6 research outputs found
Distribution of small RNAs among different categories in leaves and glandular trichomes of <i>X</i>. <i>strumarium</i>.
<p><sup>a</sup>The reads that were matched to the <i>X</i>. <i>strumarium</i> transcriptome.</p><p>Distribution of small RNAs among different categories in leaves and glandular trichomes of <i>X</i>. <i>strumarium</i>.</p
RT-qPCR data for the transcript abundance of some miRNAs in the leaves and glandular trichomes.
<p>The miRNA levels were normalized to an internal control (actin) and expressed relative to the values of leaves (control), which were given an arbitrary value of 1. Error bars indicate the standard deviation of three biological replicates.</p
Statistics of small RNA sequencing.
<p><sup>a</sup>The percentage of the tissue_specific unique reads for the respective tissue source.</p><p>Statistics of small RNA sequencing.</p
Target genes for differentially expressed miRNAs involved in terpenoids biosynthesis.
<p>Target genes for differentially expressed miRNAs involved in terpenoids biosynthesis.</p
GO functional classification for the predicted targets by the differentially expressed miRNAs.
<p>X-axis, the three main GO categories and 47 GO terms assigned for the differentially expressed miRNA targets; Y-axis, the gene numbers corresponding to the GO terms.</p
Nucleotide preference at each position of novel miRNAs.
<p>(A) miRNA nucleotide bias of novel miRNAs in leaves; (B) miRNA nucleotide bias of novel miRNAs in glandular trichomes.</p