3 research outputs found

    Assessment of salivary cadmium levels and breast density in the Marin Women\u27s Study

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    Background: We aimed to determine if salivary cadmium (Cd) levels had any association with breast density, hoping to establish a less invasive cost-effective method of stratifying Cd burden as an environmental breast cancer risk factor. Methods: Salivary Cd levels were quantified from the Marin Women\u27s Study, a Marin County, California population composite. Volumetric compositional breast density (BDsxa) data were measured by single x-ray absorptiometry techniques. Digital screening mammography was performed by the San Francisco Mammography Registry. Radiologists reviewed mammograms and assigned a Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System score. Early morning salivary Cd samples were assayed. Association analyses were then performed. Results: Cd was quantifiable in over 90% of saliva samples (mean = 55.7 pg/L, SD = 29). Women with higher saliva Cd levels had a non-significant odds ratio of 1.34 with BI-RAD scores (3 or 4) (95% CI 0.75–2.39, p = 0.329). Cd levels were higher in current smokers (mean = 61.4 pg/L, SD = 34.8) than former smokers or non-smokers. These results were non-significant. Pilot data revealed that higher age and higher BMI were associated with higher BI-RAD scores (p \u3c 0.001). Conclusion: Salivary Cd is a viable quantification source in large epidemiologic studies. Association analyses between Cd levels and breast density may provide additional information for breast cancer risk assessment, risk reduction plans, and future research directions. Further work is needed to demonstrate a more robust testing protocol before the extent of its usefulness can be established

    Interracial friendships and symptoms of depression and anxiety among college-age Filipino Americans

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    Background: There is little research on interracial friendships and Filipino American mental health. A previous study found that Filipino Americans are more likely to be depressed and anxious when having 3 or more non-Filipino close friends, and that friendship discord mediated this relationship. Studies that look at Filipino American mental health have also found that there is a relationship between colonial mentality and depression. In this study, we further examine the relationship between depression and anxiety and interracial friendships. We also examine the relationship between colonial mentality and friendship discord. Methods: This study’s sample is taken in the San Francisco Bay Area and recruited 298 Filipino American participants between the ages of 18-25. Each participant took a survey that asked questions about demographics, health behaviors, depression and anxiety, number of close non-Filipino friends, friendship discord with the non-Filipino close friends, ethnic value, discrimination, and colonial mentality. Results: Those who had more than 3 non-Filipino close friends were not statistically significant (p=0.081) with depression and anxiety. Filipino Americans who had friendship discord, low ethnic value, everyday discrimination, and colonial mentality were more likely to report having symptoms of depression and anxiety. Those who had friendship discord and low ethnic value were more likely to report having colonial mentality. Discussion: Results show that further research must be done to better understand the relationship between Filipino American depression and interracial friendships and friendship discord. This study has shown that colonial mentality affects Filipino American mental health and that implementing decolonization interventions is needed to see improvement in healing the depression and anxiety from colonial mentality

    Interracial friendships and symptoms of depression and anxiety among college-age Filipino Americans

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    As rates of depression increase among the Filipino American adolescent population, more information is needed to better understand this important public health problem. Therefore, the goal of this study is to examine if depression may be influenced through the friendships that are made in college aged Filipino Americans. Recent studies have shown the relationship between interracial friendships and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Filipino Americans, and in this study I hope to explore further by understanding the relationship of colonial mentality and friendship discord. This study seeks to answer the research question, is there an association between interracial friendships and the symptoms of depression and anxiety among college-age Filipino Americans? If there is an association, then is there a relationship between interracial friendship discord and colonial mentality? Keywords: Filipino-American, college age, friendship discord, colonial mentality, ethnic background value, depression, anxiet