11 research outputs found
RadiX-Net: Structured Sparse Matrices for Deep Neural Networks
The sizes of deep neural networks (DNNs) are rapidly outgrowing the capacity
of hardware to store and train them. Research over the past few decades has
explored the prospect of sparsifying DNNs before, during, and after training by
pruning edges from the underlying topology. The resulting neural network is
known as a sparse neural network. More recent work has demonstrated the
remarkable result that certain sparse DNNs can train to the same precision as
dense DNNs at lower runtime and storage cost. An intriguing class of these
sparse DNNs is the X-Nets, which are initialized and trained upon a sparse
topology with neither reference to a parent dense DNN nor subsequent pruning.
We present an algorithm that deterministically generates RadiX-Nets: sparse DNN
topologies that, as a whole, are much more diverse than X-Net topologies, while
preserving X-Nets' desired characteristics. We further present a
functional-analytic conjecture based on the longstanding observation that
sparse neural network topologies can attain the same expressive power as dense
counterpartsComment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted at IEEE IPDPS 2019 GrAPL workshop. arXiv
admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.0524
Quantum Cosmological Relational Model of Shape and Scale in 1-d
Relational particle models are useful toy models for quantum cosmology and
the problem of time in quantum general relativity. This paper shows how to
extend existing work on concrete examples of relational particle models in 1-d
to include a notion of scale. This is useful as regards forming a tight analogy
with quantum cosmology and the emergent semiclassical time and hidden time
approaches to the problem of time. This paper shows furthermore that the
correspondence between relational particle models and classical and quantum
cosmology can be strengthened using judicious choices of the mechanical
potential. This gives relational particle mechanics models with analogues of
spatial curvature, cosmological constant, dust and radiation terms. A number of
these models are then tractable at the quantum level. These models can be used
to study important issues 1) in canonical quantum gravity: the problem of time,
the semiclassical approach to it and timeless approaches to it (such as the
naive Schrodinger interpretation and records theory). 2) In quantum cosmology,
such as in the investigation of uniform states, robustness, and the qualitative
understanding of the origin of structure formation.Comment: References and some more motivation adde
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Dissecting FcγR Regulation through a Multivalent Binding Model.
Many immune receptors transduce activation across the plasma membrane through their clustering. With Fcγ receptors (FcγRs), this clustering is driven by binding to antibodies of differing affinities that are in turn bound to multivalent antigen. As a consequence of this activation mechanism, accounting for and rationally manipulating immunoglobulin (Ig)G effector function is complicated by, among other factors, differing affinities between FcγR species and changes in the valency of antigen binding. In this study, we show that a model of multivalent receptor-ligand binding can effectively account for the contribution of IgG-FcγR affinity and immune complex valency. This model in turn enables us to make specific predictions about the effect of immune complexes of defined composition. In total, these results enable both rational immune complex design for a desired IgG effector function and the deconvolution of effector function by immune complexes
A comparison of control strategies for wave energy converters
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd In this study, we employ a numerical model to compare the performance of a number of wave energy converter control strategies. The controllers selected for evaluation span a wide range in their requirements for implementation. Each control strategy is evaluated using a single numerical model with a set of sea states to represent a deployment site off the coast of Newport, OR. A number of metrics, ranging from power absorption to kinematics, are employed to provide a comparison of each control strategy\u27s performance that accounts for both relative benefits and costs. The results show a wide range of performances from the different controllers and highlight the need for a holistic design approach which considers control design as a parallel component within the larger process WEC design
\u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution
The Muller F element (4.2 Mb, ~80 protein-coding genes) is an unusual autosome of Drosophila melanogaster; it is mostly heterochromatic with a low recombination rate. To investigate how these properties impact the evolution of repeats and genes, we manually improved the sequence and annotated the genes on the D. erecta, D. mojavensis, and D. grimshawi F elements and euchromatic domains from the Muller D element. We find that F elements have greater transposon density (25–50%) than euchromatic reference regions (3–11%). Among the F elements, D. grimshawi has the lowest transposon density (particularly DINE-1: 2% vs. 11–27%). F element genes have larger coding spans, more coding exons, larger introns, and lower codon bias. Comparison of the Effective Number of Codons with the Codon Adaptation Index shows that, in contrast to the other species, codon bias in D. grimshawi F element genes can be attributed primarily to selection instead of mutational biases, suggesting that density and types of transposons affect the degree of local heterochromatin formation. F element genes have lower estimated DNA melting temperatures than D element genes, potentially facilitating transcription through heterochromatin. Most F element genes (~90%) have remained on that element, but the F element has smaller syntenic blocks than genome averages (3.4–3.6 vs. 8.4–8.8 genes per block), indicating greater rates of inversion despite lower rates of recombination. Overall, the F element has maintained characteristics that are distinct from other autosomes in the Drosophila lineage, illuminating the constraints imposed by a heterochromatic milieu