285 research outputs found
Graduate Recital: Gina Russell, Flute; Lu Witzig, Piano; April 28, 2024
Kemp Recital HallApril 28, 2024Sunday Afternoon1:30 p.m
The Importance of Our Performing Arts
This essay is titled The Importance of Our Performing Arts and it was written in February 2022. I was taking an argumentative writing class at the time where we have free range to choose a topic to write about, so naturally, I choose something I am passionate about, the impact of youth theatre on our adolescents. The prompt was to identify a driving question or phenomenon related to the arts to investigate and develop a complex thesis you could argue in the paper through the use of rhetorical strategies, I decided on the discussion between funding in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and the arts and humanities, specifically youth theatre, and how the imbalance impacts adolescent development.
I incorporate theory revolving around aesthetics theory in Philosophy to better explain why not only the performing arts but art, in general, is a driving force for personal growth and self-discovery. I was able to deepen my understanding of just how important art is to the human condition and although holding no utility, society would be lost without it
Recital: Flute Studio, April 25, 2024
Center for the Performing ArtsApril 25, 2024Thursday Morning11:00 a.m
Wages, Benefits, Hours, Commuting Time, and License Renewal for Iowa Registered Nurses
The Iowa Board of Nursing licensing database for Registered Nurses (RNs) contains information on Registered Nurses who have renewed their licenses including age, race, gender, education, and location of employment. It also contains comparable information on nurses who opted not to renew at the time of their last renewal. This report contains an analysis of the nurses’ characteristics that increase the likelihood of license renewal based on all useable information contained in the licensing database. In addition, we randomly sampled subpopulations of nurses who had current licenses and nurses who had allowed their licenses to expire. A survey of these nurses was analyzed to provide insights into the effects of individual wages, benefits, family income, family responsibilities, hours worked, and commuting time on the decision to work, work in nursing, and maintain a nursing license. Wages; workforce; benefits; labor force; nurses; health care
Senior Recital: Gina Russell, Flute; Valen Pao, Piano; November 13, 2022
Kemp Recital HallNovember 13, 2022Sunday Afternoon2:30 p.m
Junior Recital: Gina Russell, Flute; Valen Pao, Piano; March 18, 2022
Kemp Recital Hall
March 18, 2022
Friday Evening
6:00 p.m
Healthy Training Program for Hospitality & Tourism Employees
This honors project is designed to evaluate the wellness of current hospitality human resource departments and how it can be adapted to assist employees of the hospitality industry. Health has been placed on the back burner of many companies\u27 priorities and has negatively impacted the hospitality industry. This study is to analyze some current health programs in place and to investigate how new methods can be implemented to encourage health within the human resources department and therein, to its employees
Evaluating The Effectiveness Of A Course-Objective Writing Developmental Teacher Training Program
One of the challenges for educators is composing well-written, specifically stated outcomes of student learning. Developmental teacher training is a program designed to improve the effectiveness of university instructors. The program focuses on improving course methodology by guiding instructors through the development of correctly written and structured course objectives, effective and efficient delivery methodology including implementation of technology as a delivery medium, and proper outcomes evaluation of course effectiveness measured against the course objectives. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the training. The outline used in the training is included in the appendix
Evaluating Course-Objective Writing Effectiveness: Applying The Comprehensive Bloom Verb List
This study is a comparative analysis of the objective writing skills of pre-service teachers to determine the efficacy of utilizing a master verb list based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students enrolled in a mid-size university were asked to create a set of objectives to measure Bloom’s Taxonomy learning outcomes. One group received a master list of verbs categorized through research appropriately into learning levels. The other group received a variety of lists with conflicting verbs in categories. Students who received the master list were better able than their counterparts to write precise, clear and accurate objectives
Adapting Descriptive Psychological Phenomenology to Include Dyadic Interviews: Practical Considerations for Data Analysis
Dyadic interviews are an approach to qualitative data collection designed to understand the meaning pairs of individuals make from experiences. The greatest benefit of dyadic interviews, and perhaps a reason for their gaining momentum in the literature, is that they encourage participants to interact, resulting in detailed and complex descriptions of phenomena. However, dyadic interviews pose challenges to qualitative researchers. Researchers must figure out how to account for the presence of two interviewees, any differences in perspective, and interactions. Unfortunately, no known study demonstrates how the interactions of dyadic interviews can be analyzed in accordance with a methodological approach. Rather, researchers tend to observe pre-existing methods without direct mention of modification for conducting and analyzing dyadic interviews. Thus, the degree to which participant interactions are being analyzed in current studies remains unknown. In the following paper, we use Giorgi’s (2009) descriptive psychological phenomenology as an exemplar for how dyadic interviews may be applied to qualitative investigations. The theoretical fit of dyadic interviews with Giorgi’s approach, proposed modifications, and their limitations, are discussed
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