9,358 research outputs found

    Public Perceptions of the Midwest’s Pavements: Policies and Tradeoffs in Pavement Improvement

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    With the budget crisis plaguing so many states, pavement management will compete more vigorously for limited funds. Findings reported from a tri-state pooled-fund research project provide insights and guidelines for pavement improvement derived from the perceptions of the driving public. The Phase II responses from statewide surveys in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin address the topics of perceptions of the State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), pavement repair tradeoffs, and pavement evaluation. The results disclose specific public perceptions of priorities for spending limited highway funds. Implications for pavement management, policy, planning, as well as for marketing to garner additional funds are explored

    Anti-Competitive Marketing Practices in the Airline Industry

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    Consumers, airlines and the economy as a whole have benefited from airline deregulation. Government regulation was replaced by competition as the protector of the consumers. Airlines continue to pursue marketing strategies which reduce competition and as act as barriers to new entrants. This paper reviews some of those strategies and suggest actions by which policy makers might encourage competition

    Computer-aided highway design : automatic generation of the vertical alignment

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    Productivity Spillovers to Domestic Plants from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from UK Manufacturing, 1974-1995

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    Empirical literature on the impact of FDI has considered at length the indirect spillover benefits that accrue to domestic plants as a result of FDI presence. However, the imprecise and disparate nature of spillovers makes accurate definition and indeed measurement of them difficult to achieve. In this paper, we consider the definition of what constitutes a spillover from FDI, and setout three main channels for spillovers; within (intra)industry, between (inter)industry and agglomeration. We then go on to measure the indirect impact of FDI on the total factor productivity of domestic plants in a number of UK manufacturing industries, 1974-1995, using a standard production function-based approach. We use data made available from the UK ARD and information derived from UK input-output tables, to establish the potential for inter-industry linkages. Our results indicate that the competition and ëabsorption capacityí effect at times outweighs any potential benefits, leading to negative spillovers. We also find that inter-industry spillovers are generally more prevalent than intra-industry spillovers. Generally, we do not find the agglomeration spillover to be significant. However, we conclude that the nature of spillovers is such that measurement techniques traditionally adopted fail to adequately explain their complex and diverse nature.

    Stress Management in Borderline Hypertension

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    Roll 138. Annette & Phyllis O'Callaghan. Image 14 of 22. (June, 1954) [PHO 1.138.20]The Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke) Photographs contain more than 28,000 images of Saint Louis University people, activities, and events between 1951 and 1970. The photographs were taken by Boleslaus Lukaszewski (Father Luke), a Jesuit priest and member of the University's Philosophy Department faculty

    Stress Management in Borderline Hypertension

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