81 research outputs found
Solar Cycle Variations of Rotation and Asphericity in the Near-Surface Shear Layer
The precise shape of the Sun is sensitive to the influence of gravity,
differential rotation, local turbulence and magnetic fields. It has been
previously shown that the solar shape exhibits asphericity that evolves with
the 11-year cycle. Thanks to the capability of the SoHO/MDI and SDO/HMI
instruments to observe with an unprecedented accuracy the surface gravity
oscillation (f) modes, it is possible to extract information concerning the
coefficients of rotational frequency splitting, a1, a3 and a5, that measure the
differential rotation, together with the a2, a4 and a6 asphericity
coefficients. Analysis of these helioseismology data for almost two solar
cycles, from 1996 to 2017, reveals a close correlation of the a1 and a5
coefficients with the solar activity, whilst a3 exhibits a long-term trend and
a weak correlation in the current cycle indicating a substantial change of the
global rotation, potentially associated with a long-term evolution of the solar
cycles. Looking in more details, the asphericity coefficients, a2, a4 and a6
are more strongly associated with the solar cycle when applying a time lag of
respectively 0.1, 1.6 and -1.6 years. The magnitude of a6-coefficient varies in
phase with the sunspot number (SN), but its amplitude is ahead of the SN
variation. The last measurements made in mid 2017 indicate that the magnitude
of a6-coefficient has probably reached its minimum; therefore, the next solar
minimum can be expected by the end of 2018 or in the beginning of 2019. The
so-called seismic radius in the range of f-mode angular degree: l=137-299
exhibits a temporal variability in anti-phase with the solar activity; its
relative value decreased by 2.3E-05 in Solar Cycle 23 and 1.7E-05 in Cycle 24.
Such results will be useful for better understanding the physical mechanisms
which act inside the Sun, and so, better constrain dynamo models for
forecasting the solar cycles.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Journal of Atmospheric and
Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP
The Sun Asphericities: Astrophysical Relevance
Of all the fundamental parameters of the Sun (diameter, mass,
temperature...), the gravitational multipole moments (of degree l and order m)
that determine the solar moments of inertia, are still poorly known. However,
at the first order (l=2), the quadrupole moment is relevant to many
astrophysical applications. It indeed contributes to the relativistic
perihelion advance of planets, together with the post-Newtonian (PN)
parameters; or to the precession of the orbital plane about the Sun polar axis,
the latter being unaffected by the purely relativistic PN contribution. Hence,
a precise knowledge of the quadrupole moment is necessary for accurate orbit
determination, and alternatively, to obtain constraints on the PN parameters.
Moreover, the successive gravitational multipole moments have a physical
meaning: they describe deviations from a purely spherical mass distribution.
Thus, their precise determination gives indications on the solar internal
structure. Here, we explain why it is difficult to compute these parameters,
how to derive the best values, and how they will be determined in a near future
by means of space experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures (see published version for a better resolution),
submited to Proceedings of the Royal Society: Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Science
Solar latitudinal distortions : from observations to theory
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 419, p. 1133-1140, 2004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20041093International audienceSolar diameters have been measured from different ground-based instruments on different sites all around the world. There are values dating back to three centuries ago, but the revival of interest began in the 1970s when it was claimed that a temporal periodic modulation had been found. The interest of such measurements, pinpointed from only two decades, may not lie in these temporal variations, but in the fact that a latitudinal heliographic dependence may exist. Such a solar shape distortion has been deduced from the analysis of solar astrolabe data sorted by heliographic latitudes, but observational evidence has also been obtained by means of a scanning heliometer (Pic du Midi Observatory). Latitudinal dependence implies sub-surfacic physical mechanisms and can be explained theoretically. Thus, in spite of the fact that ground-based observations are altered by seeing effects that may amplify or superimpose noise, it can be advanced that the solar shape is not a pure spheroid. We present here a new theory based upon the thermal-wind equation, which explains the observed distorted solar shape. Using the W parameter (called here asphericity-luminosity parameter), we show that large negative values (W ranging from around −0.075 up to −0.6) leading to a prolate Sun, are unlikely. The best range of W lies between around −0.075 and +0.6. Concerning observations, only space missions (or balloon flights) will be able to reach a clear conclusion. A space mission called PICARD is scheduled to be launched by 2008: one of its major aims is to measure these asphericities with astrometric precision
Solar gravitational energy and luminosity variations
Due to non-homogeneous mass distribution and non-uniform velocity rate inside
the Sun, the solar outer shape is distorted in latitude. In this paper, we
analyze the consequences of a temporal change in this figure on the luminosity.
To do so, we use the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) as an indicator of
luminosity. Considering that most of the authors have explained the largest
part of the TSI modulation with magnetic network (spots and faculae) but not
the whole, we could set constraints on radius and effective temperature
variations (dR, dT). However computations show that the amplitude of solar
irradiance modulation is very sensitive to photospheric temperature variations.
In order to understand discrepancies between our best fit and recent
observations of Livingston et al. (2005), showing no effective surface
temperature variation during the solar cycle, we investigated small effective
temperature variation in irradiance modeling. We emphasized a phase-shift
(correlated or anticorrelated radius and irradiance variations) in the (dR,
dT)-parameter plane. We further obtained an upper limit on the amplitude of
cyclic solar radius variations, deduced from the gravitational energy
variations. Our estimate is consistent with both observations of the
helioseismic radius through the analysis of f-mode frequencies and observations
of the basal photospheric temperature at Kitt Peak. Finally, we suggest a
mechanism to explain faint changes in the solar shape due to variation of
magnetic pressure which modifies the granules size. This mechanism is supported
by our estimate of the asphericity-luminosity parameter, which implies an
effectiveness of convective heat transfer only in very outer layers of the Sun.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure, 1 table, published in New Astronom
Active Latitude Oscillations Observed on the Sun
We investigate periodicities in mean heliographic latitudes of sunspot
groups, called active latitudes, for the last six complete solar cycles
(1945-2008). For this purpose, the Multi Taper Method and Morlet Wavelet
analysis methods were used. We found the following: 1) Solar rotation
periodicities (26-38 days) are present in active latitudes of both hemispheres
for all the investigated cycles (18 to 23). 2) Both in the northern and
southern hemispheres, active latitudes drifted towards the equator starting
from the beginning to the end of each cycle by following an oscillating path.
These motions are well described by a second order polynomial. 3) There are no
meaningful periods between 55 and about 300 days in either hemisphere for all
cycles. 4) A 300 to 370 day periodicity appears in both hemispheres for Cycle
23, in the northern hemisphere for Cycle 20, and in the southern hemisphere for
Cycle 18.Comment: Accepted for publication by Solar Physic
Are non-magnetic mechanisms such as temporal solar diameter variations conceivable for an irradiance variability?
Irradiance variability has been monitored from space for more than two
decades. Even if data are coming from different sources, it is well established
that a temporal variability exists which can be set to as approximately 0.1%,
in phase with the solar cycle. Today, one of the best explanation for such an
irradiance variability is provided by the evolution of the solar surface
magnetic fields. But if some 90 to 95% can be reproduced, what would be the
origin of the 10 to 5% left? Non magnetic effects are conceivable. In this
paper we will consider temporal variations of the diameter of the Sun as a
possible contributor for the remaining part. Such an approach imposes strong
constraints on the solar radius variability. We will show that over a solar
cycle, variations of no more than 20 mas of amplitude can be considered. Such a
variability (far from what is reported by observers conducting measurements by
means of ground-based solar astrolabes) may explain a little part of the
irradiance changes not explained by magnetic features. Further requirements are
needed that may help to reach a conclusion. Dedicated space missions are
necessary (for example PICARD, GOLF-NG or SDO, scheduled for a launch around
2008); it is also proposed to reactivate SDS flights for such a purpose.Comment: 8 pages, 2 eps figures, published in Solar Physic
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