16,774 research outputs found

    The elliptic scattering theory of the 1/2-XYZ and higher order Deformed Virasoro Algebras

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    Bound state excitations of the spin 1/2-XYZ model are considered inside the Bethe Ansatz framework by exploiting the equivalent Non-Linear Integral Equations. Of course, these bound states go to the sine-Gordon breathers in the suitable limit and therefore the scattering factors between them are explicitly computed by inspecting the corresponding Non-Linear Integral Equations. As a consequence, abstracting from the physical model the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra of two nn-th elliptic breathers defines a tower of nn-order Deformed Virasoro Algebras, reproducing the n=1n=1 case the usual well-known algebra of Shiraishi-Kubo-Awata-Odake \cite{SKAO}.Comment: Latex version, 13 page

    Intellectual capital and value co-creation: an empirical analysis from a marketing perspective

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    The aim of this study is to investigate intellectual capital (IC) drivers that may influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation (VCC) activities with firms. Given the exploratory nature of the research, after a review of the relevant literature, we conducted a survey among Italian consumers to see if IC principal sub-dimensions (i.e. Relational Capital, Human Capital and Structural Capital) played a role in triggering VCC processes. Using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we analyzed 270 usable questionnaires finding that, in order to decide to co-create value with firms, IC sub-dimensions actually play a critical role. Our findings showed that the motivations (i.e., IC components) that influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation activities with firms are quite homogeneous and similar both for those who already participated in past in these activities as well for those who never participated. The study has several managerial implications as well as limitations. In fact, the survey has been conducted only among Italian consumers and therefore the research should be extended by a geographically standpoint. Moreover, the research analyzed only the demand-side, while it would be certainly useful to know the point of view of companies also adopting other research methods (e.g., in-depth interviews). This study provides to practitioners important suggestions and warnings about the importance of the development of IC sub-dimensions to (co-)create value with external actors and consequently suggests the importance of adopting a “open” approach towards consumers to establish an effective and interactive relationship with them. The study fills a gap in the literature, since there are not so many references in literature for a deep understanding of the concrete relationship between IC and VCC. In addition, to our best knowledge this paper is the first that explore IC-related issues from a marketing perspective

    Designing, Producing and Using Artifacts in the Structuration of Firm Knowledge: Evidence from Proprietary and Open Processes of Software Development.

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    In the paper we study the recursive nature of artifacts in the production and the socialization of organizational knowledge. In this respect, artifacts are interpreted both as the product (output) of organizational knowledge processes and, at the same time, as tools easing the development of other artifacts. We compare different practices of knowledge creation and diffusion in complex software production processes with the aim of understanding the effects of interplay between (1) coordination and control practices, (2) mediating artifacts and development tools, and (3) interactions between different actors in the development process. We aim at identifying the peculiar traits emerging in contrasting development paradigms, namely the closed, fully proprietary one widespread in the gaming console industry, and the open model of free/open source software developmentvideo/computer game industry; artifacts; free/open source software; video game consoles

    Designing, Producing and Using Artifacts in the Structuration of Firm Knowledge: Evidence from Proprietary and Open Processes of Software Development.

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    In the paper we study the recursive nature of artifacts in the production and the socialization of organizational knowledge. In this respect, artifacts are interpreted both as the product (output) of organizational knowledge processes and, at the same time, as tools easing the development of other artifacts. We compare different practices of knowledge creation and diffusion in complex software production processes with the aim of understanding the effects of interplay between (1) coordination and control practices, (2) mediating artifacts and development tools, and (3) interactions between different actors in the development process. We aim at identifying the peculiar traits emerging in contrasting development paradigms, namely the closed, fully proprietary one widespread in the gaming console industry, and the open model of free/open source software development.video/computer game industry; artifacts; free/open source software; video game console

    Measuring Disinflation Credibility in Emerging Markets: A Bayesian Approach with an Application to Turkey's IMF-Supported Program

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    This paper proposes a new empirical measure of disinflation credibility and applies it to the IMF-supported disinflation program in Turkey since the 2001 crisis. This measure relies only on the consumer price index and can thus be easily applied in countries in which asset prices and survey inflation expectations are not available or reliable. The application to Turkey's shows that it is less volatile and hence more reliable than a survey-expectation based measure.
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