2 research outputs found
A validated methodological approach to prove the safety of clinical electromagnetic induction systems in magnetic hyperthermia
The present study focuses on the development of a methodology for evaluating the safety
of MNH systems, through the numerical prediction of the induced temperature rise in superficial skin
layers due to eddy currents heating under an alternating magnetic field (AMF). The methodology
is supported and validated through experimental measurements of the AMF’s distribution, as well
as temperature data from the torsos of six patients who participated in a clinical trial study. The
simulations involved a computational model of the actual coil, a computational model of the cooling
system used for the cooling of the patients during treatment, and a detailed human anatomical model
from the Virtual Population family. The numerical predictions exhibit strong agreement with the
experimental measurements, and the deviations are below the estimated combined uncertainties, confirming
the accuracy of computational modeling. This study highlights the crucial role of simulations
for translational medicine and paves the way for personalized treatment planning.peer-reviewe
The Relation between Induced Electric Field and TMS-Evoked Potentials: A Deep TMS-EEG Study
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in humans induces electric fields (E-fields, EF) that perturb and modulate the brain’s endogenous neuronal activity and result in the generation of TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs). The exact relation of the characteristics of the induced E-field and the intensity of the brains’ response, as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), is presently unclear. In this pilot study, conducted on three healthy subjects and two patients with generalized epilepsy (total: 3 males, 2 females, mean age of 26 years; healthy: 2 males, 1 female, mean age of 25.7 years; patients: 1 male, 1 female, mean age of 26.5 years), we investigated the temporal and spatial relations of the E-field, induced by single-pulse stimuli, and the brain’s response to TMS. Brain stimulation was performed with a deep TMS device (BrainsWay Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) and an H7 coil placed over the central area. The induced EF was computed on personalized anatomical models of the subjects through magneto quasi-static simulations. We identified specific time instances and brain regions that exhibit high positive or negative associations of the E-field with brain activity. In addition, we identified significant correlations of the brain’s response intensity with the strength of the induced E-field and finally prove that TEPs are better correlated with E-field characteristics than with the stimulator’s output. These observations provide further insight in the relation between E-field and the ensuing cortical activation, validate in a clinically relevant manner the results of E-field modeling and reinforce the view that personalized approaches should be adopted in the field of non-invasive brain stimulation