40,832 research outputs found
Leak test system
System for quantitative determination of leak rates in large pressurized compartments is described. Method uses pressure reference cylinder placed in thermal contact with internal environment of compartment. Construction of equipment and details of operational procedure are reported. Illustration of equipment is included
Summary of all cycle II.5 shear and boundary layer measurements, aerodynamics
The two measurement systems were used to measure mean velocity and velocity, mass flux, and total temperature fluctuations in the turbulent boundary on the fuselage of a KC-135 aircraft. The boundary layer thickness ranged between about 20 and 30 cm for the range of flight Mach numbers from about 0.25 to 0.85 and Reynolds numbers between 3 and 6 x 10 to the 6th power/m. The adaptation of each system for use in airborne applications is discussed. The data obtained from each system are given and compared with each other and they indicate that the two systems represent viable ones for use in future airborne turbulence experiments
The use of honey in healing a recalcitrant wound following surgical treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa
Ancient civilizations used honey to heal wounds. Despite the rediscovery of honey by modern physicians1 its use in conventional medicine, unlike in complementary medicine, remains limited. Much anecdotal evidence, some clinical observations, some animal models and some randomised controlled trials support the efficacy of honey in managing wounds2,3 , but few detailed descriptions of the use of honey in healing difficult surgical wounds have previously been published
The LHC di-photon excess and Gauge Coupling Unification in Extra Heterotic-String Derived Models
The di-photon excess observed at the LHC can be explained as a Standard Model
singlet that is produced and decays by heavy vector-like colour triplets and
electroweak doublets in one-loop diagrams. The characteristics of the required
spectrum are well motivated in heterotic-string constructions that allow for a
light . Anomaly cancellation of the symmetry
requires the existence of the Standard Model singlet and vector-like states in
the vicinity of the breaking scale. In this paper we show
that the agreement with the gauge coupling data at one-loop is identical to the
case of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, owing to cancellations
between the additional states. We further show that effects arising from heavy
thresholds may push the supersymmetric spectrum beyond the reach of the LHC,
while maintaining the agreement with the gauge coupling data. We show that the
string inspired model can indeed account for the observed signal and discuss
the feasibility of obtaining viable scalar mass spectrum.Comment: 26 pages. 11 figures. Published versio
Evidence of State-Level Variability in the Economic and Demographic Well-Being of People with Disabilities in India
Among countries with comparable levels of income, India has one of the more progressive disability policy frameworks; however, people with disabilities in India are subject to multiple disadvantages. This paper focuses on state-level variations in outcomes for people with disabilities to provide one explanation for the stark contrast between the liberal laws on paper and the challenges faced by people with disabilities in practice. Using a random coefficients model that allows for state-level differences, we find that households with members with disabilities have 4.2 percent lower marriage rates, monthly per capita expenditure that is lower by 176 Indian Rupees (19 percent of overall average per capita expenditure), and about a 5 percent lower level of completed formal schooling as compared to households without disabled individuals. Tests of parameter constancy across states are almost uniformly rejected indicating the presence of substantial state-level heterogeneity across all models in the outcomes examined.disability, India, economic well-being, state variations, people with disabilities
High Accuracy Fuel Flowmeter, Phase 1
Technology related to aircraft fuel mass - flowmeters was reviewed to determine what flowmeter types could provide 0.25%-of-point accuracy over a 50 to one range in flowrates. Three types were selected and were further analyzed to determine what problem areas prevented them from meeting the high accuracy requirement, and what the further development needs were for each. A dual-turbine volumetric flowmeter with densi-viscometer and microprocessor compensation was selected for its relative simplicity and fast response time. An angular momentum type with a motor-driven, spring-restrained turbine and viscosity shroud was selected for its direct mass-flow output. This concept also employed a turbine for fast response and a microcomputer for accurate viscosity compensation. The third concept employed a vortex precession volumetric flowmeter and was selected for its unobtrusive design. Like the turbine flowmeter, it uses a densi-viscometer and microprocessor for density correction and accurate viscosity compensation
Laboratory simulation of infrared astrophysical features
Intermediate resolution emission spectroscopy was used to study a group of 9 terrestrial silicates, 1 synthetic silicate, 6 meteorites and 2 lunar soils; comparisons were made with the intermediate resolution spectra of Comet Kohoutek in order to determine which materials best simulate the 10um astrophysical feature. Mixtures of silicates which would yield spectra matching the spectrum of the comet in the 10um region include: (1) A hydrous layer lattice silicate in combination with a high temperature condensate; (2) an amorphous magnesium silicate in combination with a high temperature condensate and (3) glassy olivine and glassy anorthite in approximately equal proportions
A fiber-optic current sensor for aerospace applications
A robust, accurate, broad-band, alternating current sensor using fiber optics is being developed for space applications at power frequencies as high as 20 kHz. It can also be used in low and high voltage 60 Hz terrestrial power systems and in 400 Hz aircraft systems. It is intrinsically electromagnetic interference (EMI) immune and has the added benefit of excellent isolation. The sensor uses the Faraday effect in optical fiber and standard polarimetric measurements to sense electrical current. The primary component of the sensor is a specially treated coil of single-mode optical fiber, through which the current carrying conductor passes. Improved precision is accomplished by temperature compensation by means of signals from a novel fiber-optic temperature sensor embedded in the sensing head. The technology contained in the sensor is examined and the results of precision tests conducted at various temperatures within the wide operating range are given. The results of early EMI tests are also given
Fiber-optic sensors for aerospace electrical measurements: An update
Fiber-optic sensors are being developed for electrical current, voltage, and power measurements in aerospace applications. These sensors are presently designed to cover ac frequencies from 60 Hz to 20 kHz. The current sensor, based on the Faraday effect in optical fiber, is in advanced development after some initial testing. Concentration is on packaging methods and ways to maintain consistent sensitivity with changes in temperature. The voltage sensor, utilizing the Pockels effect in a crystal, has excelled in temperature tests. This paper reports on the development of these sensors, the results of evaluation, improvements now in progress, and the future direction of the work
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