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    Abstrak: Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan ibnu khaldun tentang pendidikan dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan di Indonesia. Dalam penenelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan metode dekriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan penelitian literatur. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh Ibnu Khaldun mengklasifikasikan ilmu berdasarkan materi yang dibahas di dalamnya serta mempertimbangkan kegunaan dari ilmu tersebut menjadi: ilmu lisan (bahasa), ilmu naqli, dan ilmu aqli. Pendidik adalah seseorang yang mempunyai keilmuan dan wawasan yang luas dan mempunyai kepribadian yang baik. Peserta didik adalah seseorang yang dinilai belum dewasa dan mempunyai potensi yang dapat dikembangkan. Dengan demikian peserta didik membutuhkan bantuan orang dewasa untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya. Metode pembelajaran yang ditawarkan oleh Ibnu Khaldun antara lain: metode rihlah ilmiah, metode pentahapan dan pengulangan (tadarruj wat tikrari), dan metode pengenalan umum. Relevasi konsep pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun dengan pendidikan di Indonesia antara lain dalam hal wawasan manusia di Indonesia, tujuan pendidikan Islam, dan kurikulum pendidikan.Kata kunci: Konsep,Pendidikan, Ibnu Khaldun,Relevans


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    After the ruin o the New Order era in 1998, the struggle to implement syarrah in Indonesia came into a new historical phase. During this period, several Radical Islamic movements were established both as a respond to the collapse of the New Order regime which trammels their activities and as a respond to several horizontal conflicts triggered by religious issues which were frequently occurred the fall of the Suharto's regime. In the pipe line, the discourse of the implementation of Islamic syari'ah occurred not only in national level, but also in local level. The Banten province established in 2000 was one of the important regions in the map of Islamic movements in fighting out the implementation of Islamic syariah. In this regard, the Majelis Ulama Indonesia of Banten province played a great role, especially in mediating various interests involved in this discourse fight in local level Even though Muslims failed in bringing the regional regulations into realiry to make Banten Province as Aceh which has implemented Islamic syari'ah, the emergence of several local regulations in several municipalities shows that this discourse is still alive up to the presen

    Analisis Perkembangan Pendidikan Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta Tahun 2005 - 2010

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    Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu survai dan analisa data sekunder. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta, Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Surakarta dan literatur – literatur terkait. Sedangkan data primer diperoleh dari survai disekolah Pendidikan Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta. Data yang digunakan adalah data jumlah gedung, jumlah kelas, jumlah siswa, jumlah guru. Data yang di kumpulkan kemudian diolah dan di analisa dengan menggunakan metode Kai Kuadrat dan Regresi . Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa pola sebaran Pendidikan dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta terdapat beberapa variasi bentuk. Di tiga Kecamatan membentuk pola Random, Banjarsari (2), Pasar Kliwon (2) dan Laweyan (1,79), sementara Kecamatan Serengan dan Kecamatan Jebres masing – masing membentuk pola seragam (2,17) dan mengelompok (0,95). Tingkat perkembangan murid Pendidikan Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta 12,04 %, Kecamatan Laweyan tingkat perkembangan (6,06 %), lebih besar di bandingkan dengan kecamatan lain. Sementara Jumlah fasilitas ruang kelas secara keseluruhan sebesar 22,05 % dan paling besar di Kecamatan Banjarsari (9,1 %). Faktor pengaruh perkembangan Pendidikan Dasar Muhammadiyah Kota Surakarta adalah usia anak, hubungan usia anak dan perkembangan jumlah kelas dengan metode analisis Korelasi (hubungan tinggi) dan hubungan usia anak dengan perkembangan jumlah siswa adalah r = 0,68. Sementara faktor aksesibilitas, perkembangan jenis jalan dengan jumlah kelas hubunganya singnifikan diperoleh nilai X2 h sebesar 4,44. Sementara jumlah perkembangan kelas dengan jenis jalan hubungannya lemah, diperoleh nilai X2 h sebesar 3,1. Nilai X2 t , tingkat signifikan 0,10 dengan nilai 3,605. Tingkat perkembangan kelas dengan perkembangan nilai ujian akhir sekolah di Kota Surakarta sangat signifikan, nilai Chi kuadrat dengan tingkat signifikan 10% (3,605) sedangkan X2 h lebih besar dari pada X2 t yaitu 4,10, dan tingkat perkembangan jumlah siswa dengan perkembangan nilai di Kota Surakarta tidak signifikan, dengan tingkat signifikan 10% adalah angka 3.605 sedangkan X2 h lebih besar dari pada X2 t yaitu 2.00


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    The establishment of Banten Province in 2000 has had a profound impact on the political and social situations. It also stimulated the rise of the implementation of Islamic law (sharī’ah) discourse in Banten. It is well known that Bantenese is one of the societies that strictly perform Islamic teachings in Java. The rise of Panitia Persiapan Penerapan Syariat Islam Banten (P3SIB/ The Committee of Sharī’ah Implementation Preparation in Banten), a local organization that propagated the important of the implementation of sharī’ah in Banten for instance, illustrated the willingness of Bantenese to implement it. Supported by some local organizations among others alumnae of PII, FSPP (Forum Silaturrahim Pondok Pesantren/Forum for Friendly Relation among Islamic Boarding Schools), as well as transnational organization such as HTI and Tarbiyah, P3SIB organized public meetings, discussions, and seminars about the importance of the implementation of sharī’ah in Banten. Those activities however are not followed by any further serious steps. This paper analyzes the development of the sharī’ah implementation discourse in one of the “religious” provinces in Indonesia and looks at the future of the discourse in Banten


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    title of this research is the Implementation of Healthy Indonesia Card Program (KIS) in Cibadak District, Sukabumi District. This research is based on the importance of the use of Healthy Indonesia Card which must be owned by the lower society in order to get free and equal health services. This study aims to find out the Implementation of Healthy Card Program (KIS) in Kecamatan Cibadak Sukabumi District. Based on the observation and interviews with various informants, the researcher finds the problem phenomenon that is the poor people who have not got the Healthy Indonesia Card and still there are people who do not know Healthy Card Indonesia program, besides the inaccurate data collection done by the officers to the community in the distribution of Card Indonesia Healthy. This research is qualitative. Primary data were obtained from interviews with various informants. While secondary data obtained from the source of studies such as legislation, local regulations, sources of books and previous research sources relevant to the research undertaken. Briefly implementation is an implementation or implementation while health is a basic human need to live a decent and productive. Based on the results of interviews with informants, Implementation of Healthy Card Program (KIS) in Cibadak District Sukabumi Regency has not been realized well. It is seen from the existing resources in the District has not done a good job, namely the lack of data collection optimally. It is expected that the Cibadak subdistrict can implement the Implementation of Healthy Card Indonesia Program (KIS) well with the data collection accurately, and orderly. So that people can have Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) as a whole

    Fieldwork Notes

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    Fieldwork Notes: Visiting Megalithic Sites in Southern Bante

    Preserving Traditional Islamic Thought and Practice: The Codified SūrahYāsīn and Taḥlīl Texts in Indonesia

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    Abstract This paper tries to construct the role of the codified SūrahYāsīn and Taḥlīl texts in Indonesia.The present paper also attempts to investigate the sequential aspects of the transmission of sūrahYāsīn from the single sūrah until it is compiled with taḥlīl texts and become widely used among traditionalist Muslims in Indonesia. The paper provides the faḍā’il al-a‘māl based on some muslim scholars. Some important questions will be dealt here, namely: why does sūrah Yāsīn has a special position? How was sūrahYāsīn and taḥlīl texts compiled in Indonesia? In this paper, I argue that the sūrahYāsīn compiled with taḥlīl texts is sort of textual forms which preserve the traditional Islamic thought and practices in Indonesia.  &nbsp