34 research outputs found
NS fivebranes in type 0 string theory
The massless degrees of freedom of type 0 NS5-branes are derived. A
non-chiral, purely bosonic spectrum is found in both type 0A and 0B. This
non-chirality is confirmed by a one-loop computation in the bulk. Some puzzles
concerning type 0B S-duality are pointed out in this context. An interpretation
of the spectra in terms of ``type 0 little strings'' is proposed.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, no figures; v3: section on S-duality revised,
references added, to be published in JHE
Ramond-Ramond couplings of non-BPS D-branes
We study how non-BPS type II D-branes couple to R-R potentials. Upon tachyon
condensation the couplings we find give rise to the Wess-Zumino action of BPS
D-branes.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, no figures; minor changes, reference added, to be
published in JHE
(Non-)Anomalous D-brane and O-plane couplings: the normal bundle
The direct string computation of anomalous D-brane and orientifold plane
couplings is extended to include the curvature of the normal bundle. The
normalization of these terms is fixed unambiguously. New, non-anomalous
gravitational couplings are found.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figures; version accepted for publication in Phys.