39,756 research outputs found
Respect in Organizations: Feeling Valued as “We” and “Me”
Research suggests that organizational members highly prize respect but rarely report adequately receiving it. However, there is a lack of theory in organizational behavior regarding what respect actually is and why members prize it. We argue that there are two distinct types of respect: generalized respect is the sense that “we” are all valued in this organization, and particularized respect is the sense that the organization values “me” for particular attributes, behaviors, and achievements. We build a theoretical model of respect, positing antecedents of generalized respect from the sender’s perspective (prestige of social category, climate for generalized respect) and proposed criteria for the evaluation of particularized respect (role, organizational member, and character prototypicality), which is then enacted by the sender and perceived by the receiver. We also articulate how these two types of respect fulfill the receiver’s needs for belonging and status, which facilitates the self-related outcomes of organization-based self-esteem, organizational and role identification, and psychological safety. Finally, we consider generalized and personalized respect jointly and present four combinations of the two types of respect. We argue that the discrepancy between organizational members’ desired and received respect is partially attributable to the challenge of simultaneously enacting or receiving respect for both the “we” and the “me.
Optimal control of non-stationary differential linear repetitive processes
Differential repetitive processes are a distinct class of continuousdiscrete 2D linear systems of both systems theoretic and applications interest. The feature which makes them distinct from other classes of such systems is the fact that information propagation in one of the two independent directions only occurs over a finite interval. Applications areas include iterative learning control and iterative solution algorithms for classes of dynamic nonlinear optimal control problems based on the maximum principle, and the modelling of numerous industrial processes such as metal rolling, and long-wall cutting etc. The new results in is paper solve a general optimal problem in the presence of non-stationary dynamics
“I Identify with Her,” “I Identify with Him”: Unpacking the Dynamics of Personal Identification in Organizations
Despite recognizing the importance of personal identification in organizations, researchers have rarely explored its dynamics. We define personal identification as perceived oneness with another individual, where one defines oneself in terms of the other. While many scholars have found that personal identification is associated with helpful effects, others have found it harmful. To resolve this contradiction, we distinguish between three paths to personal identification—threat-focused, opportunity-focused, and closeness-focused paths—and articulate a model that includes each. We examine the contextual features, how individuals’ identities are constructed, and the likely outcomes that follow in the three paths. We conclude with a discussion of how the threat-, opportunity-, and closeness-focused personal identification processes potentially blend, as well as implications for future research and practice
Seeing More than Orange: Organizational Respect and Positive Identity Transformation in a Prison Context
This paper develops grounded theory on how receiving respect at work enables individuals to engage in positive identity transformation and the resulting personal and work-related outcomes. A company that employs inmates at a state prison to perform professional business-to-business marketing services provided a unique context for data collection. Our data indicate that inmates experienced respect in two distinct ways, generalized and particularized, which initiated an identity decoupling process that allowed them to distinguish between their inmate identity and their desired future selves and to construct transitional identities that facilitated positive change. The social context of the organization provided opportunities for personal and social identities to be claimed, respected, and granted, producing social validation and enabling individuals to feel secure in their transitional identities. We find that security in personal identities produces primarily performance-related outcomes, whereas security in the company identity produces primarily well-being-related outcomes. Further, these two types of security together foster an integration of seemingly incompatible identities—”identity holism”—as employees progress toward becoming their desired selves. Our work suggests that organizations can play a generative role in improving the lives of their members through respect-based processes
Salinity Responses in Some Forage Legume Species
The salt tolerances of more than 70 lines and species of forage legumes were evaluated in a series of greenhouse experiments, with the aim of identifying plant material that is more salt tolerant than some of the more traditionally-grown, temperate, forage legume species. Several species or lines showed potential as salt tolerant germplasm including sweet clover (Melilotus albus), berseem clover (T. alexandrinum) cvv. Mescani and Wardan, woolly clover (T. tomentosum), birdsfoot treefoil (L. Corniculatus), slender birdsfoot treefoil (Lotus tenuis) and Trifolium squamosum. However, further selection and field evaluation is required in order to fully assess the potential of this material under saline soil conditions
Experimental Verification of a Depth Controller using Model Predictive Control with Constraints onboard a Thruster Actuated AUV
In this work a depth and pitch controller for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is developed. This controller uses the model predictive control method to manoeuvre the vehicle whilst operating within the defined constraints of the AUV actuators. Experimental results are given for the AUV performing a step change in depth whilst maintaining zero pitch
An investigation of the decoupling effects in a magnetic forming beryllium coil assembly
Decoupling effects in magnetic forming beryllium coil assembl
Stochastic oscillations of adaptive networks: application to epidemic modelling
Adaptive-network models are typically studied using deterministic
differential equations which approximately describe their dynamics. In
simulations, however, the discrete nature of the network gives rise to
intrinsic noise which can radically alter the system's behaviour. In this
article we develop a method to predict the effects of stochasticity in adaptive
networks by making use of a pair-based proxy model. The technique is developed
in the context of an epidemiological model of a disease spreading over an
adaptive network of infectious contact. Our analysis reveals that in this model
the structure of the network exhibits stochastic oscillations in response to
fluctuations in the disease dynamic.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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