1,746 research outputs found
A propos des mutilés de guerre: la conférence de Rome d'octobre 1919
La question des mutilés de guerre est une de celles dont l'importance ne peut échapper à personne. A mesure que nous nous éloignons de la guerre, il semble que nous nous rendons mieux compte des ravages formidables qu'elle a faits parmi la jeunesse des pays belligérants, et c'est à l'heure actuelle où la vie économique aurait besoin de toutes ses forces que l'on constate combien il est difficile de les retrouver. II en résulte un déséquilibre social auquel ont songé dès le début de la guerre ceux qui ont pris l'initiative de donner aux mutilés la possibilité de reprendre leurs fonctions dans l'organisme de la nation. Dans ce but, ils ont tout d'abord procuré aux amputés des membres, des prothèses qui furent adaptés à des moignons que la chirurgie moderne est parvenue à rendre plus aptes au port d'un appareil. Puis nous voyons un peu partout se fonder des écoles d'éducation et de rééducation, écoles admirablement bien comprises, mais dont ne pouvait bénéficier qu'un nombre relativement restreint de blessé
The Heavy-Ion Physics Programme with the ATLAS Detector
The CERN LHC will collide lead ions at TeV per nucleon pair and will provide crucial information about the formation of a quark--gluon plasma at the highest temperatures and densities ever created in the laboratory. We report on an updated evaluation of the ATLAS potential to study heavy--ion physics. The ATLAS detector will perform especially well for high phenomena even in the presence of the high--multiplicity soft background expected from lead-lead collisions, and most of the detector subsystems retain their nearly full capability. ATLAS will study a full range of observables which characterize the hot and dense medium formed in heavy--ion collisions. In addition to global measurements such as particle multiplicities and collective flow, heavy--quarkonia suppression, jet quenching and the modification of jets passing in the dense medium will be accessible. ATLAS will also study forward physics and ultraperipheral collisions using Zero Degree Calorimeters
Simulation of Creep and Life Prediction of Life Time by Thermal Fatigue Using a Viscoplastic Model
Towards a goal-oriented taxonomy for crowdsourcing initiatives
In order to integrate previous research efforts and devise a methodology to guide practitioners in crowdsourcing (CS) initiatives, our research aims at answering the following: based on specific goals and tasks, how should an initiator organization set up a specific crowdsourcing initiative? This paper recounts our efforts at identifying types of CS initiatives in terms of goal, task and crowd; and to link these types to existing types of CS processes in the literature. After developing a taxonomy of CS initiatives, we identified types thanks to cluster analysis of 130 CS initiatives meeting a strict definition of CS. We linked the resulting types to the CS processes types coming from an existing taxonomy. By doing this, we also provide further validation of the adopted CS processes taxonomy
Testing the role of corporate social responsibility and crisis response messaging in corporate reputational recovery
Abstract from introductionThe practice of public relations is complex, fluid, and multifaceted (Cancel et al., 1997): Job skills range from relationship building (Wood, 2015), to media relations and crisis communications. Crises draw intense attention from media and publics, and often require immediate crisis communication from public relations practitioners (Augustine Pang, Fritz Cropp, and Glen T. Cameron, 2006). Corporate crises happen every day, (Gonzalez-Herrero and Pratt, 1995) and the frequency of crises coupled with the need for immediate response from crisis communicators is quickly making crisis communication one of the most widely studied areas of public relations (Austin, Liu, and Jin, 2014). While PR practitioners could greatly benefit from a decisive 'roadmap' of the right crisis communication tactics, the process of public relations is far too complex to be placed into any decisive boxes or give one right answer for all crises (Cancel et al., 1997)
Heavy Quarkonia Perspectives with Heavy-Ions in ATLAS
ATLAS will study a full range of observables and phenomena which characterize the hot dense medium formed in heavy-ion collisions, and in particular heavy quarkonia suppression which provides a handle on deconfinement mechanisms. As each quark-antiquark bound state is predicted to dissociate at a different temperature, the systematic measurement of the suppression of these resonances should provide some sort of thermometer of the early stage of the system evolution. We report on an evaluation of the ATLAS potential to measure resonances of the Upsilon and J/psi families created in Pb+Pb collisions
Design of a New Data Structure to Support Non-Invasive Diagnostic on Heritage Metals
Conservation of heritage artifacts is a very sensitive task as conservators usually have very little information about the artifacts. Moreover, due to the uniqueness and the historic value of these artifacts, invasive analysis are not always possible. Therefore, without sampling options, conservators are required to use non-invasive diagnostic methods in order to identify the metal characteristics of the artifact. When confronted with an unknown artifact, conservators generate conceptual models of the corrosion forms. These models are based on formal representations of corrosion forms, but are not directly exploitable for drawing hypotheses regarding the underlying metal. This paper presents the design of a data structure generated from the conceptual models which supports the comparison and retrieval of corresponding artifacts. Integrated with a database of heritage artifacts, this data structure offers advanced decision support to conservators confronted with unknown artifacts
The decays within the standard model
We study the reactions within the
minimal standard model. We use isospin symmetry to relate the matrix elements
to the form factors measured in . We argue that these modes are
short distance dominated and can be used for precise determinations of the CKM
parameters and . Depending on the value of the CKM angles we find
branching ratios in the following ranges: ; ; . We also discuss a possible -odd
observable.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures. Title and abstract have been
revised to better reflect the content of the paper. This is the final version
as publishe
Quarkonia Physics in Heavy-Ion collisions with the ATLAS Detector
Updated evaluation of the ATLAS capabilities to study heavy quarkonia physics in Pb+Pb collisions
Semileptonic and Decays and the Chiral Anomaly at One-loop
We calculate the corrections to the anomalous form factors appearing
in , and decays in
Chiral Perturbation Theory. The relevant dimension terms of the lagrangian
are evaluated assuming their saturation by the vector meson contribution.Comment: 10 pages of LaTeX (+3 figures available on request
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