23 research outputs found
Sampah dan pengelolaannya kini menjadi masalah yang kian
mendesak di kota-kota di Indonesia, sebab apabila tidak dilakukan
penanganan yang baik akan mengakibatkan terjadinya perubahan
keseimbangan lingkungan yang merugikan atau tidak diharapkan sehingga
dapat mencemari lingkungan baik terhadap tanah, air, dan udara.
Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yaitu studi terhadap
pengeloaan sampah kota baik yang dilakukan oleh pihak pemerintah dan
kebiasaan kaum ibu rumah tangga yang didasarkan pada pengamatan
langsung,wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Teknik penarikan sampel
menggunakan “Proposive Sampling” dan “Maximum Variation”. Dalam hal
ini yang menjadi informan adalah orang-orang yang mengetahui dan terlibat
langsung dalamobjek penelitian serta dapat dipercaya untuk memberikan
informasi yang dibutuhkan.
Dengan melalui proses pengumpulan data dan melakukan analisa
data melalui proses interaktif maka diketahui bahwa mekanisme
pengelolaan sampah Kabupaten Boyolali sudah cukup baik selain
mengandalkan proses 3P yaitu pengumpulan, pengangkutan dan
pembuangan juga sudah menerapkan, pengomposan dan landfill. Target
utama dari mekanisme 3P yang dilakukan oleh para petugas kebersihan
adalah pusat kota dan pusat perekonomian Kabupaten Boyolali
This was the second year research about Partnership Policy among Public,
Private and Community in the Development of Tourism (Study on the
Partnership Policy in tourism management in tourism areas in Greater
Malang East Java). The first-year results of the study showed that there was
no partnership Public, Private and Community in the Development of
Tourism in Greater Malang East Java.
Key words: partnership policy, tourism development
Pengembangan Dan Implementasi Total Quality Management Pada Sistem Layanan Akademik
He study is intended to create a model for developing and implementing TQM and increasing the quality of academic service system at the State University of Malang. It is an action research involving those directly working in the academic service system. The findings indicate that the model for developing and implementing TQM increases the quality of the academic service system. The effectiveness is indicated by the increased quality of the academic service system as measured by the increase of satisfaction of the clients, the greater ability of the system to meet the need and expectation of the clients, and the greater involvement of individuals and institutions within the academic service syste
This study aims to know the children's insight toward the existence of school as
educational institution and to improve their critical awareness toward the real meaning of
education. This study uses descriptive qualitative method for identifying the meaning of
school, the impact of that meaning and the implications for the development of the
educational system in Indonesia. The results show that school, for children, is defined as
the process of knowledge transferring, hence it will be useful to seek jobs. This concept is
also supported with schooling-oriented thinking. It means that children have to go to their
school in order to meet their duty toward their parents and country. In boarder sense,
school (or schooling) works as the representation of socio-cultural phenomenon because
it contains such policies and programs issued politically in which the act of those is forced
and dominated by the leaders. The effect of these situations is that the children lack
awareness of the truly meaning of schooling. It implies that the school children are less
good in daily life behaving and less in paying attention and caring of their surrounding
environment. Based on those arguments, we need to train the children to act critically and
improve their critical awareness so that the school children have good morality and
attitude that make them useful for the existence of our nation.
Kata Kunci: sekolah, anak usia sekolah, pendidikan, sosial budaya, makn
Sex Education for Autistic Adolescents
The first adolescent developmental tasks associated with sex that must be mastered is the formation of new relationship and more mature with the opposite sex. The development of interest in the opposite sex follows a certain pattern, likewise for autistic adolescent who experience growth in their sexual side. Sexuality is the integration of feelings, needs, and desires that shape a person’s unique personality, revealing a person’s tendency to be male or female. Sex, on the contrary, is defined as sex or other activities/events from physical relationship sex itself. Adolescent with autism do not like the adolescent age. Parents who have children with autism have different challenge, especially in providing sexual education to their children. Sexual education for adolescents with autism is very important they are more prone to experience sexual harassment. Sexual education is also important for autistic adolescent to them give an adequate understanding regarding changes in physical, mental, and the emotional maturity associated with sexual problems and provide knowledge about the mistake and sexual perversion so that they can protect themselves against the exploitation that can disrupt the physical and mental health
Communication Patterns of Adolescent Autism in Expressing Feelings to The Opposite Sex
Problems in this research is the pattern of communication conducted by adolescent autism in expressing feelings to the opposite sex and the uncontrolled behavior of adolescent autism in expressing the feeling to the opposite sex. The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the communication patterns of adolescent autism in expressing the feeling to the opposite sex as well to explain the uncontrollable behavior that may arise from autistic adolescents when feeling an attraction with the opposite sex. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative with the case study. Subjects in this study were autistic adolescents with an age range of 12 to 22 years, autistic adolescent parents, and teachers/therapists from autistic adolescents. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques by collecting data, organizing data systematically then interpreting data to others. Of the 2 subjects studied showed that communication adolescent autism to the opposite sex that makes them interested tend to passive, 2 subjects cannot communicate their feelings to the opposite sex firmly and clearly. They are more likely to show interest by staring at the opposite sex for long periods of time, walking back and forth near the opposite sex, or following the opposite sex everywhere. Not all autistic teenagers who are getting interested in the opponent have uncontrollable behavior, from 2 subjects there is only 1 who likes to suddenly kiss and hug the opposite sex that attracts him
Strategi Komunikasi Masyarakat Samin dalam Membangun Ketahanan Pangan Lokal
Saminculture remain survive in several areas in Blora regency. They have a unique approach
in building the local food security.Samin people have a principle that to supplyfood
necessity, rice is not the only option.They maintain the variety of the foodstuffs. Therefore, it is
interestingto trace how the Samincommunity undertake the communication strategies to build
local foodsecurity. The research was conducted in Blora. The analytical technique used is asingle
case study by using interactive analysis model, namely: data reduction, presentation ofdata and
drawing conclusion or verification. The result shows that communicationstrategies of Samin
community in maintaining tradition and building local food securityare reflected in the oral
traditions and symbols. The communicators, both parents and communityelders are the most
dominant factors affecting the effectiveness of this communication. The communicationchannels
used to deliver the message about life values andSamin traditions arethe interpersonal channels,
through the customs to gather to discuss or seek guidance from the elders. The effectiveness
of communication in inheriting the tradition is reflected incontinuity of the application of
Samin community up to now.
Masyarakat Samin masih bertahan di beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Blora. Ada keunikan
masyarakat Samin di dalam membangun ketahanan pangan Prinsip masyarakat Samin adalah bahwa
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan tidak harus makan nasi, mereka tetap memelihara keanekaragaman
pangan. Hal ini menarik untuk ditelusuri bagaimana strategi-strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh
masyarakat Samin untuk membangun ketahanan pangan lokal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten
Blora. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis studi kasus tunggal dengan menggunakan
model analisis interaktif, yakni; reduksi data, sajian data dan menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi-strategi komunikasi masyarakat Samin di dalam memelihara
tradisi dan membangun ketahanan pangan lokal adalah direfleksikan di dalam tradisi lisan dan simbolsimbol.
Komunikator, baik orang tua-orang tua mereka dan juga sesepuh masyarakat Samin adalah
factor paling dominan yang mempengaruhi efektifitas di dalam komunikasi. Saluran-saluran komunikasi
yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan tentang nilai-nilai kehidupan dan tradisi Samin adalah saluransaluran
interpersonal, melalui tradisi kumpul bersama untuk mendiskusikan dan meminta nasihat di
rumah sesepuh Samin. Efektivitas komunikasi dalam pewarisan nilai tradisi antara lain tercermin kelestarian
tradisi budaya Samin yang masih diterapkan masyarakat Samin sampai sekarang.
Kata kunci : Budaya, Komunikasi, Solidaritas, Ketahanan Panga
Evaluation of Learning Content Standards at Autistic Schools in Surakarta
This research is aimed at evaluating the learning content standard of special schools for autistic students at the elementary level in Surakarta. Data were collected using questionnaires. Interviews and observations were conducted to obtain qualitative data in support of the quantitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the implementation of learning content standards for autistic schools in Surakarta is in a very good category with the average percentage of 81%. However, the implementation of the standards still faces obstacles; therefore it needs some adjustments with the new curriculum (2013 Curriculum). These results can be used as suggestions to improve the implementation of content standards for autistic school in Surakarta
Identification of Classroom Physical Environmental for Wheelchair Users in Inclusive Schools
This study aims to determine the classroom physical environment of wheelchair users in inclusive schools. This research was conducted in two inclusion schools in Surakarta City. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that some of the things that teachers have done related classroom arrange for wheelchair users are an easy door for wheelchair users, non-slip floors, seating is easy to reach by students, provided ventilation and light enough, and available device have been modified. While the obstacles experienced by wheelchair users are the distance between the table is difficult to pass the wheelchair, difficulty in using modified device, difficulty move in building multi-storey school building and path to a class that has not been smooth
Strategi Komunikasi Masyarakat Samin dalam Membangun Ketahanan Pangan Lokal
Masyarakat Samin masih bertahan di beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Blora. Ada keunikan masyarakat Samin di dalam membangun ketahanan pangan Prinsip masyarakat Samin adalah bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan tidak harus makan nasi, mereka tetap memelihara keanekaragaman pangan. Hal ini menarik untuk ditelusuribagaimana strategi-strategi komunikasiyang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Samin untuk membangun ketahanan pangan lokal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakandi Kabupaten Blora. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis studi kasus tunggal dengan menggunakan model analisis interaktif, yakni;reduksi data,sajian data dan menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi-strategi komunikasi masyarakat Samin di dalam memelihara tradisi dan membangun ketahanan pangan lokal adalah direfleksikan di dalam tradisi lisan dan simbolsimbol. Komunikator, baik orang tua-orang tua mereka dan juga sesepuh masyarakat Samin adalah factor paling dominan yang mempengaruhi efektifitas di dalam komunikasi. Saluran-saluran komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan tentang nilai-nilai kehidupan dan tradisi Samin adalah saluran saluran interpersonal, melalui tradisi kumpul bersama untuk mendiskusikan dan meminta nasihat di rumah sesepuh Samin. Efektivitas komunikasi dalam pewarisan nilai tradisi antara lain tercermin kelestarian tradisi budaya Samin yang masih diterapkan masyarakat Samin sampai sekarang