4,355 research outputs found
Local knowledge and amateur participation. Shevchenko Scientific Society, 1892–1914
This article discusses the possibilities which amateur participation offered to the young Shevchenko Scientific Society – limited to the description of the activities of this Society in the years 1892–1914.
The Society intended to develop rapidly into an academy of sciences in the Ukrainian language, but lacked the necessary resources. The existing network of Ukrainian associations in Eastern Galicia, which contributed to the development of scientific exchange, was helpful in achieving that status.
Before looking into the details of research agendas, the possibilities to use concepts of citizen science are measured for the context of the late 19th and the early 20th century.
The relation between ‘scientists’ and ‘amateurs’ is problematized on the basis of biographical examples of engaged scientists and activists, especially Volodymyr Hnatiuk from the Ethnographic Commission and Stanislav Dnistriansky from the Statistical Commission.
In order to understand the specific relations of Hnatiuk to his network of folklore collectors, their projects, aims and possibilities, Hnatiuk’s research is contrasted with the statistical surveys initiated by Dnistrians’kyĭ.
Based on their archival documentation and published sources, these research projects are analyzed together with the different circumstances between the poles of “national science” and “local knowledge”.
The article suggests that Ukrainian amateur researchers contributed intensely to the nation- and region-building in the multinational Empire.This article discusses the possibilities which amateur participation offered to the young Shevchenko Scientific Society – limited to the description of the activities of this Society in the years 1892–1914.
The Society intended to develop rapidly into an academy of sciences in the Ukrainian language, but lacked the necessary resources. The existing network of Ukrainian associations in Eastern Galicia, which contributed to the development of scientific exchange, was helpful in achieving that status.
Before looking into the details of research agendas, the possibilities to use concepts of citizen science are measured for the context of the late 19th and the early 20th century.
The relation between ‘scientists’ and ‘amateurs’ is problematized on the basis of biographical examples of engaged scientists and activists, especially Volodymyr Hnatiuk from the Ethnographic Commission and Stanislav Dnistriansky from the Statistical Commission.
In order to understand the specific relations of Hnatiuk to his network of folklore collectors, their projects, aims and possibilities, Hnatiuk’s research is contrasted with the statistical surveys initiated by Dnistrians’kyĭ.
Based on their archival documentation and published sources, these research projects are analyzed together with the different circumstances between the poles of “national science” and “local knowledge”.
The article suggests that Ukrainian amateur researchers contributed intensely to the nation- and region-building in the multinational Empire.
Lokalna wiedza i uczestnictwo amatorów. Towarzystwo Naukowe im. Szewczenki w latach 1892–1914
W artykule omówiono, jakie możliwości oferowały amatorskie badania młodemu Towarzystwu Naukowemu im. Szewczenki działającemu w Galicji Wschodniej; ograniczono się do opisu działalności tego Towarzystwa w latach 1892–1914.
Towarzystwo zamierzało się szybko rozwinąć w ukraińską akademię nauk, ale brakowało mu do tego niezbędnych zasobów. Pomocą służyła istniejąca już sieć ukraińskich stowarzyszeń, która przyczyniła się do rozwoju wymiany naukowej.
Przed rozpatrzeniem szczegółów programów badawczych, przeanalizowano możliwości wykorzystania koncepcji nauki obywatelskiej w kontekście końca XIX i początku XX wieku. Przedstawiono relację między „naukowcami” a „amatorami” na podstawie przykładów z biografii zaangażowanych naukowców i działaczy, zwłaszcza Wołodymyra Hnatiuka działającego w Komisji Etnograficznej i Stanisława Dniestrianskiego działającego w Komisji Statystycznej.
Aby zrozumieć specyficzne relacje łączące Hnatiuka z jego siecią kolekcjonerów folkloru, ich projektami, celami oraz możliwościami, badania Hnatiuka zostały porównane z badaniami statystycznymi zainicjowanymi przez Stanisława Dniestrianskiego.
W oparciu o dokumentację archiwalną i opublikowane źródła przeanalizowano niektóre projekty badawcze z perspektywy z jednej strony „nauki narodowej”, a z drugiej „wiedzy lokalnej”.
Artykuł sugeruje, że ukraińscy badacze amatorzy intensywnie przyczynili się do budowania świadomości narodowej i regionalnej w wielonarodowym imperium
Efficient Coordination in Weakest-Link Games
Existing experimental research on behavior in weakest-link games shows overwhelmingly the inability of people to coordinate on the efficient equilibrium, especially in larger groups. We hypothesize that people are able to coordinate on efficient outcomes, provided they have sufficient freedom to choose their interaction neighborhood. We conduct experiments with medium sized and large groups and show that neighborhood choice indeed leads to coordination on the fully efficient equilibrium, irrespective if group size. This leads to substantial welfare effects. Achieved welfare is between 40 and 60 percent higher in games with neighborhood choice than without neighborhood choice. We identify exclusion as the simple but very effective mechanism underlying this result. In early rounds, high performers exclude low performers who in consequence 'learn' to become high performers.efficient coordination, weakest-link, minimum effort, neighborhood choice, experiment
Efficient Coordination in Weakest-Link Games
Existing experimental research on behavior in weakest-link games shows overwhelmingly theinability of people to coordinate on the efficient equilibrium, especially in larger groups. Wehypothesize that people will be able to coordinate on efficient outcomes, provided they havesufficient freedom to choose their interaction neighborhood. We conduct experiments with mediumsized and large groups and show that neighborhood choice indeed leads to coordination on the fullyefficient equilibrium, irrespective of group size. This leads to substantial welfare effects.Achieved welfare is between 40 and 60 percent higher in games with neighborhood choice thanwithout neighborhood choice. We identify exclusion as the simple but very effective mechanismunderlying this result. In early rounds, high performers exclude low performers who in consequence‘learn’ to become high performers.microeconomics ;
In-situ H2O removal via hydorphilic membranes during Fischer-Tropsch and other fuel-related synthesis reactions
The general objective of this thesis was to explore the potential of in-situ H2O removal during fuel-related synthesis reactions with focus on in-situ H2O removal by hydrophilic membranes and by chemical reaction. It is demonstrated that in-situ H2O removal through vapour permeation during CO2 hydrogenation to Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons and during DME/DEE synthesis leads to increased conversion and yield levels, which are directly linked to the degree of H2O recovery
Efficient Coordination in Weakest-Link Games
Existing experimental research on behavior in weakest-link games shows overwhelmingly the inability of people to coordinate on the efficient equilibrium, especially in larger groups. We hypothesize that people will be able to coordinate on efficient outcomes, provided they have sufficient freedom to choose their interaction neighborhood. We conduct experiments with medium sized and large groups and show that neighborhood choice indeed leads to coordination on the fully efficient equilibrium, irrespective of group size. This leads to substantial welfare effects. Achieved welfare is between 40 and 60 percent higher in games with neighborhood choice than without neighborhood choice. We identify exclusion as the simple but very effective mechanism underlying this result. In early rounds, high performers exclude low performers who in consequence ‘learn’ to become high performers.efficient coordination, weakest-link, minimum effort, neighborhood choice, experiment
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