153 research outputs found

    Spin Path Integrals and Generations

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    The spin of a free electron is stable but its position is not. Recent quantum information research by G. Svetlichny, J. Tolar, and G. Chadzitaskos have shown that the Feynman \emph{position} path integral can be mathematically defined as a product of incompatible states; that is, as a product of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs). Since the more common use of MUBs is in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, this raises the question "what happens when \emph{spin} path integrals are computed over products of MUBs?" Such an assumption makes spin no longer stable. We show that the usual spin-1/2 is obtained in the long-time limit in three orthogonal solutions that we associate with the three elementary particle generations. We give applications to the masses of the elementary leptons.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, accepted at Foundations of Physic

    Einstein energy associated with the Friedmann -Robertson -Walker metric

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    Following Einstein's definition of Lagrangian density and gravitational field energy density (Einstein, A., Ann. Phys. Lpz., 49, 806 (1916); Einstein, A., Phys. Z., 19, 115 (1918); Pauli, W., {\it Theory of Relativity}, B.I. Publications, Mumbai, 1963, Trans. by G. Field), Tolman derived a general formula for the total matter plus gravitational field energy (P0P_0) of an arbitrary system (Tolman, R.C., Phys. Rev., 35(8), 875 (1930); Tolman, R.C., {\it Relativity, Thermodynamics & Cosmology}, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962)); Xulu, S.S., arXiv:hep-th/0308070 (2003)). For a static isolated system, in quasi-Cartesian coordinates, this formula leads to the well known result P0=g(T00T11T22T33) d3xP_0 = \int \sqrt{-g} (T_0^0 - T_1^1 -T_2^2 -T_3^3) ~d^3 x, where gg is the determinant of the metric tensor and TbaT^a_b is the energy momentum tensor of the {\em matter}. Though in the literature, this is known as "Tolman Mass", it must be realized that this is essentially "Einstein Mass" because the underlying pseudo-tensor here is due to Einstein. In fact, Landau -Lifshitz obtained the same expression for the "inertial mass" of a static isolated system without using any pseudo-tensor at all and which points to physical significance and correctness of Einstein Mass (Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M., {\it The Classical Theory of Fields}, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 2th ed., 1962)! For the first time we apply this general formula to find an expression for P0P_0 for the Friedmann- Robertson -Walker (FRW) metric by using the same quasi-Cartesian basis. As we analyze this new result, physically, a spatially flat model having no cosmological constant is suggested. Eventually, it is seen that conservation of P0P_0 is honoured only in the a static limit.Comment: By mistake a marginally different earlier version was loaded, now the journal version is uploade

    Energetics of the Einstein-Rosen spacetime

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    A study covering some aspects of the Einstein--Rosen metric is presented. The electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor are calculated. It is shown that there are no purely magnetic E--R spacetimes, and also that a purely electric E--R spacetime is necessarily static. The geodesics equations are found and circular ones are analyzed in detail. The super--Poynting and the ``Lagrangian'' Poynting vectors are calculated and their expressions are found for two specific examples. It is shown that for a pulse--type solution, both expressions describe an inward radially directed flow of energy, far behind the wave front. The physical significance of such an effect is discussed.Comment: 19 pages Latex.References added and updated.To appear in Int.J.Theor.Phy

    Adiabatic following criterion, estimation of the nonadiabatic excitation fraction and quantum jumps

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    An accurate theory describing adiabatic following of the dark, nonabsorbing state in the three-level system is developed. An analytical solution for the wave function of the particle experiencing Raman excitation is found as an expansion in terms of the time varying nonadiabatic perturbation parameter. The solution can be presented as a sum of adiabatic and nonadiabatic parts. Both are estimated quantitatively. It is shown that the limiting value to which the amplitude of the nonadiabatic part tends is equal to the Fourier component of the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter taken at the Rabi frequency of the Raman excitation. The time scale of the variation of both parts is found. While the adiabatic part of the solution varies slowly and follows the change of the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter, the nonadiabatic part appears almost instantly, revealing a jumpwise transition between the dark and bright states. This jump happens when the nonadiabatic perturbation parameter takes its maximum value.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRA on 28 Oct. 200

    On Isotropic Turbulence in the Dark Fluid Universe

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    As first part of this work, experimental information about the decay of isotropic turbulence in ordinary hydrodynamics, u^2(t) proportional to t^{-6/5}, is used as input in FRW equations in order to investigate how an initial fraction f of turbulent kinetic energy in the cosmic fluid influences the cosmological development in the late, quintessence/phantom, universe. First order perturbative theory to the first order in f is employed. It turns out that both in the Hubble factor, and in the energy density, the influence from the turbulence fades away at late times. The divergences in these quantities near the Big Rip behave essentially as in a non-turbulent fluid. However, for the scale factor, the turbulence modification turns out to diverge logarithmically. As second part of our work, we consider the full FRW equation in which the turbulent part of the dark energy is accounted for by a separate term. It is demonstrated that turbulence occurrence may change the future universe evolution due to dissipation of dark energy. For instance, phantom-dominated universe becomes asymptotically a de Sitter one in the future, thus avoiding the Big Rip singularity.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, significant revision. Matches published versio

    Exponential Metric Fields

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission will use advanced technologies to achieve its science goals: the direct detection of gravitational waves, the observation of signals from compact (small and dense) stars as they spiral into black holes, the study of the role of massive black holes in galaxy evolution, the search for gravitational wave emission from the early Universe. The gravitational red-shift, the advance of the perihelion of Mercury, deflection of light and the time delay of radar signals are the classical tests in the first order of General Relativity (GR). However, LISA can possibly test Einstein's theories in the second order and perhaps, it will show some particular feature of non-linearity of gravitational interaction. In the present work we are seeking a method to construct theoretical templates that limit in the first order the tensorial structure of some metric fields, thus the non-linear terms are given by exponential functions of gravitational strength. The Newtonian limit obtained here, in the first order, is equivalent to GR.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science, 17 page

    Teleparallel Energy-Momentum Distribution of Spatially Homogeneous Rotating Spacetimes

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    The energy-momentum distribution of spatially homogeneous rotating spacetimes in the context of teleparallel theory of gravity is investigated. For this purpose, we use the teleparallel version of Moller prescription. It is found that the components of energy-momentum density are finite and well-defined but are different from General Relativity. However, the energy-momentum density components become the same in both theories under certain assumptions. We also analyse these quantities for some special solutions of the spatially homogeneous rotating spacetimes.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    The averaged tensors of the relative energy-momentum and angular momentum in general relativity and some their applications

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    There exist at least a few different kind of averaging of the differences of the energy-momentum and angular momentum in normal coordinates {\bf NC(P)} which give tensorial quantities. The obtained averaged quantities are equivalent mathematically because they differ only by constant scalar dimensional factors. One of these averaging was used in our papers [1-8] giving the {\it canonical superenergy and angular supermomentum tensors}. In this paper we present another averaging of the differences of the energy-momentum and angular momentum which gives tensorial quantities with proper dimensions of the energy-momentum and angular momentum densities. But these averaged relative energy-momentum and angular momentum tensors, closely related to the canonical superenergy and angular supermomentum tensors, {\it depend on some fundamental length L>0L>0}. The averaged relative energy-momentum and angular momentum tensors of the gravitational field obtained in the paper can be applied, like the canonical superenergy and angular supermomentum tensors, to {\it coordinate independent} analysis (local and in special cases also global) of this field. We have applied the averaged relative energy-momentum tensors to analyze vacuum gravitational energy and momentum and to analyze energy and momentum of the Friedman (and also more general) universes. The obtained results are very interesting, e.g., the averaged relative energy density is {\it positive definite} for the all Friedman universes.Comment: 30 pages, minor changes referring to Kasner universe

    Volume element structure and roton-maxon-phonon excitations in superfluid helium beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation

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    We propose a theory which deals with the structure and interactions of volume elements in liquid helium II. The approach consists of two nested models linked via parametric space. The short-wavelength part describes the interior structure of the fluid element using a non-perturbative approach based on the logarithmic wave equation; it suggests the Gaussian-like behaviour of the element's interior density and interparticle interaction potential. The long-wavelength part is the quantum many-body theory of such elements which deals with their dynamics and interactions. Our approach leads to a unified description of the phonon, maxon and roton excitations, and has noteworthy agreement with experiment: with one essential parameter to fit we reproduce at high accuracy not only the roton minimum but also the neighboring local maximum as well as the sound velocity and structure factor.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure