10,515 research outputs found
Inference on power law spatial trends
Power law or generalized polynomial regressions with unknown real-valued
exponents and coefficients, and weakly dependent errors, are considered for
observations over time, space or space--time. Consistency and asymptotic
normality of nonlinear least-squares estimates of the parameters are
established. The joint limit distribution is singular, but can be used as a
basis for inference on either exponents or coefficients. We discuss issues of
implementation, efficiency, potential for improved estimation and possibilities
of extension to more general or alternative trending models to allow for
irregularly spaced data or heteroscedastic errors; though it focusses on a
particular model to fix ideas, the paper can be viewed as offering machinery
useful in developing inference for a variety of models in which power law
trends are a component. Indeed, the paper also makes a contribution that is
potentially relevant to many other statistical models: Our problem is one of
many in which consistency of a vector of parameter estimates (which converge at
different rates) cannot be established by the usual techniques for coping with
implicitly-defined extremum estimates, but requires a more delicate treatment;
we present a generic consistency result.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ349 the Bernoulli
(http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical
Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
We develop a sequence of tests for specifying the cointegrating rank of, possiblyfractional, multiple time series. Memory parameters of observables are treated asunknown, as are those of possible cointegrating errors. The individual test statisticshave standard null asymptotics, and are related to Hausman specification teststatistics: when the memory parameter is common to several series, an estimate ofthis parameter based on the assumption of no cointegration achieves an efficiencyimprovement over estimates based on individual series, whereas if the series arecointegrated the former estimate is generally inconsistent. However, acomputationally simpler but asymptotically equivalent approach, which avoidsexplicit computation of the "efficient" estimate, is instead pursued here. Twoversions of it are initially proposed, followed by one that robustifies to possibleinequality between memory parameters of observables. Throughout, asemiparametric approach is pursued, modelling serial dependence only atfrequencies near the origin, with the goal of validity under broad circumstances andcomputational convenience. The main development is in terms of stationary series,but an extension to nonstationary ones is also described. The algorithm forestimating cointegrating rank entails carrying out such tests based on potentially allsubsets of two or more of the series, though outcomes of previous tests mayrender some or all subsequent ones unnecessary. A Monte Carlo study of finitesample performance is included.Fractional cointegration, Diagnostic testing, Specificationtesting, Cointegrating rank, Semiparametric estimation.
Large-sample inference on spatial dependence
We consider cross-sectional data that exhibit no spatial correlation, but are feared to be spatially dependent. We demonstrate that a spatial version of the stochastic volatility model of financial econometrics, entailing a form of spatial autoregression, can explain such behaviour. The parameters are estimated by pseudo Gaussian maximum likelihood based on log-transformed squares, and consistency and asymptotic normality are established. Asymptotically valid tests for spatial independence are developed.
Nonparametric trending regression with cross-sectional dependence
Panel data, whose series length T is large but whose cross-section size N need not be, are assumed to have a common time trend. The time trend is of unknown form, the model includes additive, unknown, individual-specific components, and we allow for spatial or other cross-sectional dependence and/or heteroscedasticity. A simple smoothed nonparametric trend estimate is shown to be dominated by an estimate which exploits the availability of cross-sectional data. Asymptotically optimal choices of bandwidth are justified for both estimates. Feasible optimal bandwidths, and feasible optimal trend estimates, are asymptotically justified, the finite sample performance of the latter being examined in a Monte Carlo study. A number of potential extensions are discussed.
We consider a multivariate continuous time process, generated by a system of linear stochastic differential equations, driven by white noise and involving coefficients that possibly vary over time. The process is observable only at discrete, but not necessarily equally-spaced, time points (though equal spacing significantly simplifies matters). Such settings represent partial extensions of ones studied extensively by A.R. Bergstrom. A model for the observed time series is deduced. Initially we focus on a first-order model, but higher-order ones are discussed in case of equally-spaced observations. Some discussion of issues of statistical inference is included.Stochastic differential equations, time-varying coefficients, discrete sampling, irregular sampling.
Correlation testing in time series, spatial and cross-sectional data
We provide a general class of tests for correlation in time series, spatial, spatio-temporal and cross-sectional data. We motivate our focus by reviewing how computational and theoretical difficulties of point estimation mount as one moves from regularly-spaced time series data, through forms of irregular spacing, and to spatial data of various kinds. A broad class of computationally simple tests is justiied. These specialize Lagrange multiplier tests against parametric departures of various kinds. Their forms are illustrated in case of several models for describing correlation in various kinds of data. The initial focus assumes homoscedasticity, but we also robustify the tests to nonparametric heteroscedasticity.Correlation; heteroscedasticity; Lagrange multiplier tests.
Asymptotic theory for nonparametric regression with spatial data
Nonparametric regression with spatial, or spatio-temporal, data is considered. The conditional mean of a dependent variable, given explanatory ones, is a nonparametric function, while the conditional covariance reflects spatial correlation. Conditional heteroscedasticity is also allowed, as well as non-identically distributed observations. Instead of mixing conditions, a (possibly non-stationary) linear process is assumed for disturbances, allowing for long range, as well as short-range, dependence, while decay in dependence in explanatory variables is described using a measure based on the departure of the joint density from the product of marginal densities. A basic triangular array setting is employed, with the aim of covering various patterns of spatial observation. Sufficient conditions are established for consistency and asymptotic normality of kernel regression estimates. When the cross-sectional dependence is sufficiently mild, the asymptotic variance in the central limit theorem is the same as when observations are independent; otherwise, the rate of convergence is slower. We discuss application of our conditions to spatial autoregressive models, and models defined on a regular lattice.
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