1,611 research outputs found
A Search for Resonances in Lepton Plus Jets Events with ATLAS using 14 fb of Proton-Proton Collisions at = 8 TeV
Some Beyond the Standard Model theories predict new particles that decay
predominantly into top-antitop quark pairs. A search for top-antitop quark
resonances that decay into the lepton plus jets final state is carried out with
the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using 14 fb of = 8 TeV
proton-proton collisions. The search considers both cases where all of the
final state jets are isolated and where some or all of the top quark decay
products are merged into a single jet. Mass exclusion limits at a 95%
credibility level are set for two benchmark models, one predicting leptophobic
topcolor Z' bosons and the other predicting Randall-Sundrum Kaluza-Klein
gluons.Comment: Presentation at the DPF 2013 Meeting of the American Physical Society
Division of Particles and Fields, Santa Cruz, California, August 13-17, 201
A Analytical Study of the Philip Larkinas Selected Poetries
Philip Arthur Larkin was an English poet and novelist His first book of poetry The North Ship was published in 1945 followed by two novels Jill 1946 and A Girl in Winter 1947 but he came to prominence in 1955 with the publication of his second collection of poems The Less Deceived followed by The Whitsun Weddings 1964 and High Windows 1974 He contributed to The Daily Telegraph as its jazz critic from 1961 to 1971 articles gathered together in All What Jazz A Record Diary 1961 71 1985 and he edited The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse 1973 He was the recipient of many honours including the Queen s Gold Medal for Poetry He was offered but declined the position of poet laureate in 1984 following the death of John Betjema
Does quantitative research in child maltreatment tell the whole story? The need for mixed-methods approaches to explore the effects of maltreatment in infancy
Background and Aims. Research on child maltreatment has largely overlooked the under-five age group and focuses primarily on quantitative measurement. This mixed-methods study of maltreated children (N = 92) entering care (age 6–60 months) combines a quantitative focus on the associations between care journey characteristics and mental health outcomes with a qualitative exploration of maltreatment in four different families. Methods. Care journey data was obtained from social care records; mental health and attachment assessments were carried out following entry to care; qualitative data comprised semistructured interviews with professionals, foster carers, and parents. Results. Significant associations were found between suspected sexual abuse and increased DAI inhibited attachment symptoms (p = 0.001) and between reported domestic violence and decreased DAI inhibited (p = 0.016) and disinhibited (p = 0.004) attachment symptoms. Qualitative results: two themes demonstrate the complexity of assessing maltreatment: (1) overlapping maltreatment factors occur in most cases and (2) maltreatment effects may be particularly challenging to isolate. Conclusions. Qualitative exploration has underscored the complexity of assessing maltreatment, indicating why expected associations were not found in this study and posing questions for the quantitative measurement of maltreatment in general. We therefore suggest a new categorisation of maltreatment and call for the complimentary research lenses of further mixed-methods approaches
Evaluation of Docker for IoT Application
The Internet of Things (IoT) is highly connected smart devices through the internet network, the number of connecting devices is increasing day by day. So this will have a major impact on industry standard, security, business model and entire IT ecosystem. However, developers are facing multiple barriers while developing, creating and scaling IoT application. Docker is an open source container based virtualization technology which can help to develop and scale IoT application easy and fast. This paper introduces various container based virtualization technologies and Docker for IoT application requirement. In this paper, an IoT application is developed and run inside the container and over the host. Benchmark tools are used to analyse the performance of host and docker
Right-Sided Infective Endocarditis Secondary to Intravenous Drug Abuse
Right-sided infective endocarditis is due to intravenous drug abuse. Right-sided infective endocarditis is rare. It comprises 5–10% of infective endocarditis cases. Traditionally, it has been reported more commonly in patients with medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators and dialysis catheters. Recently, there has been increase in right-sided infective endocarditis related to intravenous drug abuse. Right-sided infective endocarditis related to drug abuse mostly affects the tricuspid valve and rarely the pulmonary valve. Although, most uncomplicated cases do well with medical treatment, it is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality due to recurrent infection. Surgery for right-sided infective endocarditis is uncommon especially in resource limited setting. Few current studies have explored surgical options in this group of patients. This chapter will review current literature related to right-sided infective endocarditis due to intravenous drug abuse
The Coronavirus Shopping Anxiety Scale: Initial Validation and Development
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to measure coronavirus shopping anxiety. Numerous studies have developed a scale for measuring coronavirus anxiety and fear, notably absent is a concerted effort to review and assess the impact of coronavirus on the shopping anxiety of consumers. This scale fulfills this gap.
The steps taken for checking the various psychometrics of the scale include item generation, followed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) through SPSS and confirmatory factor analysis through AMOS. The data were collected from over 208 respondents.
This study resulted in the development of a nine-item scale with robust psychometric properties. The scale resulted in highlighting two factors related to anxiety: in-store shopping anxiety and online shopping anxiety.
Research limitations/implications
The scale developed has the desirable reliable and valid properties that could be used by aspiring researchers.
Practical implications
The scale developed highlighted that the restrictions in shopping impact the mental health and psychology of consumers. The scale resulted in analyzing the factors related to shopping anxiety, which could give top management a perspective and vision to look into the minds of the consumer\u27s shopping anxiety behaviors.
Social implications
Companies, firms, health professionals and marketers could use this scale to investigate the various shopping anxiety perceptions among consumers in society.
This research fills the gap by developing a first nine-item scale based on the qualitative research and quantitative assessment for measuring shopping anxiety caused due to the pandemic
Assessment of myocardial mechanics in chronic rheumatic mitral regurgitation
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Johannesburg 2016Chronic rheumatic mitral regurgitation (CRMR) is a commonly encountered lesion in the developing world, yet it remains an understudied disease in comparison to degenerative MR. There are several unresolved issues in CRMR ranging from limited data on the current demographic and clinical profile of the contemporary patient with CRMR, to the evaluation of this lesion with sophisticated techniques utilising strain (Ɛ), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biomarkers. Furthermore, the role of medical therapy has been mainly restricted to studies pertaining to degenerative MR. Thus, in this thesis the aim was to address some of the aforementioned deficiencies in the field of CRMR. In the process of studying the atrioventricular functional parameters in CRMR, we established age and vendor-specific (Philips QLAB 9) normative data for left atrial (LA) functional and volumetric parameters in a normal black population.
Eighty four subjects with CRMR were studied at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital (CHBAH) and compared with a prior landmark study by Marcus et al conducted at this institution. Mean age was 44.0±15.3 years, compared to 19 years in the study by Marcus et al. Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) was rare compared to the previous study. Hypertension and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were present in 52% and 26% respectively. Echocardiography showed leaflet thickening and calcification, restricted motion and sub-valvular disease, as opposed to pliable leaflets with predominant prolapse and chordal rupture in the study by Marcus et al.
One hundred and twenty normal black subjects from 18 and 70 years of age were studied. Maximum LA volume indexed (LAVi) was 19.7±5.9 mL/m2. LA pump function increased with age (r=0.2, p=0.02), and the conduit function decreased with
age (r=-0.3, p< 0.001). LA Ɛ in the reservoir phase was 39.0±8.3%. LA Ɛ in the reservoir phase declined with age (p<0.001). Two studies were conducted using speckle tracking in 77 patients with CRMR. The first study found that 86% had decreased LA peak reservoir Ɛ and 58% had depressed left ventricular (LV) peak systolic Ɛ. In the second study, right ventricle (RV) peak systolic Ɛ was lower in the MR group compared to controls (-16.8±4.5% vs -19.2±3.4%, p=0.003). LV peak systolic Ɛ was an independent predictor of RV peak systolic Ɛ (r=0.46, p<0.004).
CRMR is a disease characterised by eccentric jets due to distorted leaflet architecture. Thus, the echocardiographic proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method, to assess MR severity, is suboptimal. In CRMR there may be involvement of the LV by the rheumatic process especially in the postero basal region. To study these issues, 22 patients without comorbidities underwent MRI. On comparison of MR severity assessment by echocardiography (using an integrated approach) and MRI, there was concordance between the two techniques in all but seven patients. Six patients were reclassified as severe MR after MRI and one patient was re-categorised as moderate MR. Only four patients had fibrosis on late gadolinium enhancement. No particular regional involvement was noted. We also studied markers of collagen degradation and synthesis in CRMR and their relation with MRI parameters. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 was increased compared to controls (log MMP-1 3.5±0.68 vs 2.7±0.9, p=0.02), implying increased collagen degradation rather than synthesis in CRMR. This supports the paucity of fibrosis found on MRI.
Effects of combination medical therapy in heart failure (HF) secondary to severe CRMR in 31 patients was studied. On optimal therapy no HF-related admissions or deaths were noted. There was improvement in LA peak systolic strain. LV and RV functional indices remained unchanged on maximal therapy.
In conclusion, the contemporary CRMR patients are older, have comorbidities and less ARF. Upper limits of maximum LAVi are lower in the black population compared to Caucasians, and age needs to be considered when interpreting abnormalities of LA function. LA dysfunction was noted with or without involvement of the LV, therefore perhaps in CRMR, LA dysfunction precedes LV dysfunction. RV peak systolic Ɛ was useful for assessment of subclinical RV dysfunction in CRMR, therefore quantitative measurement of RV systolic function should not rely solely on conventional indices. Cardiac MRI was a useful adjunctive tool for MR severity assessment in 32% of CRMR patients when echocardiography alone was insufficient. CRMR is characterised by predominant collagen degradation and is associated with low prevalence of fibrosis. Finally, there may be a role for combination anti-remodelling therapy in HF secondary to MR. Finally, we have provided normal reference ranges for LA volume and strain parameters that would serve as platform for future studies in this population. Our findings pertaining to imaging, biomarkers and role of combination anti-remodelling therapy in CRMR may aid in the clinical assessment and management of patients with CRMR, and serve as a base for further research in these fields.MT201
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