16 research outputs found

    Analisis Kualitas Ikan Bandeng Tanpa Duri Dengan Pendekatan Seven Tools

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    Industry manufaktur dan jasa tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, mulai dari skala besar sampai skala kecil, dengan adanya industri manufaktur dan jasa ini sangat berpengaruh positif bagi pemilik dan masyarakat sekitar diantaranya, memberikan lapangan pekerjaan, mengurangi pengangguran, dan meningkatkan penghasilan terhadap faktor penyebab kecacatan produk untuk pengendalian kualitas, UMKM BATARI 3P merupakan suatu bidang produk dan jasa yang berfokus pada pengolahan ikan bandeng. Adapun pengolahannya yakni bandeng tanpa duri, bandeng asap tanpa duri, bandeng sapit tanpa duri, abon duri ikan bandeng, dan kerupuk ikan bandeng. UMKM BATARI 3P berada di desa Sukorejo Bungah Gresik. UMKM BATARI 3P mempunyai permasalahan mengenai kecacatan pada ikan bandeng dengan jenis kecacatan yakni mata ikannya memerah, perut ikan bandeng menggelembung, dagingnya ikut melepas bersama dengan duri yang dicabut. menggunakan metode Seven Tools ini dapat mengetahui penyebab terjadinya kecacatan tersebut pada diagram tulang ikan. Untuk mendapatkan standart kualitas pada UMKM diharapkan mengacu pada control chart pada titik tengah CL :0,108 dan cacat yang tertinggin mata ikan bandeng memerah 249 ikan dengan jumla persentasi 39%, untuk pengendalian kualitas produk ikan bandeng tanpa duri yang dibuat di UMKM BATARI 3P dengan metode Seven Tools yaitu Fishbone dengan cara penerapan menggunakan diagram Fishbone ini terdapat solusi agar dapat meningkatkan mutu atau kualitas pada ikan bandeng tanpa duri

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Batu Nisan di Kota Gresik dengan Pendekatan Seven Tools

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    In the Industrial Age 4.0, when business competition is increasing and growing, business people are also required to be able to maintain and increase their existence in products, This tombstone is one of the product needs when approaching the Idhul Fitri holiday because many people will replace the tombstones that have died or if a relative has passed away. Sadar Gresik UMKM produces tombstones and there is a defect problem that occurs, namely experiencing thin cracks and chipped corners of tombstones in April 2022 Sadar UMKM can produce an average of 41 gravestones in one day and for an average defect in 1 month 11 tombstones. In this study, aims to find out the quality control needed so that the tombstone products can control defects, by using the seven tools to find out the factors that cause defects and can control the defects by knowing the NP line on the control chart. Seven tools can also identify the causes and effects of defects and with the addition of 5W+1H recommendations will be made regarding the problems encountered. factors from the results of fishbone Diagrams that require evaluation which include human factors, materials, methods, environment where these factors cause the number of tombstone defects to be 174 thin cracks and tombstone corners to chip 121. To control defects in tombstone products so that at the midpoint of NP 11.8 is right at the midpoint of the control chart. From several factors that are already known in thin cracked tombstones, namely carrying out quality control of 5W + 1H tombstones, so that they can control these defects in accordance with predetermined product specifications/standards, the process of making tombstone products, employees who work on these have responsibilities, the need for training/skill training for the process of making the tombstones and monitoring the evaluation of the workers, the angle of the tombstones, namely carrying out quality control so as to minimize product defects, so that the quality produced is maintained according to the specified standards, the process of making tombstone products, employees those who do it have the responsibility, make repairs on a regular basis


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    UD. Jazuli IB in TPI Lumpur Gresik has implemented quality control. But in the belief, there is damage to bader/tawes in 2016 with a percentage of 17%. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of quality control at UD. Jazuli IB in bader/tawes fishing and quality control system using statistical quality. Control approach with the result of this research is implementation of quality control in fish processing bader/tawes seen from good in meeting company standards, this is evidenced by customer statement when monitored using map control, quality control it some have not been properly implemented, as many damaged fish are out control limits quality control by using the quality cost implemented by the company is still loose, because the cost of quality issued to control the cost quality is 187,444,404 IDR, quality assurance fee 18,204,000 IDR, and total cost for quality 205,648,404 IDR with damage rate 1,517 kg, it is bigger than it should be quality cost. Costs for 58,414,320 IDR, and the total cost for the quality level is 116,828,715 IDR with the rate from damage 4,867.86 kg. Thus, companies need to improve quality continuously to obtain maximum results and processing and quality control

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Kerupuk dengan Metode Seven Tools

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    Kerupuk ikan laut adalah produk unggulan kabupaten gresik yang berlokasi di desa serowo, kecamatan sidayu. Potensi di kawasan tersebut dikatakan baik, karena dekat dengan pantai utara kabupaten gresik, dengan adanya potensi di wilayah tersebut serta berkerja sama dengan dinas yang terkait seperti untuk memproduksi dan mengelola hasil laut untuk dijadikan olahan kerupuk ikan. Pentingnya dalam melakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian kualitas dikarenakan pada proses produksi masih terdapat produk yang mengalami kerusakan. Adapun kriteria produk dinyatakan rusak atau cacat oleh UD. Empat Putra adalah sebagi berikut: Berlubang, biasanya terjadi proses produksi, dan Pecah, biasanya terjadi akibat terlalu lama dalam proses penjemuran dan dalam proses pengiriman. Untuk mengatasi permasalahanyang terjadi di UD. Empat Putra, maka perlunya pengendalian kualitas menggunakan metode Seven Tools untuk menekan prosentase produk cacat pada olahan kerupuk ikan tersebut. Kerupuk ikan laut adalah produk unggulan kabupaten gresik yang berlokasi di desa serowo, kecamatan sidayu. Potensi di kawasan tersebut dikatakan baik, karena dekat dengan pantai utara kabupaten gresik, dengan adanya potensi di wilayah tersebut serta berkerja sama dengan dinas yang terkait seperti untuk memproduksi dan mengelola hasil laut  untuk dijadikan olahan kerupuk ikan. Pentingnya dalam melakukan pengawasan dan pengendalian kualitas dikarenakan pada proses produksi masih terdapat produk yang mengalami kerusakan. Adapun kriteria produk dinyatakan rusak atau cacat oleh UD. Empat Putra adalah sebagi berikut: Berlubang, biasanya terjadi proses produksi, dan Pecah, biasanya terjadi akibat terlalu lama dalam proses penjemuran dan dalam proses pengiriman. Untuk mengatasi permasalahanyang terjadi di UD. Empat Putra, maka perlunya pengendalian kualitas menggunakan metode Seven Tools untuk menekan prosentase produk cacat pada olahan kerupuk ikan tersebut


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan usulan perbaikan tata letak pada proses produksi di PT. Ecomec Resources Indonesia, sehingga bisa memperkecil jumlah tenaga kerja pada perusahaan tersebut.Perusahaan PT. Ecomec Resources Indonesia di tuntut untuk mengoptimalkan dalam rancangan dan mendesain tata letak suatu perusahaan agar bisa memperkecil jumlah tenaga kerja pada saat proses produksi berlangsung, besetra tata letaknya yang teratur sehingga lebih efektif dan efisien dalam segi jumlah tenaga kerja yang diperlukan lebih sedikit. Data-data yang digunakan yaitu dengan melihat langsung area perusahaan dan mengumpulkan data-data disetiap bagian yang proses produksi yang mengalami usulan layout, menggunakan metode Activity Relationship Chart (ARC), Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD) danActivity Allocation Diagram (AAD). Dari hasil penelitian layout usulan awal perusahaan untuk metode ARC, ARD dan AAD sebelumnya membutuhkan pekerja 4 sedangkan hasil yang didapat pada layout usulan 1 dan layout usulan 2 perbaikan menggunakan metode ARC, ARD dan AAD hanya membutuhkan 2 pekerja, pada analisa proses produksi menggunakan metode ARC, ARD, dan AAD telah mengurangi jumlah tenaga kerja pada setiap departemen, sehingga proses produksi lebih efisien PT. Ecomec Resources Indonesia

    Application of The Accounting Information System as A Conductive Climate Enhancement to Develop MSME in Bungah District

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to evaluate the application of Accounting Information Systems that have been used by UD. ModeX, MSME in Bungah District so that MSMEs can produce as financial statements. Good financial statements help MMSME to propose additional funds for developing the business to financial institutions, consideration in making decisions so that MSMEs businesses work effectively and efficiently. The study was conducted by direct interviews with the owner, specialized staff, and the cashier at UD. ModeX. The results of the research, by applying the Accounting Information System application are facilitating the recording of financial transactions, seeing the stock of goods quickly and accurately. Moreover, from the accounting information formed a financial report,  MSMEs has a financial statement to use for the various business benefit of the MSME.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi yang telah digunakan oleh UD. ModeX, UMKM yang berada di Kecamatan Bungah agar dapat digunakan sebagai penyusunan laporan keuangan. Penyusunan laporan keungan yang baik membantu UMKM dalam mengajukan permodalan kepada lembaga keuangan, pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan sehingga bisnis UMKM berjalan secara efektif dan efesien. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung kepada owner, staff khusus, dan bagian kasir pada UD. ModeX. Hasil dari wawancara tersebut yaitu dengan menerapkan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dapat mempermudah pencatatan transaksi keuangan, melihat stok barang secara cepat dan akurat, dan dari informasi akuntansi  tersebut terbentuk suatu  laporan keuangan yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan kelancaran bisnis UMKM tersebut

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Songkok untuk Meminimalkan Cacat Produksi Menggunakan Metode Seven Tools

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    Songkok is an iconic product from Gresik City which is a cultural heritage rich in meaning. Therefore, maintaining songkok quality needs to be done more carefully in order to maintain the integrity of this product in an increasingly competitive industry. Two Pendopo MSMEs are one of the largest songkok producing MSMEs in Gresik. However, this business is facing problems with the number of defective products produced. The purpose of this study is to minimize songkok production defects in MSMEs Two Pendopo. This research uses the seven tools method. With a total production of 4,250 units carried out over 25 working days, it was found that the largest defect was in irregular threads (4.6%). Control charts are used to monitor production variability. Remedial action involves training workers, repair of yarn material, and better environmental conditions. Periodic monitoring and evaluation is implemented to control product quality effectively

    Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Petis Udang dengan Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantity (Eoq) di Ud. Agung Jaya

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    Raw material inventory is very important for companies. UD. Agung Jaya is a company that operates in the food sector, namely Petis Udang. Problems at UD. Agung Jaya has raw material stock problems, namely a shortage or excess of raw materials. The aim of this research is to help optimize UD costs of UD. Agung Jaya. This research uses raw material purchase data for shrimp heads, sugar, and flour which is processed by forecasting calculations for 12 periods or 1 year into the future using the single exponential smoothing (SES) time series forecasting method. The aim is to determine the need for raw materials so that there are no shortages or excesses of raw materials during the ongoing production process, and the efficiency of raw material needs in this research. The results of the research show that the raw material for shrimp heads has a mape error value of 24, sugar has a mape error value of 24, and flour has a mape error value of 26.1. Furthermore, the raw material decomposition method for shrimp heads has a mape error value of 15, sugar has a mape error value of 15, and flour has a mape error value of 16.42. The second result of forecasting shows that the decomposition method obtains a smaller mape value or the lowest error value. This research also uses the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method in the 2022-2023 period with raw material yields of 515.28 kg of shrimp heads, 488.54 kg of sugar and 188.09 kg of flour

    Seven Tools untuk Menurunkan Kecacatan pada Produk Kopi

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    An increasingly competitive industrial era to maintain and increase interest in buying and selling products to consumers is very important, every business actor wants to how to win the competition in the business so that they can exist in this field by maintaining the quality of the products to be marketed. The coffee products in the company have three defects, namely damaged packaging containers, inappropriate weight, and coarse coffee grounds. The seven tools method will determine the causes of defects in coffee products. From the analysis of the Check Sheet table, it is known that there are three types of defects. From the histogram, it is known that the most defect data distribution is the damaged packaging containers of 1252 pcs, P control chart, it is known that the UCL value is 0.2993 and LCL -0.1525 these values are within the control limit. Pareto diagram shows that the most dominant type of defect is WKR (53.97%). Correlation calculations using the Scatter diagram obtained a value of -7.380. This value shows that the two relationships between defective packaging containers and coarse coffee grounds have a negative relationship. From the Fishbone diagram and RCA analysis, it is known that the causes of disability with the highest WKR are man, machine, method, and material factors. Corrective action, namely the need to change the packaging, provide breeding to the operator, provide training, and maintain the machine so that the engine remains in good condition

    Perencanaan Produksi pada Produk Hollow dengan Ukuran 15 mm X 35 mm X 0.30 mm

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    PT Mulcindo is a manufacturing and service industry company works in the production of processed iron. This company produces corrugated steel sheet, iron canal, ceiling hanging guard rail, and partition frame.  However, the demand for this company was fluctuating.  Due to this fluctuation, PT Mulcindo Steel Industry has some problems such as product shortages or on the other hand product overload (over stock). This company is trying to find better production activities planning to fulfill market demand by using the right production planning. The results of the aggregate planning method in planning hollow production with a size of 15 mm x 35 mm x 0.30 mm in PT Mulcindo Steel Industry using the heuristic method, labor control with total aggregate planning costs of Rp. 674,937,732.2 / year, controlling sub-contracts with total aggregate planning costs of Rp. 822.136,585,3 / year, mix with overtime with total aggregate planning costs of Rp. 208,791,410.5 / year, Use of spreadsheets using regular production with trial and error techniques with total aggregate planning costs of Rp. 408,543,000 / year, the aggregate planning method in production planning obtained the minimum cost of Rp. 208,791,410.5 / year that is by using the heuristic method with mixed method completion techniques with over time. Keywords : Forecasting, Time Series, Aggregate Planning