4,762 research outputs found

    Developing Materials for Deliberative Forums

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    When citizens deliberate together about important issues, they can reach decisions and take action together on problems that confront them. Deliberation does not require a certain kind of guide, or framework, or language, or facilitator, but, because it can be difficult to face such choices, supporting materials can make it easier. Many community groups, national organizations, and others, including the National Issues Forums (NIF), develop materials meant to help groups deliberate together over difficult public issues. Through its research, the Kettering Foundation has learned about the kinds of materials that can spark this public work. This document explores the important elements involved in going from an initial topic to having a complete issue guide suitable to use in the kinds of deliberative forums that are the hallmark of the NIF

    On piecewise linear cell decompositions

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    In this note, we introduce a class of cell decompositions of PL manifolds and polyhedra which are more general than triangulations yet not as general as CW complexes; we propose calling them PLCW complexes. The main result is an analog of Alexander's theorem: any two PLCW decompositions of the same polyhedron can be obtained from each other by a sequence of certain "elementary" moves. This definition is motivated by the needs of Topological Quantum Field Theory, especially extended theories as defined by Lurie.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 page
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