24,843 research outputs found
On the Impact of Entity Linking in Microblog Real-Time Filtering
Microblogging is a model of content sharing in which the temporal locality of
posts with respect to important events, either of foreseeable or unforeseeable
nature, makes applica- tions of real-time filtering of great practical
interest. We propose the use of Entity Linking (EL) in order to improve the
retrieval effectiveness, by enriching the representation of microblog posts and
filtering queries. EL is the process of recognizing in an unstructured text the
mention of relevant entities described in a knowledge base. EL of short pieces
of text is a difficult task, but it is also a scenario in which the information
EL adds to the text can have a substantial impact on the retrieval process. We
implement a start-of-the-art filtering method, based on the best systems from
the TREC Microblog track realtime adhoc retrieval and filtering tasks , and
extend it with a Wikipedia-based EL method. Results show that the use of EL
significantly improves over non-EL based versions of the filtering methods.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. SAC 2015, Salamanca, Spain - April 13 -
17, 201
Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nest predation at Cape Range National Park
Most of the existing sea turtle populations worldwide are in decline. In particular, loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are listed as endangered and loggerhead nesting populations in Eastern Australia have declined by 86% since the 1970s. However, whilst Eastern Australian loggerhead populations have been extensively studied and monitored, not much is known about the Western Australian nesting population
On the pathwidth of almost semicomplete digraphs
We call a digraph {\em -semicomplete} if each vertex of the digraph has at
most non-neighbors, where a non-neighbor of a vertex is a vertex such that there is no edge between and in either direction.
This notion generalizes that of semicomplete digraphs which are
-semicomplete and tournaments which are semicomplete and have no
anti-parallel pairs of edges. Our results in this paper are as follows. (1) We
give an algorithm which, given an -semicomplete digraph on vertices
and a positive integer , in time either
constructs a path-decomposition of of width at most or concludes
correctly that the pathwidth of is larger than . (2) We show that there
is a function such that every -semicomplete digraph of pathwidth
at least has a semicomplete subgraph of pathwidth at least .
One consequence of these results is that the problem of deciding if a fixed
digraph is topologically contained in a given -semicomplete digraph
admits a polynomial-time algorithm for fixed .Comment: 33pages, a shorter version to appear in ESA 201
Information requirements for enterprise systems
In this paper, we discuss an approach to system requirements engineering, which is based on using models of the responsibilities assigned to agents in a multi-agency system of systems. The responsibility models serve as a basis for identifying the stakeholders that should be considered in establishing the requirements and provide a basis for a structured approach, described here, for information requirements elicitation. We illustrate this approach using a case study drawn from civil emergency management
Tweed in Martensites: A Potential New Spin Glass
We've been studying the ``tweed'' precursors above the martensitic transition
in shape--memory alloys. These characteristic cross--hatched modulations occur
for hundreds of degrees above the first--order shape--changing transition. Our
two--dimensional model for this transition, in the limit of infinite elastic
anisotropy, can be mapped onto a spin--glass Hamiltonian in a random field. We
suggest that the tweed precursors are a direct analogy of the spin--glass
phase. The tweed is intermediate between the high--temperature cubic phase and
the low--temperature martensitic phase in the same way as the spin--glass phase
can be intermediate between ferromagnet and antiferromagnet.Comment: 18 pages and four figures (included
A Cosmic Battery Reconsidered
We revisit the problem of magnetic field generation in accretion flows onto
black holes owing to the excess radiation force on electrons. This excess force
may arise from the Poynting-Robertson effect.
Instead of a recent claim of the generation of dynamically important magnetic
fields, we establish the validity of earlier results from 1977 which show only
small magnetic fields are generated.
The radiative force causes the magnetic field to initially grow linearly with
time. However, this linear growth holds for only a {\it restricted} time
interval which is of the order of the accretion time of the matter.
The large magnetic fields recently found result from the fact that the linear
growth is unrestricted.
A model of the Poynting-Robertson magnetic field generation close to the
horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole is solved exactly using General
Relativity, and the field is also found to be dynamically insignificant.
These weak magnetic fields may however be important as seed fields for
dynamos.Comment: Astrophysical Journal (accepted
Non-typhoidal Salmonella at the human-food-of-animal-origin interface in Australia
Non-typhoidal Salmonella is a major zoonotic pathogen that plays a significant role in foodborne human salmonellosis worldwide through the consumption of contaminated foods, particularly those of animal origin. Despite a considerable reduction in human salmonellosis outbreaks in developed countries, Australia is experiencing a continuous rise of such outbreaks in humans. This review of the literature highlights the reported non-typhoidal Salmonella outbreaks in humans as well as the occurrence of the pathogen in foods from animal sources throughout Australia. Non-typhoidal Salmonella infections from food animals are more often associated with at-risk people, such as immunocompromised and aged people or children. Although several animal-sourced foods were recognised as the catalysts for salmonellosis outbreaks in Australia, egg and egg-based products remained the most implicated foods in the reported outbreaks. This review further highlights the antimicrobial resistance trends of non-typhoidal Salmonella isolates at the human–food interface, with a focus on clinically important antimicrobials in humans, by collating evidence from previous investigations in Australia. The rise in antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella, especially to antimicrobials commonly prescribed to treat human salmonellosis, has become a significant global public health concern. However, the overall prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Australia is considerably lower than in other parts of the world, particularly in terms of critically important antimicrobials for the treatment of human salmonellosis. The present review adds to our understanding of the global epidemiology of non-typhoidal Salmonella with emphasis on the past few decades in Australia
Clinical investigation of an outbreak of alveolitis and asthma in a car engine manufacturing plant
Background Exposure to metal working fluid (MWF) has been associated with outbreaks of EAA in the US, with bacterial contamination of MWF being a possible cause, but was uncommon in the UK. Twelve workers developed extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) in a car engine manufacturing plant in the UK, presenting clinically between December 2003 and May 2004. This paper reports the subsequent epidemiological investigation of the whole workforce. This had three aims:-
• To measure the extent of the outbreak by identifying other workers who may have developed EAA or other work-related respiratory diseases.
• To provide case-detection so that those affected can be treated.
• To provide epidemiological data to identify the cause of the outbreak.
Methods The outbreak was investigated in a three-phase cross-sectional survey of the workforce.
Phase I A respiratory screening questionnaire was completed by 808/836 workers (96.7%) in May 2004.
Phase II 481 employees with at least one respiratory symptom on screening and 50 asymptomatic controls were invited for investigation at the factory in June 2004. This included a questionnaire, spirometry and clinical opinion. 454/481(94.4%) responded along with 48/50(96%) controls. Workers were identified who needed further investigation and serial measurements of peak expiratory flow (PEF).
Phase III 162 employees were seen at the Birmingham Occupational Lung Disease clinic. 198 employees returned PEF records, including 141 of the 162 who attended for clinical investigation. Case definitions for diagnoses were agreed.
Results 87 workers (10.4% of workforce) met case definitions for occupational lung disease, comprising EAA(19), occupational asthma(74) and humidifier fever(7). 12 workers had more than one diagnosis. The peak onset of work-related breathlessness was Spring 2003. The proportion of workers affected was higher for those using metal working fluid (MWF) from a large sump(27.3%) compared with working all over the manufacturing area (7.9%) (OR=4.39,p<0.001). Two workers had positive specific provocation tests to the used but not the unused MWF solution.
Conclusions Extensive investigation of the outbreak of EAA detected a large number of affected workers, not only with EAA but also occupational asthma. This is the largest reported outbreak in Europe. Mist from used MWF is the likely cause. In workplaces using MWF, there is a need to carry out risk assessments, to monitor and maintain fluid quality, to control mist and to carry out respiratory health surveillance
New Path Equations in Absolute Parallelism Geometry
The Bazanski approach, for deriving the geodesic equations in Riemannian
geometry, is generalized in the absolute parallelism geometry. As a consequence
of this generalization three path equations are obtained. A striking feature in
the derived equations is the appearance of a torsion term with a numerical
coefficients that jumps by a step of one half from equation to another. This is
tempting to speculate that the paths in absolute parallelism geometry might
admit a quantum feature.Comment: 4 pages Latex file Journal Reference: Astrophysics and space science
228, 273, (1995
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