854 research outputs found

    Supervisi Akademik oleh Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen Sdn 02 Bengkayang

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    : This study: 1) the effectiveness of the supervision of an academic supervisor in enhancing the professional competence of teachers Christian education at SDN 02 Bengkayang, 2) the constraints faced by the Principal in conducting academic supervision, and a solution to the academic supervision Principal can improve the professional competence of teachers of Religious Education Christians in SDN 02 Bengkayang. The informants are Principal, Christian Religious Education teacher, and fifth graders of SDN 02 Bengkayang Christians. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Technique authenticity of data using triangulation sources. Analyzed using an interactive model. The results showed that: 1) the academic supervision made Principal quite effective in improving teachers\u27 professional competence Christian education reflected in an increasing. 2) Barriers experienced Principal in academic supervision is the lack of time to conduct academic supervision. 3) The solution of these obstacles is the delegation of tasks to senior teachers to conduct academic supervision

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    The binding sites of circLARP4 with miRNAs. a Schematic representation of potential binding sites of miRNAs with circLARP4. b The effects of miR-424 mimic or inhibitor on the expression level of circLARP4 in HCG-27 or MKN-28 cell line indicated by qRT-PCR. c The binding sites of wild type or mutant circLARP4 3’UTR with miR-424.-5p. d qRT-PCR analysis of the expression levels of LATS1 and YAP after transfection with circLARP4 + miR-424 in HGC-27 cells or si-circLARP4 + miR-424 inhibitor in MKN-28 cells. e the luciferase activity of wild type LATS1 3’UTR was examined by co-transfection with miR-424 mimic + circLARP4 in HGC-27 cells. f the luciferase activity of wild type LATS1 3’UTR was detected by co-transfection with miR-424 inhibitor + si-circLARP4 in MKN-28 cells. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. (PDF 2681 kb

    Summary statistics for province characteristics.

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    This study identifies the health effect of rising housing prices on individual physical health using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) data. Exploiting exogenous housing prices, I find that rising housing prices adversely affect physical health status. Heterogeneity analyses yield interesting findings. First, the adverse effects of high housing prices are pronounced in the group owning only one house. Second, significant effects of housing prices on health for the group aged 20 to 45 are observed, with no effects for the elderly group above 45. Third, males are more sensitive to high housing prices due to the intensified competition and traditional gender norm in marriage markets. I also further investigate the channel through which housing prices affect individual physical health. The findings indicate that rising housing prices can damage individual physical health via lowering social status, reducing physical exercise time and increasing mental health risk.</div

    Results for the effect of house prices on individual physical health.

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    Results for the effect of house prices on individual physical health.</p

    National average housing prices.

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    The data come from the China Statistical Yearbooks.</p

    The 2SLS results for the effect of housing prices on individual physical health.

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    The 2SLS results for the effect of housing prices on individual physical health.</p

    Alternative sample period.

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    This study identifies the health effect of rising housing prices on individual physical health using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) data. Exploiting exogenous housing prices, I find that rising housing prices adversely affect physical health status. Heterogeneity analyses yield interesting findings. First, the adverse effects of high housing prices are pronounced in the group owning only one house. Second, significant effects of housing prices on health for the group aged 20 to 45 are observed, with no effects for the elderly group above 45. Third, males are more sensitive to high housing prices due to the intensified competition and traditional gender norm in marriage markets. I also further investigate the channel through which housing prices affect individual physical health. The findings indicate that rising housing prices can damage individual physical health via lowering social status, reducing physical exercise time and increasing mental health risk.</div

    Change of the database.

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    This study identifies the health effect of rising housing prices on individual physical health using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) data. Exploiting exogenous housing prices, I find that rising housing prices adversely affect physical health status. Heterogeneity analyses yield interesting findings. First, the adverse effects of high housing prices are pronounced in the group owning only one house. Second, significant effects of housing prices on health for the group aged 20 to 45 are observed, with no effects for the elderly group above 45. Third, males are more sensitive to high housing prices due to the intensified competition and traditional gender norm in marriage markets. I also further investigate the channel through which housing prices affect individual physical health. The findings indicate that rising housing prices can damage individual physical health via lowering social status, reducing physical exercise time and increasing mental health risk.</div

    Heterogeneous effects with respect to age.

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    This study identifies the health effect of rising housing prices on individual physical health using the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) data. Exploiting exogenous housing prices, I find that rising housing prices adversely affect physical health status. Heterogeneity analyses yield interesting findings. First, the adverse effects of high housing prices are pronounced in the group owning only one house. Second, significant effects of housing prices on health for the group aged 20 to 45 are observed, with no effects for the elderly group above 45. Third, males are more sensitive to high housing prices due to the intensified competition and traditional gender norm in marriage markets. I also further investigate the channel through which housing prices affect individual physical health. The findings indicate that rising housing prices can damage individual physical health via lowering social status, reducing physical exercise time and increasing mental health risk.</div

    Heterogeneous effects with respect to number of houses.

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    Heterogeneous effects with respect to number of houses.</p