertaken accurate studies on local seismic effects can be developed. As a matter of fact, soil high heterogeneity and variability, input motion features and geometrical irregularities of soil layer boundaries heavily affect seismic soil response and frequently cause different damages in urban areas. For that reason, although just from deterministic standpoint, spatial variation of amplification effects has been investigated in order to understand how much numerical simulation experiences in amplification previsions can improve simplified approaches suggested by technical codes. In this study Castelnuovo Garfagnana town (Italy) has been studied by means of numerical simulation. Results have been discussed focusing on those aspects which mainly interpret the physical phenomenon that mostly affect seismic local amplification effects
Gravity Network for end-to-end small lesion detection
This paper introduces a novel one-stage end-to-end detector specifically
designed to detect small lesions in medical images. Precise localization of
small lesions presents challenges due to their appearance and the diverse
contextual backgrounds in which they are found. To address this, our approach
introduces a new type of pixel-based anchor that dynamically moves towards the
targeted lesion for detection. We refer to this new architecture as GravityNet,
and the novel anchors as gravity points since they appear to be "attracted" by
the lesions. We conducted experiments on two well-established medical problems
involving small lesions to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach:
microcalcifications detection in digital mammograms and microaneurysms
detection in digital fundus images. Our method demonstrates promising results
in effectively detecting small lesions in these medical imaging tasks
Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: a booming research field
Corpus-based interpreting research has gained considerable momentum over the last few years. Indeed, an increasing number of scholars have developed corpora using data from different settings or taken advantage of existing ones. After refining the methodology to address the many challenges involved in the corpus-based approach, investigations carried out within this research paradigm are providing insightful observations about the interpreting process and product, including comparisons between different Translation modes, that is oral interpretation and written translation. In addition, corpora are now being developed and used as educational resources, thus giving trainee interpreters access to principled sets of materials for targeted practice as well as opportunities to reflect upon the skills they are acquiring.
This special issue presents novel investigations that are pushing corpus-based interpreting research to the next level. Some of these are based on, or are deeply inspired by, existing Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (CIS) projects, such as the pioneering European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC), while others endeavor to embrace other types of interpreting from more sensitive communicative settings, such as health care and court interpreting.
The aim of this special issue is to provide a forum to share the results obtained and the efforts being made in a booming research field, which, as editors, we believe deserves even further support and dissemination
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